人力资源管理制度,human resources management system
1)human resources management system人力资源管理制度

1.Enterprise s Human Resources Managing System under the Hypothesis of Human Nature;人性假设下的企业人力资源管理制度
2.The Research on Human Resource System of Modern Banks (1897~1937);近代中国银行人力资源管理制度研究
3.Discussion of the System Recreation on HRM in Private Enterprises;民营企业人力资源管理制度再造探讨
4.On Human Resource Management System Based on Harmonious Management Theory;基于和谐管理理论的人力资源管理制度安排
5.The Discussion of Prompting Leading Human Resource Management System of Chinese Newspaper;试论我国报业激励导向型的人力资源管理制度
6.The Improvement and Innovation of the Human Resources Management System in Power Supply Enterprise;供电企业人力资源管理制度的完善与创新
7.Analysis Based on Game Theory for the Management System of Human Resources in Universities;高等院校人力资源管理制度的博弈分析
8.Innovation in the Management System of Human Resource in Public Sectors;试论公共部门人力资源管理制度的创新
9.Research on Revolution of China Television Human Resources Management System;中国电视业人力资源管理制度改革初探
10.Constructing the Human Resource Management System Based on SA8000 System;构筑以SA8000体系为基础的人力资源管理制度
11.Considerations about the Construction of the System of Current Enterprise’s Human Resource Management;当前企业人力资源管理制度建设的思考
12.Consideration on Human Resources Management System within the Range of Enterprise Culture;在企业文化范畴内对人力资源管理制度的思考
13.System Innovation of State-owned Enterprises in the Realm of Human Resource Management;对国有企业人力资源管理制度创新的认识
14.The Study on the Human Resource Management of Enterprise Annuity;企业年金制度的人力资源管理学研究
15.On the Professionalism System of Public Human Resources Management in America;美国公共人力资源管理的职业化制度
16.Innovating the Human Management System,Strengthening the Human Resource Management of Higher School;改革人事管理制度 加强高校人力资源管理
17.Reforming the Human-resources Management and Personnel System in Modern Enterprises;现代企业人力资源管理与人事制度改革
18.Innovation of Human Resource Management Incentive System in State-owned Coal Enterprise;国有煤炭企业人力资源管理激励制度的创新

The Ultimate Dimension of Human Resource Management人力资源管理最佳维度
3)Human Management Outsourcing Degree人力资源管理外包程度
4)human resource management control人力资源管理控制
1.The paper studies the relation between diversified strategies and human resource management control by constructing a theoretic model.通过构造一种理论模型考察了多元化发展战略与人力资源管理控制之间的关系。
5)human resource development and management mechanism人力资源开发管理机制
6)Management Mechanism Of Human Resources人力资源管理机制
