盘锦新联通,Panjin New Unicom
1)Panjin New Unicom盘锦新联通
1.Unicom with a new concept of enterprise culture and spirit to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of staff and creative, comprehensive Panjin New Unicom to enhance the core competitiveness and sustainable development, building a leading broadband communications and information service providers.本文以刚刚融合重组后的中国联合网络通信有限公司盘锦市分公司(以下简称盘锦新联通)为研究对象,探讨在新的形势下,在实现有形资源的合并后,怎样创建盘锦新联通新的企业文化。
2)Jinzhou New Unicom锦州新联通
1.The thesis makes Jinzhou Branch (hereinafter referred to Jinzhou New Unicom) as the object of study to probe into the matter of construction of corporate culture under the new situation.本文以中国联通与原中国网通合并后的中国联合网络通信有限公司锦州市分公司(以下简称锦州新联通)为研究对象,探讨为了提升融合、重组新形势下的锦州新联通企业核心竞争力,应该建设怎样的企业文化的问题。
1.Feasibility discussion on blending agricultural miniature tractor oil with base oil of Panjin;用盘锦基础油调试农用小型拖拉机油的可行性探讨
2.Brief introduction of Panjin wetland ecosystem research station;盘锦湿地生态系统野外观测站概况
3.Research about Blood Se-content of Healthy Residents In Panjin City,Liaoning Province;辽宁省盘锦市健康居民血硒含量的研究

1.Now we are on our way to Panjin.韩佳:我们现在是在去盘锦的路上。
2.Characteristics of Net Ecosystem CO_2 Exchange over Panjin Reed Wetland and Its Simulation;盘锦芦苇湿地碳通量特征与模拟研究
3.On the Distribution and "Increasing-pole" Effect in Panjin s Fisheries Development;盘锦渔业布局与“增长极"效用探讨
4.Bring dominant to play accelerate to develop produce good quality rice in Panjin city;发挥优势 加快发展盘锦市优质米生产
5.Panjin Liaohe River Delta Wetland Ecological Carrying Capacity Study辽河三角洲盘锦湿地生态承载力研究
7.Development Trend of and Control to Sheath Blight of Rice in Panjin盘锦水稻纹枯病发展趋势及防控技术
8.The coastal waters teem with fat crabs.连片的蟹滩为盘锦生态增添了勃勃生机。
9.Lender-borrower Relationship between Large-sized Firms and Banks:A Case Study of Panjin City大型企业—银行信贷关系研究:以盘锦为例
10.The Strategy Mode Research of Resistant Development for Panjin City;资源型城市(盘锦)可持续发展战略模式研究
11.Technology and Optimum Design Foundation Improvement of Large-scale Oil Storage Tanks in Panjin Region;盘锦地区大型石油储罐地基处理及方案优化
12.The Research on Perfecting Modern Enterprise System of Panjin Liaoyou CY Group;盘锦辽油CY集团完善现代企业制度研究
13.A Research on the School-Based Curriculum Development of Mathematics in Panjin Economey Technology School;盘锦市经济技术学校数学校本课程开发研究
14.The Campus Cultural Construction Problems and the Countermeasure Study on Panjin Elementary School;盘锦市小学校园文化建设问题与对策研究
15.Pan Jin City Secondary Vocational Schools Teacher Occupation Pressure Studies;盘锦市中等职业学校教师职业压力研究
16.The Design of Commercial Overall Arrangement in the Eastern Shopping Center of Xinglongtai District in Panjin;盘锦市兴隆台区东部商业区商业布局规划
17.Mobile Marketing Strategy Research of Panjin Unicom Company;盘锦联通公司移动通信市场营销策略研究
18.Study on the Crab Logistics Information Platform of Panjin Based on Internet;基于互联网的盘锦市河蟹物流信息平台研究

Jinzhou New Unicom锦州新联通
1.The thesis makes Jinzhou Branch (hereinafter referred to Jinzhou New Unicom) as the object of study to probe into the matter of construction of corporate culture under the new situation.本文以中国联通与原中国网通合并后的中国联合网络通信有限公司锦州市分公司(以下简称锦州新联通)为研究对象,探讨为了提升融合、重组新形势下的锦州新联通企业核心竞争力,应该建设怎样的企业文化的问题。
1.Feasibility discussion on blending agricultural miniature tractor oil with base oil of Panjin;用盘锦基础油调试农用小型拖拉机油的可行性探讨
2.Brief introduction of Panjin wetland ecosystem research station;盘锦湿地生态系统野外观测站概况
3.Research about Blood Se-content of Healthy Residents In Panjin City,Liaoning Province;辽宁省盘锦市健康居民血硒含量的研究
4)decoration plate锦盘
5)XinYu Unicom新余联通
1.The Research on Service Marketing Strategies of XinYu Unicom Company;新余联通公司服务营销策略研究
6)The New China Unicom新联通
1.So The New China Unicom,for a rainy day,should Summarize development experience and lessons learned before the starding of "3G" marketing, combine with the current "3G" development opportunities, explore their own business developmen of fiting out "3G" marketing will be a important practical significance.但从目前新联通应对竞争所面临的现状来看,资源相对有限,营销手段简单且缺乏竞争力,组织管理水平有待提高。

锦州锦州Jinzhou Iinzhou锦州(Jinzhou)中国东北地区西南部的军事、交通重镇。由锦川(今小凌河)得名。位于辽宁省西部,小凌河下游,东距沈阳242千米。辖古塔、凌河、太和3区,黑山、北镇、义县3县,面积7 376平方千米,人口235.54万,其中市区面积804平方千米,人口75石O万(1993)。 汉置徒河县。隋为沪河县。唐属营州。辽始建锦州。明置广宁中、左屯卫。清置锦县。1949年为辽西省省会。1954年为辽宁省辖市。 锦州辖区地形狭长,东北一西南走向。东连东北平原,西通辽西走廊接华北平原,北依松岭LLI,南濒渤海。地势西北高,东南低。城区周围环山,东有紫荆山,北有丫巴石、二郎洞。小凌河流经南部。属温带大陆性季风气候。年平均气温8.5℃,1月平均气温一9℃,7月平均气温24℃。年平均降水量600毫米。铁路有沈阳一山海关、锦州一承德等;公路有(北)京哈(尔滨)、锦洲)赤(峰)、锦洲)阜(新)线,为辽西地区交通枢纽。锦州机场在建设中。锦州是以石油、化工、电子、纺织、造纸等为主的综合性工业城市,是辽西的经济中心。扼辽西走廊要冲,历来是兵家必争之地。明崇祯十四年(1641)至十五年,后金军在锦州地区与明军决战获胜,控制了辽西走廊,为进图中原打开了通路。1948年中国人民解放军发动辽沈战役,首先攻克锦州,封闭东北国民党军从陆上向关内的退路。 (王戎式周宇枢)