电影配乐,Film Music
1)Film Music电影配乐
1.Analysis of the Holleywood Fantasy Film Music Since 1990 s;20世纪90年代以来好莱坞奇幻电影配乐分析

1.a stirring film score by William Walton由威廉·沃尔顿创作的感人的电影配乐.
2.Astirring film score by William Walton由威廉·沃尔顿创作的感人的电影配乐
3.Analysis of Circle Element Applies in Film Scoring论“循环”要素在电影配乐设计中的应用
4.Analysis of the Holleywood Fantasy Film Music Since 1990 s;20世纪90年代以来好莱坞奇幻电影配乐分析
5.He has composed13 musicals, a song cycle, a set of variations, two film scores, and a Latin Requiem Mass.他创作了13个音乐剧、1首连篇歌曲、典乐曲的变奏曲、2部电影配乐、1首拉丁安魂曲。
6.and only misses out on five stars because of the slightly disappointing soundtrack.对五位明星而言,唯一的缺漏是稍微有些令人失望的电影配乐
7.Here is as comprehensive a list of rejected scores as I've been able to assemble.以下是作者竭尽所能找到的最完整的未使用版电影配乐的列表。
8.Audio track we heard was a generic one for pre-production, but final game will have the movie score.试玩版音轨只是普通的,但最终游戏会有变形金刚电影配乐
9.The Nostalgia for Sicily--On the Underscore Composed by Ennio Morricone in "Trilogy of Returning Home";西西里的美丽乡愁——谈埃尼奥·莫里康内在“回乡三部曲”中的电影配乐
10.Or learn how the Potter novels are transformed into audiobooks, video games or film scores, from the experts on the front lines.或者学习如何将波特小说制作成音频读物和电视游戏或学习前线行家的电影配乐
11.music for a film,play,etc(电影、戏剧等的)配乐
12.Do you like the background music of this film?你喜欢这部电影的背景音乐(配乐)吗?
13.This music is from a movie called" Forrest Gump.这个音乐是一部电影叫『阿干正传』配乐喔!
14.Do you know who wrote the score for this film?你知道是谁为这部电影写的配乐吗?
15.He has composed a suite of music for the film.他为该电影配写了一套乐曲。
16.We've recorded a song, I Know, for The Fighting Temptations soundtrack.我们已为电影《动感诱惑》录制了一首配乐《我知道》。
17.The music of the film is adapted from a folk song.这部电影的配乐是根据一首民歌改编的。
18."Many kinds of music for film are available on tape. When these are used, the film editor makes a music track from the tapes selected by the film maker; each selection is matched to the appropriate visual scene."许多电影音乐磁带上都有。使用时,电影编辑用导演选出的磁带制成音乐带,每段音乐配一段场景。

Film scoring电影配乐设计
3)film music电影音乐
1.In the films of House of Flying Daggers,Crouching Tiger,Hidden Dragon and Heros,Chinese folk musical elements were infused into film music and have made great success.《十面埋伏》、《卧虎藏龙》、《英雄》等电影音乐中,中国民族音乐元素的应用,取得了很大成功,显示了中国民族音乐在电影音乐世界中的复兴,而中西结合的民族音乐创作将使中国电影音乐获得新的生机。
2."Therefore, resorting to film music when conveying emotions and feelings suits film best.电影音乐借助电影的视觉形象使它插上翱翔的翅膀,它以其独特的表现方式和艺术感染力,增强了银幕形象的思维空间感,多层次地丰富了画面,多侧面地展示了人物的内心世界。
3.Meregjih, a Mongolian composer, has been awarded a prize for his special contribution to the Chinese film music.电影音乐,作为电影这门视听艺术中声音的重要构成元素之一,对电影语言的立体化呈现起着非常关键的作用。
4)Film Philharmonic Troupe电影乐团
5)movie music电影音乐
1.There are three stages for the audience aesthetic cognition of movie music: apperceive,cognition transfer,and rational criticize.受众对电影音乐的审美认知经过了感知层面、认知迁移层面、理性批判层面三个阶段。
6)Lun Diɑnying Yinyue《论电影音乐》
