1.An Introduction to the Character and Singing Style of Schumann s Art Songs;舒曼艺术歌曲的特点与演唱风格浅析
2.On Manifestations of Harmony in Schumann s Works;舒曼音乐作品的和声表现手法
3.On the Music Style of Frauenliebe undLeben Op.42 of Schumann;谈舒曼的音乐风格在《妇女的爱情与生活》演唱艺术中的运用

1.Who are your favorite composers? Beethoven, Wagner, Shuhmann.最喜欢的作曲家?贝多芬,瓦格纳,舒曼。(怜的舒曼。。被拼错了。。
2.Burke-Schuman Model伯克-舒曼气相扩散燃烧模型
3.He is generally considered the most typical of Romantic composers.舒曼被认为是浪漫主义作曲家的代表。
4.Finally, we mention the catadioptric system of Schupmann's medial.最后,我们谈谈舒曼的medial反折射系统。
5.Shuman Bathroom Industrial (Heshan) Co., Ltd.舒曼卫浴实业(鹤山)有限公司
6.Study on the Creation of Schumann 《Piano Concerto in A Minor》;舒曼《A小调钢琴协奏曲》的创作研究
7.Study of No.9 in Schumann Piano Suite "Carnival";舒曼钢琴组曲《狂欢节》作品第9号研究
8.An Introduction to the Character and Singing Style of Schumann s Art Songs;舒曼艺术歌曲的特点与演唱风格浅析
9.America s Policy towards the Monnet-Schumann Plan in the Postwar Period;论战后美国对“莫内—舒曼计划”的政策
10.A Research of Schumann's Piano Cycle "the Scenes of Childhood Op.15"舒曼钢琴套曲《童年情景Op.15》的研究
11.Shumann and His The Three Fantasias (Op.73)舒曼和他的《幻想曲三首》作品73号
12.Brahms became a close friend of Robert Schumann 'who was full of enthusiasm for his work and encouraged him.布拉姆斯成了罗伯特·舒曼的亲密朋友。 舒曼对他的作品热情关怀,并鼓励他。
13.There are also musicians: Bach, Beethoven, Schumann - all left-handed.还有些著名音乐家,巴赫、贝多芬、舒曼,都是左撇子。
14.You want Schumann to be rescued by an illegal alien?你想让舒曼被一个非法入境的外国人救了?
15.Next season it even plans to perform a Schumann symphony.奥菲斯甚至计划在下一季度演奏舒曼的交响曲。
16.Pompiou replaced the voluble Foreign Minister Maurice Schumann.蓬皮杜撤掉了能言善辩的外交部长莫里斯·舒曼
17.Three Composer-Pianists in the Romantic Era--Robert Schumann,Clara Schumann and Johannes Brahms浪漫主义三人行——舒曼、克拉拉与勃拉姆斯的故事
18.Singing and Studying on the Song Cycle Frauenliebe und Leben of Robert Alexander Schumann舒曼声乐套曲《妇女的爱情与生活》的演唱与研究

Robert Schumann舒曼
1.The Comparison between Francois Couperin and Robert Schumann s Piano Opusculum Characteristics;库普兰与舒曼钢琴小品艺术风格的比较
2.Robert Schumann,1810-1856 is one of the representative characters of Europeanromantic artists during the early nineteen century, who made marvelous and specialcontribution both on comments on music and music production.罗伯特·舒曼(Robert Schumann,1810-1856)是十九世纪上半叶欧洲浪漫主义艺术家的典型代表人物之一,在音乐评论和音乐创作领域都有着杰出而独特的贡献。
3.Through the analysis of the theme of Traumerel of Robert Schumann,the reader may find out that its characteristic is mainly presented in the embodiment of iamb theme,and the structure of the Four Tone sound model through the work.通过对舒曼特性曲《梦幻曲》的主题进行分析,可以发现其主题特征主要体现在抑扬主题动机的使用、四音音型音程结构的设计并贯穿发展等方面。
1.for 3d and one tablet of mansuling in vagina every night for 4d.曼舒林1片阴道上药,每日1次,连用4d。
5)Schumann resonance"舒曼"谐振
6)Schumann resonance舒曼共振
1.Spatial observations of Schumann resonance at the ionospheric altitudes;电离层舒曼共振的空间观测
