1.ON Erhu And piano Accompany in vocational college music teaching;高师二胡教学与钢琴伴奏
2.Present and future——Consideration on the art of Erhu;现代时与将来时——我对二胡表演艺术的探索和思考
3.On the portamento performance skills of Erhu——A contrastive study of The Theme Fantasia of Shaanxi Opera,and Henan Operetta;二胡左手润腔艺术在演奏技法中的体现——二胡曲《秦腔主题随想曲》与《河南小曲》的对比

1.Banhu Similar to the erhu in shape, this instrument gets its name from the fact that the covering of the sound box is a wooden shingle.板胡形似二胡,因琴筒上蒙木板而得名。
2.Erhu also called the huqin, was known as the xiqin during the Song Dynasty.二胡也称胡琴,宋代典籍中图录的"奚琴",
3.The Significance of Wang Jianmin s Erhu Compositions in the Development of Erhu Art;论王建民的二胡作品对二胡艺术发展的意义
4.The Impacts of Erhu Transplanting and Music Adaption on Erhu Arts二胡移植、改编乐曲及其对二胡演奏艺术的影响
5.A Preliminary Analysis of the Artistic Features of the Famous Erhu Solo Fiddle“The Moon Reflected on the Second Spring”;浅析二胡名曲《二泉映月》的艺术特征
6.The composer uses overtones for the first time, to extend the power of expression of the instrument and broaden the range of the tune.作者首次在二胡上使用泛音演奏,扩展了二胡的表现力,
7.To Study the Evolution of Erhu from the Performances and Compositions in Different Periods从不同时期二胡的演奏和创作来看二胡演奏的演进
8.Erhu is called Chinese violin.二胡被称为中国的小提琴。
9.Sometimes we would sit and listen to her playing the Chinese fiddle.有时候我们就坐下听她拉二胡
10.He has been playing the erh hu since he was eight.他从8岁起就一直拉二胡
11.It's really my favorite Chinese musical instrument.二胡的确是我最喜欢的中国乐器。
12.Well, it's an erhu, a kind of fiddle played with a bow.那叫二胡,是一种用弓演奏的琴。
13.Many foreign guests like the Er Hu, Pi Pa, and the flute.外国客人都喜欢二胡、琵琶和笛子。
14.The Study of Composition on Wang Cheng Quan s Erhu Concerto <Hua Mu Lan>;王澄泉 二胡协奏曲《花木兰》创作研究
15.The Power of Deconstruction:Intertextuality of Erhu Lute Composition;解构的力量——二胡曲创作的互文性
16.On Jiangs Expression Way of Erhu Art from Han Gong Qiu Yue;从《汉宫秋月》谈“蒋派”二胡艺术表现手法
17.Analysis Erhu Music Horse Race;解构·重组·变奏·衍生——二胡曲《赛马》分析
18.Sapir Whorf hypothesis赛胡二氏假说 赛胡二氏假说

1.The Heterogeneity Study of Hu Twelve Block in Hu Zhuang Ji Oilfield;胡状集油田胡十二块非均质研究
3)structure of erhu二胡结构
1.Rational thinking and suggestion to the structure of erhu;对二胡结构的理性思考及建议
4)erhu teaching二胡教学
1.This paper is intended to restore the erhu teaching activities of Tianhua Liu so as to determine his historical status and significance in both histories of erhu art and the development of his teaching methodology.本文以刘天华的二胡教学活动为集中研究对象,旨在更清晰地展现刘天华二胡教学活动的指导思想及实践,明确刘天华在二胡艺术及其教学发展史中所取得的举世公认历史地位的渊源及成因。
5)art of Erhu二胡艺术
1.This dissertation, with the researching method of ethnomusicology, aims at a comprehensive and systematic study of the relationship between the art of Erhu and the culture of Jiangnan (areas south of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River), in quest of a direct dialogue and the general law between the national instrumental music and the national culture.本文运用民族音乐学的研究方法,对二胡艺术与江南文化之间的关系作一比较全面、系统的研究,旨在录求民族器乐与民族文化之间的直接对话,探寻二者之间关系的一般规律。
6)Erhu Art二胡艺术
1.Pageant of art of Erhu performance——Review on Academic Forum of Heritage and Development of Erhu Art in New Century;二胡艺术的一次盛会——“新世纪二胡艺术的传承与发展学术论坛系列活动”综述
2.That the 20th century was a speed period for erhu art.20世纪二胡艺术的创新与发展是二胡这一乐器历经千年来最为迅猛的一个时期,百年的历程就是一个继承、借鉴与创新的过程。
3.Long historical Chinese Erhu art is a great contribution to human, a national art essence and human s fortunes, which should be generated, developed and shared.悠久的中国二胡艺术,是中华民族对人类世界的一大贡献,是民族艺术的精品,是全人类共同的宝贵财富,应由全世界人民继承、发展、传播和共享。

二胡二胡中国传统的擦奏弦鸣乐器。因张两条弦,故名。又称胡琴、二弦、嗡子、胡胡等。其前身可能是中国唐代的奚琴,为唐末北方民族西奚的一种乐器。在宋代又称稽琴、二弦。唐宋之际,奚琴(稽琴)有拉奏和弹拨两种演奏方式。拉奏时以竹片在两弦之间摩擦发音。北宋时才出现以马尾弓拉弦的胡琴,并逐渐替代了以竹片擦弦的稽琴。经过元、明两代的发展,清代除原有的二弦胡琴外,又出现四胡、京胡和板胡。为适应民间其他地方戏曲和器乐的需要,出现了形制各异的胡琴类拉弦乐器,如广东的粤胡、湖南的大筒、河南的坠胡、壮族的马骨胡等等。二胡由琴筒、琴杆、弦轴、琴弦、千斤、弦马、弓子等部分组成。琴筒有圆形、六角形、八角形等多种,多以红木、紫檀木或乌木制作。一端蒙蛇皮或蟒皮,另一端置雕花音窗。弦轴缚内、外两弦。过去用丝弦,现用金属弦或尼龙缠弦。千斤为有效弦长的固定点,由稍粗的软丝弦绕扎在琴弦和琴杆上,通常在琴筒到上轴距离的2/3处。有活动的与固定的两种。琴弓为细竹缚以马尾,弓毛夹置于两弦之间。多采用五度定弦,内弦可定为从g~e′,外弦可定为从d′~b′。为了特殊要求,也有以四度或八度定弦的。演奏采用坐姿,琴筒置于左腿上,左手持琴按弦,右手运弓。 二胡近代民间音乐家阿炳、民族音乐家刘天华对二胡音乐的发展作出了重要贡献。阿炳创作的二胡独奏曲有《二泉映月》、《听松》,刘天华创作的二胡独奏曲有《病中吟》、《良宵》、《空山鸟语》、《光明行》等。20世纪50年代以后,出现了多种二胡改革品种,如高音二胡(高胡)、中音二胡、低音二胡(大革胡)、双千斤二胡、三弦胡琴等。