收益共享契约,revenue-sharing contract
1)revenue-sharing contract收益共享契约
1.Supply chain coordination in emergent events using a revenue-sharing contract;收益共享契约下供应链应对突发事件的协调研究
2.Research on supply chain model based on revenue-sharing contract in enterprise innovation;企业创新供应链收益共享契约模型研究
3.Research on revenue-sharing contract of supply chain with a waste-averse supplier具有浪费厌恶决策偏好的供应链收益共享契约模型

1.Revenue Sharing Contract in Multiple Period Supply Chain;多级供应链的收益共享契约模型研究
2.Reasearch on Supply Chain Revenue Sharing Contract Design Based on Stochastic Demand;基于随机需求的供应链收益共享契约设计研究
3.On Validity Research of Supply Chain Coordination with Revenue-Sharing Contract;供应链协调管理中收益共享契约的有效性研究
4.Revenue Sharing Contracts in Supply Chains with Censored Demand and Demand Updating;缺货未知与需求预测更新下的收益共享契约
5.Study on Revenue Sharing Contract Mechanism in Supply Chain under Risk Preference;风险偏好下供应链收益共享契约机制研究
6.Coordination of Three-Level Supply Chain and Revenue Sharing Contract;基于三级供应链的收益共享契约协调研究
7.Study on Revenue Sharing Contract Mechanism in Three-Stage Supply Chain With Risk Preference;具有风险偏好的三级供应链收益共享契约机制
8.Research on two-part revenue-sharing contract under demand disruption;需求突变情况下供应链双层收益共享契约(英文)
9.Research on SC Revenue Sharing Contract under the Asymmetrical Cost Information;不对称成本信息下的供应链收益共享契约研究
10.Research on Revenue Sharing Contract Mechanism of Supply Chain with Risk Averse Agent;含风险规避者的供应链收益共享契约机制研究
11.The Research on Disruption Management in Supply Chain on Revenue-sharing Contract收益共享契约下供应链的应急管理研究
12.Revenue Sharing Contract of Supply Chain with Fuzzy Continuous Demand模糊连续需求下供应链收益共享契约机制研究
13.Research on the revenue sharing contract based on cooperation innovation of a supply chain基于供应链合作创新的收益共享契约研究
14.Ordering Decisions on Supply Chains under Revenue Sharing Policies收益共享契约下的供应链订购决策分析
15.Study on supply chain revenue sharing contract design with downside-risk controlDownside-risk控制下的供应链收益共享契约设计研究
16.Research on Supplier Selection and Revenue Sharing Contract Mechanism under Risk Environment in Supply Chain;供应链风险环境下的供应商选择及收益共享契约机制研究
17.The Research of Supply Chain Coordination Based on Revenue-Share Contract with Asymmetric Information;不对称信息下基于收益共享契约的供应链协调研究
18.On Supply Chain Revenue-Sharing Contract Design under Price-Sensitive Demand;需求具有价格敏感性的供应链收益共享契约设计研究

revenue sharing contract收益共享契约
1.Based on Bayesian Markov decision process,revenue sharing contracts can coordinate finite-horizon supply chains with a supplier and a retailer.针对由一个供应商和一个零售商组成的有限N阶段易逝品供应链,在市场需求与价格相关且含有未知参数,零售商不能观察到实际缺货量的情况下,运用贝叶斯马尔可夫决策过程,在证明收益共享契约能够实现上述供应链的协调的基础上,给出了实现协调的契约参数,指出该契约的成立不受零售商各个阶段定价策略和马尔可夫决策状态的影响。
3)benefit-sharing contract收益共享契约
1.The effects of reducing order lead time on profits of supply chain members under decentralization decision-making are analyzed,and the benefit-sharing contract which may ma.压缩订货提前期在提高销售商需求预测精度的同时却使制造商的生产成本增加,分析了分散决策下提前期压缩对供应链成员利润的影响,提出采用收益共享契约进行供应链协调。
4)revenue sharing contract of supply chain供应链收益共享契约
5)revenue sharing contract收入共享契约
1.Supply chain is coordinated by the modified and the tradi- tional revenue sharing contracts.并通过改进的收入共享契约使混合渠道供应链同时达到了订货量和销售努力的协调。
2.Being one of the most important coordination mechanisms for supply chain, revenue sharing contract has been being always focused on by academia and firms.收入共享契约作为一种重要的供应链协调机制之一,一直以来受到学术界和企业界的密切关注。
6)Revenue-sharing contract收入共享契约
1.According to the characteristic of networked manufacturing, the supply chain revenue-sharing contract model was established.在以制造商为主导的契约模式下,从收入共享契约的角度研究制造商和零售商组成的二级供应链;通过Stackelberg博弈分析,阐述收入分享比例、订货量、批发价格等相关参数对利润函数的影响,提出分散供应链和集中供应链两种情况下制造商和零售商之间博弈协调策略。
2.The revenue-sharing contract under supply chain with symmetric information structure was firstly discussed.研究了制造商的生产成本增加量为对称信息和非对称信息条件下的收入共享契约,结果表明:在对称信息条件下,收入共享契约可以达到系统协调,但在非对称信息条件下,为了激励制造商,销售商不得不对制造商的生产成本增加量的不可观测性付出成本,导致利润下降,而制造商由于拥有私有信息使得利润增加,整个供应链系统不能实现协调最优,只能得到具有帕累托改善的次优结果。

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