客户让渡价值,customer delivered value
1)customer delivered value客户让渡价值
1.And then set forth a model how to create customer loyalty based the determinants of customer delivered value.本文通过论证客户忠诚的决定因素,认为客户价值是客户忠诚的最主要决定因素,在客户让渡价值决定因素模型的基础上,提出一个网上客户忠诚模型,以此指导网站建立客户忠诚。
2.This will inevitably require customers to provide more customer delivered value, so that government-enterprise customer satisfaction Jilin Telecom.目前在营销理论中,关于客户让渡价值的研究已经很深入了。
3.This thesis makes theoretical and documentary analysis of CRM and customer loyalty,focusing on two important factors influencing on the realization of customer loyalty:customer satisfaction and customer delivered value.本文对客户关系管理理论、客户忠诚理论进行了文献及理论研究,重点研究了两个影响客户忠诚实现的重要因素:客户满意和客户让渡价值,并分析了这两个因素与客户忠诚之间的关系,得出了客户让渡价值是企业实现客户忠诚的核心这一结论。

1.Creating E-Loyalty with the Determinants of Customer Delivered Value;运用客户让渡价值决定因素模型建立网上客户忠诚
2.On the Customer Delivered Value and Customer Satisfaction with the Relationship;浅谈顾客让渡价值与顾客满意的关系
3.The method of promote "customer delivered value"of the power company;安徽电力提升顾客让渡价值方法探讨
4.Models and Methods of Double-Wins Between Customer Delivered Value and Business Enterprise Value;顾客让渡价值与企业价值双赢的模式和方法
5.Research of Customer Psychological Contract Based on Customer Delivered Value System;基于顾客让渡价值系统的顾客心理契约研究
6.To Study on Improving Customer Loyalty Based on Customer Delivered Value;基于顾客让渡价值的顾客忠诚度培养研究
7.Analysis of Customer Loss Situations on Basis of Delivered Value Comparison;基于让渡价值比较的顾客流失态势分析
8.The Research on the Customer Transferring Value in Hina Advanced Materials Co., Ltd;海纳新材料公司顾客让渡价值分析与策略研究
9.The Research of Customer Delivered Value Management on the Domestic Mobile Communication Operators;我国移动通信运营商顾客让渡价值管理研究
10.The Study of Marketing Strategy on CDV of Eagle Company;益高公司基于顾客让渡价值的营销策略研究
11.Understanding Dong Bao s Marketing Tactics Based on Customer Delivered Value;基于顾客让渡价值解读通化东宝公司营销策略
12.New Concept Marketing of Scenic Spot under Analysis of Customer Delivered Value;基于顾客让渡价值的风景区新理念营销研究
13.To Build up a Mode of CSI from Customer Delivered Value;构建基于顾客让渡价值的CSI的比较模型
14.Develop the Core Competitieness of Distance Education Based on Customer Delivered Value;构建基于顾客让渡价值的远程教育核心竞争力
15.Using Customer Demise Worth Theory to Guide Enterprise Business Activities;用顾客让渡价值理论指导企业经营活动
16.Analysis of Customer Delivered Value Management on the Domestic Mobile Communication Operators;我国移动通信运营商顾客让渡价值管理探析
17.Establishing Customer’s Alienate Value Model of Hospitals Based on Factor Analysis Method;用因子分析法构建医院顾客让渡价值模型
18.Brief Analysis of Coordination of Enterprises Strategy and Creation of Customers Concession Value;浅析企业的战略协同与顾客让渡价值创造

customer delivered value顾客让渡价值
1.Analysis of Game Theory on Maximum of Customer Delivered Value;顾客让渡价值最大化的博弈分析
2.The method of promote "customer delivered value"of the power company;安徽电力提升顾客让渡价值方法探讨
3.Research of Customer Psychological Contract Based on Customer Delivered Value System;基于顾客让渡价值系统的顾客心理契约研究
3)executed value of customer顾客的让渡价值
4)tourist delivered value游客让渡价值
1.From the customer delivered value theory,this paper constructs tourist delivered value in tourist areas.本文从顾客让渡价值理论的角度,构建旅游景区游客让渡价值。
5)customer delivered value让渡价值
1.This article analysized the two basic strategies formulated by Michael Porter based on Value Engineering and the Customer s Value Analysis Model, discussed how the two strategies gain strategic advantage and concluded that the two basic strategies are based on value thinking, making customer satisfied and gaining competitive advantage by providing more customer delivered value to the customer.文章利用价值分析理论、顾客价值分析模型分析了著名战略管理大师迈克尔·波特提出的两种基本战略———成本领先战略和差异化战略,探讨了两种基本战略形成竞争优势的过程,两种基本战略的实质都是基于价值思考———通过为顾客提供更多的让渡价值,使顾客满意,从而获得竞争优势。
6)Demisable Value价值让渡
1.The Demisable Value and a Rational Analysis of the Price Battle Between Brands;价值让渡与品牌商品价格战的理性辨析
