电信增值业务,telecom value-added service
1)telecom value-added service电信增值业务
1.The Research of Sichuan Telecom Value-added Service Marketing Strategy;四川电信增值业务市场营销策略研究
2.A Study on the Business Model of Telecom Value-added Service under the Circumstances of 3G Technology;3G技术环境下电信增值业务的商业模式研究
3.Business Models of Telecom Value-Added Service in the Tendency of Network Convergence;网络融合趋势下电信增值业务的商业模式分析

1.The Marketing Strategy of Telecom Value-Added Enterprise Services;企业级电信增值业务的发展战略研究
2.Middleware Application in Telecom Added Value Service中间件技术在电信增值业务中的应用
3.The Research of Sichuan Telecom Value-added Service Marketing Strategy;四川电信增值业务市场营销策略研究
4.Discussion on the Development and Supervision of Telecom Value-added Service by Analyzing the Evolution of Telecom Service Value Chain;从电信业价值链的演变看电信增值业务的发展及监管
5.Application and Research of Signal No.7 Analysis in the Telecom Increment Operation;电信增值业务中七号信令分析的应用与研究
6.A Study on the Business Model of Telecom Value-added Service under the Circumstances of 3G Technology;3G技术环境下电信增值业务的商业模式研究
7.Business Models of Telecom Value-Added Service in the Tendency of Network Convergence;网络融合趋势下电信增值业务的商业模式分析
8.To exploit the chain of value actively in the value-added service and enhance the competitive ability of telecom operators;积极开拓电信增值业务价值链 增强运营商竞争力
9.The Research of Value-Added Service Development in Telecom Based on ISAG and J2EE;J2EE平台下基于ISAG的电信增值业务开发方法研究
10.The Design and Implementation of Secure and Value-Added Lottery Platform;彩票电信增值业务安全平台的设计与实现
11.Research on OSS/J of Billing Mediation System for Increment Operation;基于OSS/J的电信增值业务计费仲裁系统的研究
12.Research and Implementation of Telecommunication Value-added Services System Model Based on Grid;基于网格技术的电信增值业务模型研究与实现
13.Risk Analysis and Applied Research on Value-added Telecommunication Services Developing Project;电信增值业务开发项目风险分析及应用研究
14.The Analysis for Guangxi Telecom Value-Added Services Development and Operations;广西电信增值业务发展与营销状况分析
15.The Recognition and Sanction of Legal Issue on Telecommunication Increment Service;电信增值业务引发的法律问题的认定与制裁
16.Research on the Change and Countermeasure of the Telecom Value-added Service Based on the Viewpoint of the Telecom Company运营商视角的电信增值业务转变及对策研究
17.A research on business co-operation between Chinapost and Telecom;邮政与电信业务合作及短信增值业务的探讨
18.Design and Development of Voice Value-added Service Platform of Telecommunication;电信语音增值业务平台的设计与开发

value-added service电信增值业务
1.The appearance of telecom value-added service breaks up the monopolization of telecom industry.电信增值业务的出现,打破了电信行业的垄断地位,更多的应用和内容提供商参与到业务的提供上来。
3)value-added telecom services电信增值业务
1.After analyzing the value-added telecom services data,this paper gives a plan of creating BI system based on data warehouse technologies,puts forward the themes in value-added telecom services,makes analysis models,implements the design plan,and uses Excel as user interface to demonstrates the system functions.通过对电信增值业务数据的分析,提出了基于数据仓库技术的BI系统方案,确定了电信增值业务的分析主题,建立了分析模型,并基于oracle10实现了该设计方案。
4)Value-added Telecommunication Services增值电信业务
5)industry chain of the value-added service电信增值业务产业链
1.Value-added service is paid more and more attention, and the industry chain of the value-added service is paid close attention by academic circles, business circles and government.增值业务越来越受到大家的普遍重视,而电信增值业务产业链也受到了包括学术界、企业、政府的密切关注,如何构建合理的电信增值业务产业链已成为大家关注的焦点之一,建立和完善合理的利益分配模式则是电信增值业务产业链稳定发展的重要保证。
6)Internet Telecommunication Value-added Service互联网电信增值业务

电信增值业务  凭借公用电信网的资源和其它通信设备而开发的附加通信业务,其实现的价值使原有网路的经济效益或功能价值增高,故称之为电信增值业务。有时称之为增强型业务。