精益服务,lean service
1)lean service精益服务
1.This article presents a case study of the application of lean service in hospital out-patient service,demon- strating how lean service lead to improved process efficiency and competence.通过对医院门诊服务的案例分析,展示了构建精益服务的过程,并展示了精益服务带来的竞争优势和全新的服务体验。
2.This paper defines lean service, and provides three lean methods of designing service operation and the process of constructing lean service system.本文通过理论分析、实证分析,定性研究与定量研究相结合,对比研究等方法,通过对服务经济现状、服务业特征、服务运作管理进行分析,给出了精益服务的定义,提出了三种精益设计方法以及构建精益服务体系的方法和步骤,并以天津眼科医院验光配镜中心为具体的研究对象,对其实施精益服务的具体情况进行分析和研究,最后阐述了实施精益服务的意义及研究展望。

1.Lean Seervice: The Application Study of Lean Thinking in Service Operation;精益服务——精益思想在服务运作中的应用研究
2.Lean service system in All-service Operation Environment服务模式:全业务运营环境下的精益服务体系
3.A Conclusion about The Principle of Service Innovation from Angle of Customer Demand;精益物流思想下饭店企业服务的市场发展战略
4.A Theoretical Discussion on the Construction of Lean Tourism Service System关于构建精益旅游服务系统的理论探讨
5.We have unique combinations of infrastructure, skills and services that we are constantly building on.我们独特的基本建设、技术和服务组合,不断精益求精。
6.Administrate concept:Products with genuine good at a fair price.Serve with constantly improve,sale the products with responsibility.经营理念:产品货真价实,服务精益求精,我销售,我负责。
7.actuarial consulting services精算顾问服务(费)
8.The spirit of work of the municipal telephone Bureau is to take root in China and serve the world as a whole with efficiency and high prestige.市电话局的工作精神是立足中国,服务世界,讲究效益,信誉第一。
9.The Expert of Machine Tools Retrofitting and Service Beijing CAPE Precision Mechanical & Electrical Technology Co., Ltd.数控机床改造与服务专家——北京凯普精益机电技术有限公司
10.Lean Management in Xunjie Car Sales and Service Co., Ltd.;精益管理在迅捷汽车销售服务公司的实践与探讨
11.Research on Lean Six Sigma Applications to Telecommunication Service Quality Management精益六西格玛方法在电信服务质量管理中的应用研究
12.The last international healthcare quality pathway by lean production methods最新国际医疗质量过程管理的精益医疗服务方式
13.With a strong team of prominent personnel and advanced equipments, Yingfeng Company gives priority to production quality and corporate management and provision of considerate services to its customers.公司各类人才充足,设备精良齐全,产品新颖质优、管理精益求精,服务至诚周到。
14.The unit serves as a focal point to direct and secure improvement through promoting best practice.效率促进组全力推行公营部门改革,推广最佳管理模式,务使政府服务,精益求精。
15.International Social Service国际社会公益服务处
16.The company in line with strives for perfection, take honestly as this, customer is supreme principle. Decides can the product and the service which brings to you extremely satisfies.公司本着精益求精,以诚为本,顾客至上的原则。定能给您带来最最满意的产品和服务。
17.Research on Accurate Management Innovation of Service Operation Based on Lean Six Sigma--A Cace Study on Reducing the Bill Objection Rate from Shanghai Telecom;基于精益六西格玛的服务运营精确化管理创新研究——以上海电信降低话费异议率为例
18.client-oriented culture以服务对象为本的精神;以客为本的服务精神;“顾客至上”的服务精神

service system of lean logistics精益物流服务体系
1.By applying advanced administrative theories and techniques traditionally in manufacturing industry to tourism management,this paper brings forward the concept of LTSS(Lean Tourism Service System) to boom the development of tourism industry.通过借鉴传统制造业的先进管理理论与技术,为蓬勃发展的旅游业提出了精益旅游服务系统的概念。
4)lean healthcare processes精益医疗服务方式
5)service benefit服务功益
1.Wetland ecosystem has various important service benefits as follows: (1) It has the ecological service benefit of modulating climate and water regime; moreover, it is favorable to prevent floodin.湿地生态系统在改善环境、调洪蓄洪、为人类提供各种资源等方面,具有调节气候和水文的生态服务功益、保护水禽迁徙和繁育的生态服务功益、丰富的生物多样性、降解和富集污染物的环境服务功益、物质生产服务功益和旅游服务功益等。
2.Altay mountain wetland is one of the largest wetland ecosystem in arid Xinjiang area,which has various important eco-service benefits like supporting water sources,flood diversion and storage,modulating climate and water regime.阿尔泰山湿地是新疆干旱区最大的山区湿地生态系统之一,在对该湿地进行实地考察、遥感分析、实验室分析的基础上,认为该湿地具有提供水源、调蓄洪水、调节局部气候、维持生物多样性、净化水质、提供休闲旅游、文化科研教育等多种生态系统服务功益。
6)Service benefit服务效益
1.This paper takes the library of Guangzhou University as an example to discuss the wholly new meaning of proffering library service and conditions needed to promote service benefit systemically in contemporary era.文章以广州大学图书馆为个例 ,就当今图书馆服务工作的全新内涵、服务效益的提高需要具备的条件进行了系统的探讨 ,并肯定了这一课题的深入讨论对提高办馆水平的必要性。

LP精益生产(lean production)LP精益生产(lean production):所奉行的目标原则是尽善尽美,力图以最小的投入获得最大的产值,以最快的速度进行设计和生产,无休止地追求降低成本,追求消灭残次品,追求零库存,全面、高效、灵活、优质的服务等。精益生产的特点是对消灭物流浪费的无限追求。虽然在现实中几乎不可能达到这种理想的完美境界,但是不间断地追求而产生的效果是惊人的。