乐谱,music score
1)music score乐谱
1.Melody and music score have different functions in music art,which can be seen clearly in traditional chinese music."乐曲"和"乐谱"是两个完全不同的概念。
2.The music score is a literature carrier form,which music appearance is recorded by the Notation.乐谱,是将音乐形象用记谱法记录下来的一种文献载体形式。
3.Music record of Ming and Qing dynasties can be classified into two categories, one is music score, the other is sound record.本文在已有相关研究成果的基础上,以明清音乐资料为研究依据,将明清音乐记录分为乐谱记录与音乐录制两大类别,对明清音乐记录的这两大类别的特征进行论述,对明清音乐记录的传播特征进行探讨,从社会环境、技术条件、音乐发展、文化内涵、国际交流等角度对形成特征的原因加以分析,试图对明清乐谱的规模、种类、记法、记录思维;音乐录制在清末中国的使用与产生的作用:明清音乐记录的历史地位;明清时期中外音乐记录的交流与影响;明清音乐记录与明清社会文化、音乐艺术、科技发展以及国际格局的关系等问题,形成系统认识。

1.A music stand in an orchestra.乐谱架交响乐团中的乐谱
2.Musicians can read written music.音乐家能看懂乐谱
3.He restored the music to the music stand.他把乐谱放回到乐谱架上。
4.Did you learn to play the guitar by ear or by reading music?你学弹吉他时看乐谱还是不看乐谱
5.Various Scores of Tibetan Buddhism--On the Musical Chanting Score;丰富多彩的藏传佛教乐谱——试述诵经音乐乐谱
6.Tone poems are a general name for poems set to music and played on plucked instruments.弦诗乐是用弹拨乐器演奏乐谱的总称。
7.I' d left my music at home.我把乐谱落在家里了.
8.a light stand for holding sheets of printed music.摆放乐谱的轻质架子。
9.He leafed through the music.他一张张地翻乐谱
10.Written music used lots of signs.乐谱使用大量的符号。
11.I forgot to bring my music book.我忘记了带我的乐谱
12.copyright music受版权规例限制的乐谱
13.the piano score of the opera歌剧中的钢琴乐谱.
14.prick song[古](16、17世纪英国的)乐谱
15.liturgical book [not containing music]礼拜仪式书[不含乐谱]
16.by ear:by sound,without ever reading printed music of the pieces played不看乐谱凭听觉记忆
17.Rather than follow notes on a page, he improvised, playing what was in his head instead.他不但不依照乐谱演奏,而且还即兴修改乐谱
18.Study of Dance Notations and Music Scores in Theory of Tone-system by Zhu Zaiyu朱载堉《乐律全书》中舞谱与合乐谱的研究

score[英][sk?:][美][sk?r, skor]乐谱
1.Memorizing music score is a complicated mental process,It is a good example of memorizing piano music score with the method of "Lieyi Mar-Jizejige", showing that memorizing piano music score is a conscious process based on the analysis of music score logic,vision and sound.钢琴乐谱记忆是一个复杂心理过程,以“列依马尔-基泽基戈”法为例,提出钢琴乐谱记忆需在分析乐谱逻辑、视觉和声音等基础上,进行有意识记忆。
2.In order to record the chanting tone and instrumental music on the religious ceremonies practiced by different Tibetan Buddhism sects in the monasteries,various musical scores are created,including the curve score to record the chanting tone and many instrumental musical scores.藏传佛教各教派寺庙在长期的宗教法事活动中,为图示诵经音调和法器演奏的器乐音乐而创建的音乐乐谱令人眼花缭乱,目不暇接。
3.From the point of various music title forms, the papers elucidated the significance of the choosing unified title for the music score in computer catalogue.文章从乐谱题名形式的多样化入手 ,阐明乐谱计算机编目时选择统一题名的意义。
1.The circuit consistute of the rhythm memory block,the notes generation block,the voice output block and the dot array display block.该音乐存储和回放电路包括乐谱存储模块、音符产生模块、声音输出模块和点阵显示模块等。
4)music books乐书乐谱
5)score[英][sk?:][美][sk?r, skor]总谱,乐谱

乐谱  用图形、线条、数字、文字及其他视觉符号记录音乐的文献。乐谱是对音乐作品进行记录和使其再现的方式之一。因国家、民族、时代不同,记谱法有很大差异。所记音乐要素包含:音的绝对或相对高度、持续长度、强弱、装饰法及表情记号等。乐谱有文字谱、音位谱、奏法谱、图像谱等几种。①文字谱有数字简谱、字母简谱,以及印度、日本、中国的文字谱。中国的文字谱又有宫商谱、律吕谱、工尺谱、锣鼓谱等。②音位谱以固定的线条,以不同位置记录音位高低,至17世纪形成五线谱,为各国普遍采用。在中国,元朝余载曾采用方格谱,亦属音位谱一类。③奏法谱用文字、数字或特殊记号标示演奏方法,不表示具体音高。④图像谱则是利用图像、记号以及文字记谱的方法。