1.The Dual Selection in the Subject of Passion and Love between Old Shanghai and New Women——The vanguard and popular in Wang Anyi’s(王安忆) ten years’ texts;老上海与新女性情爱主题之双重书写——论王安忆十年创作之先锋性与通俗
2.The fast-food style meets the people s needs;it is popular instead of being vulgar,and its contribution in promoting traditional Chine."快餐化国学"适应了普通大众对文化的需求,不是媚俗,是通俗,其弘扬国学的功劳不可抹杀。
3.Different writers and works of different themes always have different language styles,some of which are elegant and some of which are popular.不同的作家、不同题材的作品往往有不同的语言风格,有的文雅、有的通俗

1.spoil(sth)by making it too ordinary or well known;popularize使(某事物)俗气、庸俗化或通俗化;普及.
2.Vulgar, Fawning Vulgar,and Popular --On the Literature at the Turn of the Century;世俗·媚俗·通俗——世纪之交文学纵横谈
3.tabloid journalism大众化[通俗]报纸
4.On the Difference Between Popular Singing and popular song;谈“通俗唱法”与“通俗歌曲”的异同
5.Camp is popularity plus vulgarity plus innocence.夸张做作是通俗加上粗俗再加上无知.
6.Studying on the Popular Novel Creation in the View of Folklore Culture;民俗文化视野中的通俗小说文本创作
7.Poems of Rural Life in Common English通俗的乡村生活诗集
8.this is a lucidly written book.这是一本通俗易懂的书。
9.a style of speech-making that is easy to listen to通俗易懂的演讲方式.
10.This principle is simple and easy to understand.这十六个字,通俗易懂。
11.It is the current account.这是一种通俗的叙述。
12.He speaks in popular language.他用通俗的语言讲话。
13.common parlance; a vernacular term; vernacular speakers; the vulgar tongue of the masses; the technical and vulgar names for an animal species.通俗说法;口语词;说话通俗的人;大多数人的通俗语言;某个动物物种的学术名称和通俗名称。
14.(British colloquial) not inclined to conversation.(通俗英语)不倾向交谈的。
15.Ehyptian enchorial writing.古埃及的通俗文字。
16.He wrote in a familiar style.他以通俗的风格写作。
17.(British) colloquial terms for an umbrella.(英国)伞的一种通俗说法。
18.The name of the game in pop music is originality.通俗音乐的本质是独创。

1.Popularity and Leisure-the Trend of Chinese Proses in 1990s;通俗与闲适:90年代中国散文潮流
2.Study on the Popularity of the Classics of George Eliot乔治·爱略特经典小说的通俗特色探析
3.It is the real reason that makes the novel written by Zhao shuli realize the art popularity that have always been advocated but haven t been realized since Wusi Movement.小说创作的终极目的在于与读者的交流,通俗才是小说的本质特征。
1.Medium language as refined,is also common,in order to meet the sesthetic needs of different people.媒体语言既有高雅的,也有通俗的,借以适合不同受众的审美需求。
2.And it also analyzes the contradictions between enlightening and anti-enlightening,morality and anti-morality and common and elegant.从文学史发展的内在悖论入手辩证地理解道德形而上与形而下问题,认为中国20世纪文学在努力走向形而上的过程中,却越来越忽略了形而下,也忽略了文学自身,并分析了启蒙与反启蒙、道德与反道德、通俗与典雅之间的诸多矛盾。
4)Popular fiction通俗小说
1.Write the most elegant and spotless works in the world ——On Gu Mingdao s writing of popular fictions;创制世间至高至洁之文——论顾明道的通俗小说创作
2.In the 20th century, China s modern mass communication influenced not only the development of Chinese modern popular fiction, but also its aesthetic state.20世纪中国现代大众传播不仅影响了中国现代通俗小说的发展,还影响了现代通俗小说的审美状态。
3.In the period of "anti-pornography" in the history of Malaysia,most of the popular fiction is regarded to be pornographic literature.在马来亚历史上的"反黄运动时期",大多数通俗小说往往被视为黄色文学。
5)pop aesthetics通俗美学
1.In the effect of "acceptable aesthetics","pop aesthetics" and "green aesthetics ",the architect decoration,as the element which is more sensitive to aesthetics in architecture,presents the varied,popular and sustainable tendency of development.建筑装饰作为建筑中对审美比较敏感的元素,在“接受美学”“通俗美学”和“绿色美学”的影响下,呈现出变异多元、世俗化以及可持续的发展趋势。
1.As a theorist, writer and man of action of drama , Li yu completely comprehended the aesthetic regular pattern of drama and deeply understood the audience s psychology of acceptance, therefore, Li yu always put the audience on the first position ,and regarded popularity and originality as the means to grasp the audience.李渔作为戏曲理论家、戏曲作家和戏曲活动的实践家,他深刻地把握了戏曲活动的审美规律,深深地懂得观众的接受心理,因而不管是他的戏曲理论还是戏曲创作都始终把观众放在第一位,而通俗性和的独创性正是他吸引观众、抓住观众的重要艺术手段。
2.The article discussed the popularity of Zhang Henshui s works,the interaction between literature and culture,and put Zhang Henshui into a bigger domain of "cultural phenomenon" to reveal the meaning of individual case of Zhang Henshui in the 20th c.本文着眼于张恨水创作的通俗性,文学与文化的互动性,将张恨水置于更大的"文化现象"范畴之内,从而揭示出20世纪中国文学史中张恨水的个案意义。
