四种类型,Four types
1)Four types四种类型

1.The testa sculptures of Acer are divided into four types, as follows: (1) moasaic;从种皮的雕纹类型看,槭树属的种皮可以概括为四种类型:(1)嵌合型;
2.There are four kinds of forgiveness. The first is beginner forgiveness for yourself.有四种类型的宽恕。第一种是对自己的初级宽恕。
3.There are four main types of viruses: shell, intrusive, operating system and source ode.有四种类型的病毒程序:外壳型、入侵型、操作系统型和源码型。
4.Nevertheless, all adjusting entries fall into one of the following four categories.但是,所有的调整分录都属于以下四种类型之一。
5.There are four types of nucleic acid, adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine*.有四种类型的核酸——腺嘌呤、核嘧啶、嘌呤、胸腺嘧啶。
6.Four types of fruits Fraxinus Linn. (Oleaceae)and its systematic significance梣属(Fraxinus)植物果实的四种类型及其系统学意义
7.There are four main types of viruses: shell, intrusive, operating system, and source code.有四种类型的病毒:外壳、入侵、操作系统和源码。
8.Creative Artistic Conception and Descriptive Artistic Conception and Four Types of Literary Theory;“造境”、“写境”与《镜与灯》中文艺理论的四种类型
9.There are four principal types of limestones.石灰岩有四种主要类型。
10.2. Four types errors show different position effect.四种错误类型表现出不同的位置效应。
11.Litterfall decomposition in four forest types in Changbai Mountains of China.长白山四种森林类型凋落物分解动态
12.Dynamic characteristics of litterfalls in four forest types of Changbai Mountains,China长白山四种森林类型凋落物动态特征
13.Study on the dormancy type of seeds of four species of wild Iris in China四种国产野生无髯鸢尾种子休眠类型的研究
14."aBO system: a classification system for human blood that identifies four major blood types based on the presence or absence of two antigens, a and B, on red blood cells."aBO血型分类法: 一种人类血型分类方法,以红细胞上有无a和B两种抗原而分为四种血型。
15.There are more than10 pepper varieties among" xiangyan" series, Which can be divided into4 type of gently hot, hot, sweet and special purpose.湘研系列辣椒10多个品种,有微辣型、味型、味型、用型四个类型。
16.Four record the account certificate best of the type to establish an in general use format.四是记账凭证类型最好只设一种通用格式。
17.There are four specialized radio channels, which broadcast different kinds of programmes.有四种专门广播频道,播放不同类型的节目。
18.Studies on Chromosomes Karyotype of Four Species of Wild Culter Erythropterus Basilewsky in Dalai Lake;达赉湖四种鲤科野生经济鱼类染色体组型研究

Four type capital四种类型的资本
3)four types ofliterary theory文艺理论的四种类型
5)planting type种植类型
6)variety type品种类型
