1.Analysis of the Theoretical Structure of Ontology of Implicature;论析含意本体论的理论建构
2.A cognitive account of implicature treatment in translating literary works;文学作品翻译中含意处理的关联观
3.Pragmatic Working Mechanisms of Metaphorical Implicatures隐喻含意的语用运作机制

1.Translating Liberal Meaning and Liberal Translation in Light of Ontology of Implicatives;“含意本体论”关照下的“译意”与“意译”
2.Do you realize what his words imply?你领会他说话的含意吗?
3.Word or phrase that can be understood in two ways, one of which contains a sexual allusion双关语(其一有性的含意
4.An underlying or implied tendency or meaning;an undercurrent.含意;暗流;内在性质隐含的或含蓄的倾向或意义;潜在势力
5.On Meanings of "Either...or" from the Perspective of Logic and Conversational Implicature;从逻辑和会话含意的角度看either...or的意义
6.A Review of Presumptive Meanings:The Theory of Generalized Conversational Implicature;《假定意义:一般会话含意理论》评介
7.Hollywood holds connotations of romance and glittering success.好莱坞一词包含了浪漫与耀眼的成就的含意
8.The sum of meanings and corresponding implications inherent in a term.内涵一个名辞里固有的含义和暗含意思的总和
9.An expression or utterance marked by a deliberate contrast between apparent and intended meaning.反语句以表面含义与实际含义含意相反为特征的表达或措词
10.Particular meaning or significance.意义特殊的含义或意义
11.The meaning or significance of a literary or artistic work.含义文学或艺品作品中的含义或意义
12.intentionally vague or ambiguous.故意的含糊暧昧不明确。
13.Her admiration was tinged with envy.她的羡慕之中含有妒意。
14.an interpretation that clears up ambiguity.弄清楚含混意义的解释。
15.Her stare was malevolent.她凝视的目光含有恶意。
16.1.Implying Substantive Limitations.(一)含有实体限制之意。
17.a horde of people一群人(含轻蔑之意)
18.It usually suggests that the head is low此字通常含有垂头之意

1.Through defining Chinese idioms and implications (in Linguistics),this paper discusses the relationship between both terms and presents several functions (mainly referring to supplementation and elucidation).通过对汉语成语及其“含意”(指语言学范畴内的含意 )的界定 ,考察含意与其载体成语的相互关系 ,从而揭示出成语含意的五大功能 (其中主要的是补充、澄清两种功能 ) ,并将此理论融入语际交流的具体个案中进行模拟检验 ,使关于含意的探讨上升到一个实际操作的层面 ,以期有助于人们了解跨文化交流时成语含意的发送与接收程度对整个交际过程产生的决定性影
2.Nominal tautology is an interesting linguistic phenomenon in language communication,which seems to be meaning in form,but entails complicated implications.其隐含意义是可以推导的,而且这种含意的产生表明了语言运用的认知过程。
3.The implications of utterances refer to the speakers’subjective meanings implied by them which is part of covert categories in speech.语句含意是指语句所含有的说话人的主观意思,它是言语的隐性范畴的一部分。
1.This paper, starting from the viewpoint that inter-and intra-lingual translations focus on spiritual spatiality, is intended to analyze the framework and nature of the implicative existing between the two spirits in cross-cultural communication.以此为出发点 ,作者试图对跨文化交流中存在于两种精神之间的含意的框架及其本质进行分析 ,并且论证语际翻译产生于文化的跨文化性 ,即人的自我对语境既定之物所形成的种种边界或限制的突破要
2.The aim of my present research is to probe into the generating and interpreting of the meaning of English idioms in light of pragmatic theories, and the theory of ontological study of implicatives (OSI) in particular.其主要目的是在语用学理论,特别是含意本体论的理论框架下对英语习语意义的生成及解释进行了探索和研究,并试图构建一个意义生成机制来探讨习语的意义,特别是比喻意是如何生成的。
4)implied meaning含意
1.The meaning of a discourse in communication can be classified into literal meaning and implied meaning, the latter being the communication intention of the speaker.交际中话语的意义分为字面意义与含意
2.The present paper summarizes different types of implied meaning,that is, implicature.本文对含意现象进行了粗略的概括 ,并尝试分析了其在对外汉语教学中的运用。
5)intentional implication意向含意
1.The intentional implication is always employed in the courtroom conversation.文章主要从庭审过程中律师所使用的语言策略入手,分析这些语言策略在庭审过程中所传递的意向含意,以及从话语结构形态出发分析这些语言策略是如何影响受话人心理,从而传递意向含意的。
6)conversational implicature会话含意
1.Comparison between the principle of relevance and conversational implicature;关联理论与会话含意学说的比较
2.The inference and application of the theory of conversational implicature in verbal communication;“会话含意”理论在交际中的推导和运用
3.A Pragmatic Study of Conversational Implicature in International Business Negotiation;国际商务谈判会话含意的语用研究

购买意向购买意向purchase intention 购买意向(purehase intention)指向于未来的购买行为。它依赖十消费者的态度。如果消费者对某商标产品抱有积极态度,他就可能对该商标产品产生明确的购买意向;反之亦然。购买意向的测量可借助于消费者对不同商标产品的购买可能性来实现。 (张玉峰撰马谋超审)