邮政业务,postal service
1)postal service邮政业务
1.The post should extend the services of transportation of materials,break through the service of “Transportation of Materials”,and also grasp the chances for the development of new postal services suited to information societ信息社会为邮政发展带来机遇 ,邮政应延伸传统的实物传递业务 ,并突破“实物传递”,不失时机地发展适应信息社会需求的邮政业
2.The Suzhou postal service network provides the network foundation transmission platform for the whole city postal service system and the work system.苏州邮政网络为全市的邮政业务系统和办公系统提供了网络基础传输平台。

1."Traditional services include letter service which is the sole business of the posts, parcel service, newspaper distribution, international postal services and stamp collection service."传统业务包括邮政的专营业务即信函业务、包裹业务、报刊发行、国际邮政业务以及集邮业务。
2.The branch post and telecommunications bureaus, the post and telecommunications offices, the branch post bureaus, and the postal offices shall be the branch offices that handle postal business (hereinafter referred to as "the branch office");邮电支局、邮电所、邮政支局、邮政所是办理邮政业务的分支机构(以下简称分支机构);
3.At the Post Office: Learning vocabulary to do with the postal service: sending a parcel , express delivery , registered mail , metered mail , stamp collecting.学习与邮政业务相关的词汇,如发送邮包、特快专递、挂号邮件、邮资总付邮件、集邮等。
4."The postal enterprises attached to the competent department of postal services under the State Council are public enterprises, owned by the whole people, that operate postal Businesses."国务院邮政主管部门所属的邮政企业是全民所有制的经营邮政业务的公用企业。
5."According to stipulations of the competent department of postal services under the State Council, postal enterprises shall establish Branch offices that operate postal Businesses."邮政企业按照国务院邮政主管部门的规定设立经营邮政业务的分支机构。
6.Of this total, that of postal services stood at 49.5 billion yuan, up 8.2 percent;其中,邮政业务总量495亿元,增长8.2%;
7.The postal kiosks and newspaper and periodical stands shall be the service points of postal enterprises.邮亭、邮政报刊亭等是邮政企业的服务点。
8.The Study on Quality Assurance System of Postal Correspondence Business Service;邮政函件业务服务质量保证体系研究
9.Study of Guangdong Post Electronic Commerce Competition Strategy广东邮政电子商务业务发展战略研究
10.Letters mailing is the core product for Chinese postal enterprise.函件业务是中国邮政企业的核心产品。
11.The Research of Business Positioning and Operating System of Postal Industry;邮政企业业务定位及其运作体系研究
12.On Problems and Countermeasures concerning China Postal Advertisement Business;中国邮政邮发广告业务存在的问题与对策
13.Post Office Postal Officers Union邮政署邮务员职工会
14.the official in charge of the national postal service.主管国家邮政服务业的官员。
15.The Study of JiLin Province Post Mail Business Development Strategy吉林省邮政函件业务发展战略的研究
16.The Research of the Inner Mongolia Postal Distribution Business;内蒙古邮政发展物流配送业务的研究
17.Research on Development Strategy of Beijing Postal Insurance Business;北京邮政经营保险业务发展策略研究
18.The Study on Marketing Strategy for the Mail Service of GanSu Post;甘肃邮政函件业务市场营销策略研究

Post service邮政业务
1.Aiming at overall appraising the economic and social effect of post enterprise,this paper works out a comprehensive index system to evaluate the development of post service on business scale,service quality,development potentialities,development coordination,etc.以全面考核邮政企业经济效益、社会效益为目标 ,给出了在业务规模、服务质量、经济效益、发展潜力、发展协调度等多方面综合评价邮政业务发展的指标体
2.The paper analyzes the telecom service income increasing rate and the post service income increasingrate by using the R/S analysis.本文应用R/S 分析法测定了电信业务收入增长率、邮政业务收入增长率的Hurst 指数,指出通信市场业务收入增长率存在强持久性,并初步测度了电信业务收入增长率的记忆周期长度,为进一步研究我国通信市场的波动特征提供了依据。
3)post integrated service network邮政综合业务网
1.Introduces the design and main characters of a General Post Newspapers and Magazines Handling out System,which is based on post integrated service network.介绍了基于邮政综合业务网的《通用型邮政行业报刊杂志分发系统》的设计及其特点。
4)postal service processing邮政业务处理
5)postal financial services邮政金融业务
1.This article analyzes the environment that the development of postal financial services confronted and the challenge that postal financial mechanism faced in the process of postal reformation.在分析了邮政金融业务发展所面临的环境及在邮政改革过程中邮政金融机构所面临挑战的同时,提出了邮政金融业务发展的指导原则和经营策略。
2.The paper also introduces the postal financial services and the Postal Air Company of France Post.:介绍了法国邮政进行公司转型和商业化改革后的组织机构、业务结构和专业化经营、业务创新、明确时限标准、细化市场等四大经营策略以及法国邮政金融业务和法国邮政航空公司的概况 ,并借鉴法国邮政的有效举措 ,对中国邮政的改革和发展提出建
6)international postal business国际邮政业务
1.Impact of international postal business & telecommunication services on international payments;国际邮政业务和通讯服务贸易对国际收支的影响

注册会计师有承办审计业务、会计咨询、会计服务业务的权利注册会计师有承办审计业务、会计咨询、会计服务业务的权利:(1)、审计企业会计报表的,出具审计报告 (2)、验证企业资本,出具验资报告 (3)、办理企业合并、分立、清算事宜中的审计业务,出具有关的报告 (4)、法律、行政法规的其他审计业务