1.China officially launched the delisting system in 2001 to ensure the listed companies’survival of the fittest, and promote the sound development of China’s capital market.我国于2001年正式启动上市公司退市机制,目的是使上市公司优胜劣汰,促进资本市场的良性发展。

1.The Research of Perfecting Withdraw Law System of Listed Company in China;完善我国上市公司退市法律制度研究
2.Some Thoughts about Perfecting Delisting System of Listed Company of China;对完善上市公司退市制度的几点思考
3.The city has declined in prosperity.这都市的繁华渐渐衰退。
4.He threatened to pull out of the common market.他威协要退出共同市
5.Research on Effect of Returning Farmland to Forest and Measures Analysis of Vegetation Restoration in Yan an City;延安市退耕还林成效及主要退耕模式分析
6.The statesman retired as the mayor of New York.那位政治家退休时是纽约市市长。
7.The defenders of the city drove the enemy off城市的保卫者把敌人击退了。
8.As the troops withdraw , the entire city celebrated the liberation部队撤退时,整个城市欢庆解放
9.Market dull and slacken no business report.市场萧条胩衰退,没有有关交易的报道。
10.The market in the western world is facing a slump of disastrous proportions.西方世界的市场正面临着严重的衰退。
11.There is a tendency of serious slump in the watch market.手表市场呈现出严重衰退的趋势。
12.improve the market exit mechanism for financial institutions规范金融机构市场退出制度
13.Third, the pace to phase out inferior enterprises from the market will be quickened.第三,加快劣势企业退出市场步伐。
14.The bandits have withdrawn from the town and spread out into the surrounding villages. All the shops in the town are still closed.匪是退了,屯在四乡,商家都没有开市。
15.Japanese investors . . . have all but pulled out of the market-and there's no deep pocket outside Japan to take their place(Larry Martz)日本投资者…几乎退出了那个市
16.Please fill out "Application form on Tax Refund of the Wuxi Local Tax Bureau".请填写《无锡市地方税务局退税申请书》。
17.As the troops withdrew, the entire city celebrated the liberation.部队撤退时,整个城市欢庆解放。
18.The Decadent Reason and Countermeasure of Crescent Moon Spring View of Dunhuang City敦煌市月牙泉景观衰退的原因及对策

Delisting system退市
3)market withdrawal市场退出
1.A Probe into the Market Withdrawal Issue of the High-risk Small and Medium Financial Institutions in China;我国高风险中小金融机构市场退出问题研究
2.Comparing the effecting influence among the key factor variables with Wilcoxon-test,we concluded that the relative behaviour of the driver and company owner are very important to the market withdrawal of highway passenger transport industry.通过对广东省公路客运企业和政府主管部门的问卷调查,采用因子分析方法,从影响客运市场退出的相关主体及相关行为中筛选出关键变量。
3.Therefore, the State should supervise the whole course of the bank market withdrawal.但是 ,由于商业银行的特殊性 ,其退出市场时会涉及到多方当事人的利益和国家金融秩序的安全 ,所以必须由国家对商业银行市场退出的全过程进行监管。
4)market exit市场退出
1.A Study on Domestic Bank M&A under the Situation of Market Exit;市场退出下的国内银行并购研究
2.A Study about the International Comparison of Handling Experience of Market Exit of Failure Bank;失败银行市场退出处置的国际比较研究
3.This paper studies the market exit of high-risk financial institutions,shows the experience and major problems,and gives the policy suggestions.因此,对资不抵债的高风险金融机构实施市场退出,是净化金融市场,保证金融体系健康、稳健发展的重要手段。
5)urban decay城市衰退
1.The main practices in foreign developed countries are the lender of last resort (LOLR), the deposit insurance system and Market-withdrawal system.国外许多国家银行危机处理措施除了建立市场退出机制外,尚有最后贷款人手段和存款保险制度两种保障措施。
2.Under market economy,it is important for bank supervision organization to explore the institutions of banking-crisis-disposal and banking-market-withdrawal.在市场经济条件下,寻求金融机构市场退出及处理金融危机的措施应是金融监管当局实施监管的重要内容。

五不退──生净土五不退【五不退──生净土五不退】  ﹝出净土十疑论﹞  [一、大悲摄持不退],谓众生得生净土者,以阿弥陀佛大悲愿力,摄持不舍,故得不退转也。  [二、佛光照烛不退],谓众生得生净土者,常被佛光照烛,故菩提之心,日得增长,而不退转也。  [三、常闻法音不退],谓众生得生净土者,闻诸水鸟树林风声乐响,皆说苦空无我之法,是以常起念佛、念法、念僧之心,而不退转也。  [四、善友同居不退],谓众生得生净土者,以由彼国纯诸菩萨以为胜友,内无烦恼惑业之累,外无邪魔恶缘之境,故一生之后,即不退转也。  [五、寿命无量不退],谓诸众生得生净土者,即得寿命无量,与佛菩萨平等无二,故一生之后,即不退转也。