山东移动,Shandong Mobile
1)Shandong Mobile山东移动
1.Study on the Clients service Expectation Management of Shandong Mobile;山东移动客户服务期望管理研究
2.Implement and Application Study of Shandong Mobile Business Analysis Support System;山东移动经营分析系统实施与应用研究

1.The Design and Implementation of the Bureau Data Management System for Shandong Province Mobile;山东移动局数据管理系统设计与实现
2.SDMC E-Payment System Design and Accomplishment;山东移动网上支付系统的设计与实现
3.The Research in 3G Marketing Development Strategy of Shandong Mobile;山东移动3G业务市场开发策略研究
4.The Design and Implementation of the Bureau Data Verification and Production for Shandong Mobile山东移动局数据核查制作设计与实现
5.The Data Scoop Outs in Shandong to Move the Maganment Analysis the Application in the System;数据挖掘在山东移动经营分析系统中的应用
6.The Design and Implementation of Sdmcc Data Service Management System;山东移动数据业务管理系统规划设计与实现
7.Study of Performance Management System in Braches of Shandong Mobile Co.,Ltd;山东移动地市分公司绩效管理体系研究
8.Research on Development of SDMCC Telecom Operations Support System;山东移动通信公司网络运营支撑系统发展研究
9.The Incentive System Design of the Sales Staff about LaiWu Branch ShanDong Mobile Co.Ltd.;山东移动莱芜分公司营销人员激励体系设计
10.A Research on Rural Marketing Strategy of Shandong Mobile Corporation;山东移动通信公司农村市场营销策略研究
11.Implement and Application Study of Shandong Mobile Business Analysis Support System;山东移动经营分析系统实施与应用研究
12.Study on Rural New Customers Development of Shandong Mobile Corporation;山东移动通信公司农村市场新客户开发
13.Channel Strategy Design and Implementation of Shan Dong Mobile after Restructuring重组后山东移动渠道营销策略的设计与实施
14.A Study on Development Stragety for Mobile Communication Business of ShanDong Unicom;山东联通移动通信业务发展战略研究
15.Study on the Divergence of Rural Area Surplus Labor Force of Shandong Province;山东省农村富余劳动力转移问题研究
16.Research on Education Training Program for the Shifted Labor Force in Shandong Province山东省农村劳动力转移教育培训研究
17.The Shandong Emigration to the Northeast in China and Shandong Society;1775-1850年山东移民东北与山东社会

Shandong migrants山东移民
3)Mobile Communication Center in Shandong Province山东移动通讯枢纽工程
1.Seismic environment around the site of Mobile Communication Center in Shandong Province and determination to its ground motion Parameters;山东移动通讯枢纽工程场址的地震环境与地震动参数确定
4)Shandong mobile communication company山东移动通信公司
5)go in the east direction.向东移动。
6)Guangdong Corporation广东移动
1.The paper integrates theory and practice and analyzes the technology innovation of telecom operators, taking China Mobile Group Guangdong Corporation for example to provide a long effective mechanism of technology innovation for telecom operators, including innovation evaluation operation, innovation incentive mechanism and innovation cooperation mechanism.本文通过理论联系实际,定性结合定量的方法,通过分析目前电信运营商科技创新管理的现状,结合理论以及广东移动的实际情况,提出了构建电信运营商的科技创新长效机制,包括创新评估机制、创新激励机制以及创新合作机制。

山东方言笑话—山东方言笑话  有着外省口音的老师在讲台上,很有感情地为大家读了一首题为「卧春」的诗,并且要大家写在笔记本,这首词是这样的:   《卧春》   暗梅幽闻花,卧枝伤恨底   遥闻卧似水,易透达春绿,   岸似绿,岸似透绿,岸似透黛绿。   没想到一位山东同学的笔记竟然是这样学写的:   《我蠢》   俺没有文化,我智商很低,   要问我是谁?一头大蠢驴!   俺是驴,俺是头驴,俺是头呆驴!