1.With the development and reform of telecommunication industry of China, the value-added service also developing fast, Virtual Network Operators (VNO) has performed more and more important role in the telecommunication industry value-chain.随着国内电信行业行业的不断发展和电信改革的不断深入,电信增值业务得到较大发展,虚拟运营商在通信产业价值链中发挥着越来越重要的作用,同时,虚拟运营商如何更好的发展成为通信产业健康成长所面临的重要课题。

1.Analysis of Operation of Mobile Virtual Network Operator in Hong kong;透析中国香港移动虚拟运营商运营状况
2.On the Safety-Guard Duty of ISP to the Virtual Property;论运营商对虚拟财产的安全保障义务
3.Comparative Analysis of Electronic Market Intermediary --A Case Study of Pharmaceutical Market Operators;虚拟市场中介的比较分析——以医药流通市场运营商为例
4.A Study on the Virtual Management of Building Intelligent SI;建筑智能系统集成商虚拟经营的研究
5.Discussion on virtual marketing tactic mode of the commercial bank in our country;论我国商业银行的虚拟营销战略模式
6.(3) What is the operation model of virtual operation?(3)虚拟经营的运作方式是什么?
7.Research on Operating Mode for Chinese Agricultural Virtual Research and Development Organization;中国农业虚拟研发组织运营模式研究
8.On the Open Efficiency System of the Virtual Management of the Enterprises;论企业虚拟化运营效率系统的开放性
9.A Discussion On The Issue of Virtual Enterprise s Operating Risk From TheFinancial Control Perspective;试论"虚拟企业"的运营风险及财务控制
10.Creating Virtual University;虚拟高校——运用虚拟社区技术营建的新型学习社区
11.There is self-contradiction between logic and realistic in the nominal word virtual enterprise while the verbal word virtual enterprise, the virtual management of the enterprise,turns energetic.名词性的虚拟企业逻辑和现实上存在矛盾,而动词的虚拟企业,即企业虚拟化运营则充满活力。
12.Study on Operating Strategy for Timber Enterprises Based on the Virtual Management;基于虚拟经营的木材企业运作策略初探
13.The research of All Life Cycle Operation and Mechanism the virtual enterprises in construction industry;虚拟建筑业企业的生命周期运营机理研究
14.Apply in Virtual Operate Of Small and Middle-Sized Enterprises on Partner Selection and Genetic Alliance;中小企业虚拟经营伙伴选择及遗传算法的运用
15.Attribute of service product of enterprise operating function in dummy management;论虚拟经营中“企业运行功能”的服务产品属性
16.On the Theory foundation of Modern Property in Virtual Enterprises and Organization Operation;虚拟企业的现代产权理论基础和组织运营
17.Enlightenment of Virtual Enterprise on the Enterprise Operation in China;虚拟企业对我国企业经营运作的几点启示

virtual operation虚拟运营
1.Based on the theory of virtual enterprises and the condition of small and medium enterprises (SME) in China, this paper presents the theory of virtual operation.依据虚拟企业(Virtual Enterprise)理论和我国中小制造企业的特点,提出了虚拟运营(Virtual Operation)理论。
2.There are two valid ways for enterprises to develop its resource including value-adding service and virtual operation.增值服务和虚拟运营是企业资源开发的有效方式;另外,在资源开发的实施过程中,企业不但要加强外部联合,还要强化自身内部管理。
3.Recommending the virtual operation, a strategic management pattern, and establishing strategic alliances are the inexorable trend of the development of our telecommunication industry.加入WTO给我国电信行业带来巨大的机遇,同时也带来了巨大的压力和挑战,引入虚拟运营这一战略管理模式,广泛缔结战略联盟,是我国电信业发展的必然趋势。
3)MVNO (mobile virtual network operator)移动虚拟网络运营商
4)Virtual Enterprising虚拟化运营
1.On the International Development of Virtual Enterprising;企业虚拟化运营国际化发展研究
5)virtual network operation虚拟电信运营
1.Tactic research on virtual network operation in China;中国虚拟电信运营的策略研究
2.The paper firstly introduces the origin, conception and prerequisites of virtual network operation, and mentions virtual network operation pattern too.首先给出虚拟电信运营的来源、概念和前提条件,进而引出对虚拟电信运营模式的讨论;然后对虚拟电信运营模式的各个阶段进行阐述和分析,其中涉及到市场机遇的识别、合作伙伴选择、虚拟合作、利益分配等方面;最后提出虚拟电信运营模式研究对当前电信市场的指导意义。
3.The virtual network operation not only becomes the popular trends of the international telecommunication trade, but also will further appear in the domestic telecommunication market along with the gradual opening of China and the entrance of WTO.通信技术的不断发展、电信市场开放格局的逐渐形成以及用户个性化服务需求的不断提高,使世界范围的电信竞争日益加剧,虚拟电信运营的概念应运而生,不但成为国际电信行业流行的趋势,也必将随着中国加入WTO以及国内电信市场的逐渐开放,越来越多的出现在国内电信市场,改变着国内基础电信运营商直接面向用户提供服务的模式。
6)virtual operation enterprise虚拟运营企业
1.In order to improve the informatization construction in virtual operation enterprises,this paper proposes a framework for the construction,for which strategies,aims and key technology are discussed.针对虚拟运营企业信息化程度偏低、信息化建设亟待加强等问题,提出了虚拟运营企业信息化建设的基本框架。
