环境接触,Environmental exposure
1)Environmental exposure环境接触

1.Calculation of Historic Environmental Exposure to DDT关于滴滴涕历史性环境接触量的推算
2.He loses contact with his environment.他与他周围的环境没有接触。
3.Tooth mesh and contact analysis of spiral bevel gears based on MATLABMATLAB环境下的弧齿锥齿轮啮合接触分析
4.Experimental Study on the Icing and Ice Melting of Contact Wires in an Icing Wind Tunnel模拟大气环境下铁路接触网覆冰融冰实验研究
5.Contact Damage of Concrete in Multiple Enyironment复杂环境作用后混凝土接触损伤的评价
6.Comprehension and Non-contact Measurement of Surface Tension Under Microgravity微重力环境下的表面张力及无接触测量
7.Thus, the doses given to the laboratory animals are extremely high, while environmental exposures of humans typically are much lower.因此,实验中动物接触化学物的剂量极大,而人类的环境性接触一般说来要低得多。
8.Li: Yes,they have to do so,but that requires extensive exposure to the English environment.李:对,他们是得这样做,但这需要广泛地接触英语环境。
9.Objective To assess the prevalence of silicosis in workers exposed to agate dust in a small private agate mill in Guangzhou.目的检测接触玛瑙尘作业工人生产环境与矽肺病发病状况。
10.The Study on Ohmic Contact Based on GaN under High-Temperature Environment and High-Current Density Stress Conditons高温环境及大电流密度应力下GaN基欧姆接触退化机理的研究
11.Research and Manufacture of Un-touched Dynamic Loading System under Centrifuge Overweight Condition Based on Wave Simulation非接触式超重力环境下模拟波浪载荷加载装置研制
12.The Effect of Metallothionein Antibody on Renal Dysfunction in the Population Environmentally Exposed to Cadmium环境镉接触人群中金属硫蛋白抗体对镉致肾损伤的影响
13.Design and Development of a System with Low and Constant Temperature to Improve the Precision of Non-contact Body Temperature Measurement用于提高非接触体温测量精度的恒低温环境系统的设计与实现
14.Etiology Related to Environment and Vocational Contact of Extrinsic Allergic Alveolitis外源性过敏性肺泡炎的环境和职业接触病原研究
15.Experimental study of icing of contact wires in icing wind tunnels模拟大气环境下电气化铁路接触网覆冰实验研究
16."The first is the proximate environment, which includes the other departments in the firm and the other firms with which the marketing operation has direct contact."第一个是周边环境,它包括公司内的其它部门,以及市场营销操作中直接接触的其他公司。
17.Conditioning: The treatment of paper,either exposure to atmospheric conditions or by "paper conditioning machine ".so that its moisture content matches the ambient atmosphere.调湿: 让纸张和空气接触或使用调湿机使它的水份含量和环境大气相等的处理方法。
18.Keep your hands clean and wash the hands regularly throughout the day whether you are inside or outdoors. Maintain good personal hygiene and also to keep the environment clean.手部最容易接触细菌,无论出外或留在室内,应经常洗手,并保持个人及环境卫生。

give sb. more exposure to the language environment接触语言环境
1.Finite element analysis of double-steel-tube buckling restricting braces with contact-ring;带接触环的双钢管约束屈曲支撑有限元分析
4)annular contact环形接触
5)contact ring接触环,滑环
6)environment of accepting接受环境
1.Modern translation study focuses more on the translator,the receptor and the environment of accepting instead of the original work.现代翻译研究把关注的焦点从原文作者转向译者、接受者和接受环境。

海洋自然地理环境(见自然地理环境)海洋自然地理环境(见自然地理环境)marine physical geographic environment  haiyang ziran dili huaniing海洋自然地理环境(marin。phys、calgeograPhic environment)见自然地理环境。