年轻干部,young cadres
1)young cadres年轻干部
1.Internal cause of restricting healthy growth for young cadres and countermeasures;制约年轻干部健康成长的内在因素及对策
2.A primary study in the total promotion of the comprehensive quality for the young cadres;试论全面提高年轻干部队伍的素质
3.Trainning and selecting young cadres of villages must renew old concept during a new stage.新时期下培养选拔村级年轻干部必须更新原有用人观念,提高思想认识。

1.Youthful Cadres should Emphasize Self-construction from Six Aspects;年轻干部要从六个方面加强自身建设
2.Significance and Means of Training and Selecting Young Cadres;论培养和选拔年轻干部的意义和途径
3.Implementing“Three Representatives” Effectively in Excellent Cadres;落实“三个代表” 选好用好优秀年轻干部
4.It is right to place young cadres in the forefront of the modernization drive, giving them heavier responsibilities.把年轻干部放到第一线压担子,这个路子对,
5.On the Inner Quality Cultivation of Young College Cadres of the New Century论新世纪高校年轻干部内在素质的培养
6.Young Cadres Should Pay Ample Attention to the Cultivation of Their Leadership Influence and Leadership Quality;年轻干部应注重领导影响力和领导素质的培养
7.Thoughts on selection and cultivation of young cadres at colleges;高校年轻干部培养选拔和教育的几点思考
8.Casting The Political Qualities of Youthy Cadres with "Three Representatives;用“三个代表”重要思想造就年轻干部的政治素质
9.Jiang Ze-min s thought about cultivating young leaders and selecting elitists from young cadres;江泽民关于培养选拔优秀年轻干部的思想
10.Internal cause of restricting healthy growth for young cadres and countermeasures;制约年轻干部健康成长的内在因素及对策
11.Some Considerations About Greatly Training And Selecting Of The Outstanding Young Cadres;大力培养选拔优秀年轻干部的几点思考
12.On Jiang Zemin s Thought of The Cultivation of Young Cadres;浅论江泽民关于培养跨世纪年轻干部的思想
13.An Exploration of Enhancing the Strategic Ability of Township Young Cadres乡镇年轻干部战略思维能力提升的理路探析
14."Two Musts" and Current Young Cadre Style Construction浅析“两个务必”与当前年轻干部作风建设
15.At the same time, we should lower the average age of our army cadre corps.同时使我们的部队干部年轻化。
16.The veteran cadre left the leading post of his own accord to let a younger cadre to succeed him这位老干部主动退居二线,让年轻的干部来接班
18.make the ranks of cadres more revolutionary, younger in average age, better educated and professionally more competent干部队伍革命化、年轻化、知识化、专业化

young cadre年轻干部
1.Thoughts on selection and cultivation of young cadres at colleges;高校年轻干部培养选拔和教育的几点思考
2."Two Musts" and Current Young Cadre Style Construction浅析“两个务必”与当前年轻干部作风建设
3.In this paper, how selection, training and use of excellent young cadre is discussed.加强年轻干部的理论修养是提高其整体素质的前提条件,实践锻炼是造就年轻干部的根本途径,合理使用干部是经济和社会发展的必然要求。
3)The rejuvenation of cadres干部年轻化
4)the outstanding young cadre优秀年轻干部
1.To break a rule and promote the outstanding young cadre,is the strategic task that guarantees that the undertakings of party and the people are flourishing and have qualified successors.破格提拔优秀年轻干部 ,是保证党和人民的事业兴旺发达 ,后继有人的战略任务 ,意义重大而深远。
5)thought of cadres rejuvenation干部年轻化思想
6)Training of young cadre年轻干部培养
