1.In the framework of megametaphoric texts, the feature(s) from the cluster models of a source domain is / are projected onto its target domain as tenor.当这种以等级体系排列的原子隐喻成分在脚本中被填充到它们相应的逻辑空位上并按时间序列得到叙述性表达时,就将博喻由深层建构转换为语言表征。
2.A megametaphoric event is an experiential gestalt embodying both propositional and metaphoric actions.“博喻”是超越词句层面,形成“篇章隐喻”的主要手段。
3.In megametaphoric metafunctions, the syndromes produced by its ideational function in syntagmaxis form the basis of signifying chains,with its registral elements co-occuring and extending regularly in the same text so as to form the extensive and gestalt semantic framework of a metaphorical text;meanwhile,the metaphoric degrees can be shown in the rankshifts produced in parataxis.“博喻”是超越词句层面、形成“篇章隐喻”的主要手段。

1.On the Logic and Informational Constructions of Textual Metaphor from a Megametaphoric Perspective;从博喻看篇章隐喻的逻辑和信息建构
2.On Megametaphorical Semantic Construction for Text--Textual Metaphor Revisited;论博喻对篇章的语义建构——再谈篇章隐喻
3.On the Non-metafunctions of English Megametaphor and Their Effects on the Construction of Textual Metaphor;论博喻的非元功能对建构英语篇章隐喻的作用
4.On the Motivations,Objectives and Methods for Studying Textual Megametaphor;论篇章博喻的研究理据、目的和方法
5.On Metafunctions of English Megametaphor and Their Effects on Construction of Textual Metaphor;从博喻的元功能看其对建构英语篇章隐喻的作用
6.On Metaphor--Inspiration from the Instruction of PhD Candidates of Linguistics论隐喻——指导语言学博士研究生记实
7.There are many metaphors linked to the story of Three Magi who came from the East to adore the newborn Jesus.有很多隐喻同东方三博士崇拜新生的婴儿耶稣有关。
8.The gentleman knows what is right; the small man knows what is profitaBle.君子喻于义,小人喻于利。
9.A Metonymy and Metaphor-based Study of HAND Fan Hui,Gongxue,Daiweiping;“Hand/手”的转喻、隐喻说略
10.The Similarity of Lenor and Vehicle of the Figurative Structure of N_1 (de) N_2;N_1(的)N_2比喻结构的喻解
11.the kind of mental comparison that is expressed in similes or metaphors or allegories.用明喻隐喻讽喻表示的内心的比较。
12.A word used in metonymy.换喻词,转喻词用在换喻中的词
13.Vehicle and metaphorical meaning in cultural context of Chinese and English trope;从喻体和喻义看英汉比喻的文化差异
14.Tropes include metaphor, simile, metonymy, synecdoche, etc.比喻包括隐喻、喻、喻、喻等,是语义修辞法的重要组成部分。
15.The figurative use of a word or an expression, as metaphor or hyperbole.比喻,转义语言或措辞的比喻用法:隐喻或夸张
16.The Construction of Metaphorical Meaning from the Perspective of the Addressor s Focalization and Understanding of Metaphor;从施喻者角度看隐喻意义构建和隐喻理解
17.Metaphor Everywhere--to Explore Translation Studies from Simile and Metaphor;无处不在的隐喻——从明喻、隐喻看翻译理论研究
18.On the Fuzziness of Metaphorical Phrases and the Translation Strategy of Metaphorical Ways in A Dream of Red Mansions;比喻喻体的模糊性及翻译对策——《红楼梦》比喻译谭

textual megametaphor篇章博喻
1.The complete theory of textual megametaphor contains semantic metaphor and syntactic metaphor.完整的篇章博喻理论涵盖语义隐喻和语法隐喻两个方面。
3)A Concise Analysis on "Metaphor"博喻"简论
4)On English Textual Megametaphor英语篇章博喻论
1.Sutra of 100 Parables was a classical easy-to-read Buddhist book and it is famous for its 100 parables.《百喻经》以近百喻喻世,系中古时期浅显易读的佛典名著。
1.Comparison of major agronomic traits between F1 hybrids of WanjinA and those of BoA;弱感光籼稻不育系万金A与博A测配组合主要性状比较

博喻1.谓对各种知识能广泛而深入地理解。 2.广泛地运用比喻。