摸底测试,pre-compliance testing
1)pre-compliance testing摸底测试
1.Finally,it discusses the difficulty exists in NEBS process in the 3rd step,and accentuates the pre-compliance testing and enough patience to achieve NEBS.最后,讨论了认证测试阶段面临的困难,并强调了认证前摸底测试的重要性及必须具备足够的耐心。

1.Analysis of the Freshmens English Entrance Examination of Our Institute and Suggestions;对我院98级新生英语入学摸底测试成绩的分析与思考
2.I am going to find out just how untouchable you are.我要试试看你到底是不是老虎屁股摸不得。
3.Toys Flammability Testing Apparatus Based on PLC and Touch Screen基于PLC和触摸屏的玩具易燃性测试装置
4.Three of us will go on an expedition and find out.我们三个先去摸摸底,把事情弄清楚。
5.We must get to know farming techniques.我们要摸农业技术的底。
6.The water is very deep here, I can't touch bottom.这儿水很深, 我摸不着底.
7.The water is very deep here,I can't touch(the)bottom.这儿水很深,我摸不着底.
8.You must touch the bottom of the pot with your right hand.你们要用右手摸锅底。
9.Improving the Examination s Function of the HYCG-10A Chassis Dynamometer;HYCG-10A型底盘测功机测试性能改进
10.In Situ Acoustic Experiment and Properties Study in Marine Sediments;海底沉积物声学原位测试和特性研究
11.Background vibration analysis for traffic environmental vibration testing交通环境振动测试中的本底振动分析
12.The Intrinsic Count Rate Test For SIEMENS LSO Scintillator Detectors PET/CTSIEMENS LSO晶体PET/CT的本底计数测试
13.Research on Computer Test and Control System of Automobile Chassis Dynamometer;汽车底盘测功机测试与控制系统的研究
14.Work on the four permafrost test sections has been carried out in full swing, and tests and studies are under way to explore experiences for the construction in permafrost sections next year.4个多年冻土试验段工程全面展开,正在紧张进行测试研究工作,为迎战明年冻土施工摸索经验。
15.But when she tried to caress him, the boy shunned her.可是当她底手去抚摸他底时候,他又躲闪开了。
16.scrabble about under the table for the dropped sweets在桌子底下摸索着找掉在地上的糖块.
17.Please investigate how much grain the peasants actually consume.请同志们摸一下农民用粮的底。
18.I reckon she'll be back by the end of this month.我估摸着她月底就能回来。

touching test触摸测试
3)placement test分班考试,摸底考试
4)reliability preexposure and growth testing可靠性摸底增长试验
5)motherboard test底板测试
6)The structure controls the mineral探边摸底
