1.Differential cognitive responses to guqin music and piano music in Chinese subjects: an event-related potential study;古琴音乐与钢琴音乐对中国被试认知反应的不同影响:事件相关电位研究(英文)
2.Do not let sounds of nature vanish Thinking about the musical education of Guqin;不让“天籁之音”成绝响——关于古琴乐教的思考
3.Enlarging Traditional Culture Showing Guqin Art-Criticism on Doctor Zhang Huaying s Guqin;弘扬传统文化 展示古琴艺术——评章华英博士《古琴》一书

1.This instrument is also called guqin or the seven-stringed qin.琴亦称"古琴"、"七弦琴"。
2.Important Reform of Guqin Notation--A Review of Five-line Staff Notation of Guqin古琴记谱法的重大改革——评古琴五线记谱法
3.On the Summarization and Development of Xishanqinkuang to Chinese Guqin Artistic Theories;论《溪山琴况》对中国古琴艺术理论的总结与发展
4.Enlarging Traditional Culture Showing Guqin Art-Criticism on Doctor Zhang Huaying s Guqin;弘扬传统文化 展示古琴艺术——评章华英博士《古琴》一书
5.The instrument is rich in tone color, with airy, floating notes, and simple and solid scattered notes.古琴音色丰富,泛音轻盈虚飘,散音古朴凝厚。
6.He sang "Yang Guan San Die" while he played the ancient Chinese zither.他一边弹古琴一边歌吟《阳关三叠》。
7.Unprecedented or Distinguish:Interview of Qin Zither Performers in 1956;空前抑或绝后——1956年古琴采访
8.An Interpretation of Aesthetic Images in Guqin Music from View point of Feeling and Scene Theory古琴音乐审美意象生成的情景说阐释
9.An ancient instrument resembling the lyre.西塔拉琴一种类似竖琴的古代乐器
10.Playing Bach s clavier works with Accordion;用手风琴演奏巴赫的古钢琴音乐作品
11.A Comparative Study of Cello and Matouqin;大提琴与蒙古族马头琴、四胡之比较研究
12.A triangular lyre or harp of Roman and Greek antiquity.特里贡琴古代罗马和希腊的一种三角形的弦琴或竖琴
13.The Ancient Music and Rhythm of Gu qin in the Chinese Paintings--On the Literati and gu qin in the Ancient Chinese Paintings国画含琴 古乐流韵——论中国古代绘画中的文人与琴
14.And Mastiansky with the old cither.还有弹他那把古色古香的七弦琴的马斯添斯基。
15.We have an old musical instrument. It is called a clavichord.我们有一件古老的乐器.它叫击弦古钢琴。
16.a harp used by ancient Greeks for accompaniment.古希腊人用来伴奏的竖琴。
17.Our clavichord is kept in the living-room.我们的古钢琴安放在起居室里。
18.The famous classical pianist, Kong Xiangdong,著名古典音乐钢琴演奏家孔祥东,

new tunes of Guqin古琴新韵
3)Transcription of Guqin Jianzipu古琴打谱
4)guqin music score古琴谱
5)Mountain Keguqin科古琴山
1.The characteristics of vegetation of rock-flowing hillside of high mountains on Mountain Keguqin in Xinjiang;新疆科古琴山高山流石坡植被的特征
6)classical piano古典钢琴
1.In the process of studying piano performance,based on the deep level of the timbre and key-touching to probe into the internal connotation of classical piano works,it is more appropriate to play classical piano works.在学习钢琴演奏过程中,我们只有从音色与触键的深层次去挖掘古典钢琴作品的内在涵义,才能更贴切的演奏古典钢琴作品。

北京古琴研究会  中国音乐社团。1954年 5月成立于北京。会长先后为溥雪斋、查阜西、吴景略。主要成员有古琴家管平湖、杨葆元、汪孟舒、关仲航等。该会接受中国音乐研究所和中国音乐家协会的领导与资助,联络各地古琴家和古乐爱好者,从事有关古琴的学术研究、演奏和教学。    琴会成立后,大部分时间的实际工作由查阜西主持,曾收集整理唐、宋、元、明、清各代传谱近百种,汇编为《琴曲集成》,由中华书局影印出版;录制各派琴家传曲60余首,记谱、整理后编成《古琴曲集》,由音乐出版社出版;汇集有关史料记载,辑为《历代琴人传》;并出不定期琴刊《琴论缀新》,发表当代琴学论文。    琴会向各地调查并搜集资料,同时组织琴家、琴人发掘古谱,使得《碣石调幽兰》、《广陵散》、《胡笳十八拍》等历史名曲得以演出、广播或录音,向国内外介绍。琴会演出节目也包括一些新创作或移植的作品,以及加工改编的合奏作品。琴会还培养了一些青年古琴演奏者,向有关专业单位输送了后备力量。