社会渠道,Social channel
1)Social channel社会渠道
1.The empirical analysis on operators' assessment model of social channel社会渠道运营商分级模型及实证研究
2.Social channels to the development of BMCC have a very important role, because the social channel is a dominant channel in the mobile voice services sale, and the voice services is a major source of revenue.本文在分析北京移动社会渠道发展的现状与存在问题的基础上,指出北京移动应该重新调整社会渠道的发展策略,通过渠道扁平化、管理制度建设、渠道信息系统建设等手段,使社会渠道为公司战略的实施提供更好的支撑。
3.This thesis analysis the influence to channel by changing of environment in detail, based on the theory of marketing channel, especially concerning the present work to study the strategy of social channel of the branch corporation of China Mobile.本文依据营销渠道理论,详细分析环境变化对渠道的影响,并联系实际工作,对中国移动锦州分公司的社会渠道的营销策略进行了研究。

1.The Importance of agent for China Telecom when 3G Came;浅谈3G时代中国电信社会渠道的建设
2.The empirical analysis on operators' assessment model of social channel社会渠道运营商分级模型及实证研究
3.UNITA Telecommunications Companies in Inner Mongolia Social Channel Manage Tactics Studying;内蒙古电信盟市分公司社会渠道管理策略研究
4.Studies on Marketing Strategy of Social Channel on China Mobile in JinZhou中国移动锦州分公司社会渠道营销策略研究
5.We should try various channels to raise and accumulate social security funds.多渠道筹集和积累社会保障基金。
6.We should raise social security funds through a variety of channels and manage them properly.多渠道筹集和管好社会保障基金。
7.Discuss Multi- Social Financing Ways to Support College & University s Expending;浅议高校经费的多渠道社会融资方式
8.On Social Background and Young People's Choice of Communication Channels社会背景下青少年对沟通渠道的选择
9.The Efficient Ways to Collecting Public Opinions in Residents Committee;城市社区居委会汇集社情民意的有效渠道
10.(6) Widening the Channel of Fund-raising and Quickening the Pace of the Construction of Social Security System.(六)拓宽资金筹集渠道,加快社会保障体系建设。
11.Widening the Channel of Fund-raising and Quickening the Pace of the Construction of Social Security System.(六)宽资金筹集渠道,加快社会保障体系建设。
12.Research in the Interaction between Marketing Channel Evolution and Knowledge Innovation Based on Social Networks Analysis;社会网络视角下渠道演进与知识创新的关系
13.The Research of the Social Distribution Channel of the Personal Access Phone System (PAS-XiaoLingTong) of China Telecom Xinjiang Subsidiary Company;新疆电信小灵通社会代理渠道建设与管理研究
14.Analysis of social and economic benefits of seepage control canals in Jiangsu Province;江苏省防渗渠道建设社会经济效益分析
15.Application of Social Network Dissemination in the Marketing Dissemination Channel;社会网络传播在营销传播渠道中的应用
16.Various Ways in Raising Funds--Practical Ways in Raising Funds for Social Security Program;多渠道筹资——社会保障基金筹措的现实路径
17.The Interaction Between Social Networks and Knowledge Sharing Based on Saltation of Marketing Channel渠道演进中的知识共享特点——基于社会网络分析
18.Social Donation is the Coming Fundraising Way for Chinese-foreign Cooperation in Running Schools社会募捐——中外合作办学筹资的“朝阳”渠道

social distribution Agency distribution channel社会代理渠道
3)social channel bounty社会渠道酬金
4)social morality社会道德
1.It is controlled by social morality and sense.管理活动中的创新思维受到社会道德与社会理性的调控。
2.In order to understand and minimize the negative social influence of science and technology,we shall connect moral ideas with scientific and technologic ideas to make social morality adapt to the science and technology era.如何正确认识和解决好科技给社会带来的负面影响,此文认为,应将社会道德的观点和科学技术的观点结合起来,让道德精神适应科学技术时代,并用道德之缰去约束科学技术这匹奔马,做到求真与求善的统一。
3.However,she suffered a lot in the net of her life woven by family and social morality and stepped to the guillotine finally.社会道德、柔弱的个性、虚伪的宗教三方面是造成苔丝悲惨一生的复杂根源。
5)social morals社会道德
1.And the key to this question is the development from social morals to individual morals.而解决这一问题的关键在于社会道德向个体道德发展。
2.“Do well and have well, do evil and have evil” is a basic principle that built harmonious social morals.“善有善报,恶有恶果”是促进和谐社会道德建设的一条基本原则。
3.The social allocation system and morals are dispensable to social system; and the justice of social allocation is a part of social morals, so it plays a important role of morals.社会的政治分配制度和社会道德都是社会体系整体不可缺少的构成要素;而且,社会政治分配正义的实现是社会道德所追求的善的内容之一,因此,社会政治制度的正义性对社会道德有着重要的影响。
6)social ethics社会道德
1.This article started from social ethics,from the view of social psychology,analyses the reason of rapid development of the early stage Christianity.本文以社会道德为出发点,从社会心理学的角度,分析早期基督教迅速发展的原因。
2.Analyzed from the point of ethics, the subjective factor leading to corruption of authority is the eager pursuit of interests which caused by the humanity mutation of individual ethics, while the objective factor is that the pluralistic value of social ethics provides corrupt element with the soil for growing corruption.从伦理学角度分析 ,权力腐败产生的主观因素就是个体道德、人性变异所引起的对利益的饥渴追求 ,客观因素就是社会道德价值多元化给腐败分子提供了滋长腐败行为的土壤。

社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)social being  定社s卜ehui eunzoi社会存在(soeial being)会意识。见社会存在决