1.With the development of notation, various kinds of scores had been come into being.记谱法经历上千年的发展,产生了许多不同的乐谱。
2.It is recorded that the earliest notation in China was a notation written for drums, as mentioned in a book Liji Touhu which was finished in Han Dynasty.从音乐记谱法发展史来看,不管是中国还是西方,都经历了较为复杂的发展过程。
3.Taking the documents as the object, this paper has sorted out the notation system and the living situations of ancient Greek music that come from its contents and research methods, and attempts to.对“文献”中的主要内容——古希腊音乐体系作了系统的分析整理,特别是有关记谱法的问题。

1.music printed or written in any system of notation (e.g., tonic sol-fa, staff notation, numerical symbol, braille)乐谱,印刷,或手写,用任何一种记谱法(例如首调唱名法,五线谱记谱法,简谱法,盲字记谱法
2.Important Reform of Guqin Notation--A Review of Five-line Staff Notation of Guqin古琴记谱法的重大改革——评古琴五线记谱法
3.tonic sol - fa(用唱名表示的)唱名记谱法(教唱法)
4.Music notation is a general term to describe the writing down of music.音乐记谱法是指音符通用书写方法。
5."The other is in gongche notation, known from earlier Song sources and similar to Western sol-fa."另一种是工尺谱,这种记谱法在宋代初期资料中有所记载,与西方的首调记谱法类似。
6."The earliest notations for Chinese opera date from the Qing period. Notations for Kunqu and Beijing Opera texts use only gongche notation, and. only the vocal part is notated."最早的中国戏曲乐谱出现于清代。昆曲和京戏记谱采用的是工尺记谱法,而且只记唱段。
7."Since the 1920s an originally French numerical system of notation, first used by the Japanese, has been adopted, and is now one of the most commonly used notations in China."自20年代起,源于法国的简谱由日本传人中国,并被采用。简谱是当今中国最常用的记谱法之一。
8.This lesson examines the role of the solo instrument in a worship team and introduces participants to contemporary chords and contemporary chord notation.课程将探讨独奏乐器在敬拜团队中所扮演的角色,并介绍吉他和弦及其记谱法
9.Dancing Staff:A New Approach to Record Dance Movement;《舞蹈五线图谱》——一套舞蹈动作的速记法
10.Systems of notation differ widely throughout history and from culture to culture.整个历史和各民族的记谱方法千差万别。
11.Modification on three-locus self-cross method that constructs linkage maps of molecular markers对三点自交法构建分子标记连锁图谱的改进
12.Treatment Methods of Isotope ~(15)N Labeled Sample for Mass Spectrometry质谱检测用同位素~(15)N标记样品的处理方法
13.Was the Notation of Stopped Notes in the Ming Dynasty Guqin Tablature a Non-exact system?;明朝琴谱所记徽位是否为“简略”记谱?
14.Turn-taking Marker Study Based on Musical-notation-styled Transliteration;基于乐谱式录音语料转写法的话轮转换标记研究
15.Exploration of Memorizing the Piano Music:Taking "Lieyi Mar-Jizejige" for Example;钢琴乐谱记忆的探索——以“列依马尔—基泽基戈”法为例
16.Multi-explanations of the Multi-musical World: A Discussion of "Transcription and Analysis" in Musical Anthropology;多元音乐世界的多元解释:音乐人类学的“记谱与分析”之方法讨论
17.DNA Microarray Expression Analysis of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae in Rice Leaves at Early Infection Stages Using Selective Bacterial Transcript Labeling with Genome-Directed Primers应用GDPs转录物标记法进行水稻白叶枯病菌早期侵染表达谱分析
18.Development of Protein Quantitative Algorithms Based on Stable Isotope Labeling and Mass Spectrometric Analysis基于稳定同位素标记与质谱分析的蛋白质定量算法研究进展

method of recording music score记谱方法
1.There had been the method of recording music score in Han Wei Six Dynasties called "Shenquzhe"("the Snaking of Sound") which uses the earth worm-like curve line and assisted with Chinese characters.中国在汉魏六朝时期就已经有了音乐记谱方法。
3)Indeterminate notation模糊记谱法
4)sound spectrography声谱描记法
5)mensural notation有量记谱法
