1.The present study based on the theory of connectionism and the vocabulary knowledge framework proposed by Nation (1990) and Richards (1976) investigates the relationship between semantic networks and mastery of vocabulary knowledge and the.本论文以连通主义理论和内森(1990)以及理查兹(1976)提出的词汇知识框架理论为基础,探索词汇语义网络与词汇知识的掌握之间的关系,并且通过构建语义关系进行英语词汇教学的研究来帮助英语学习者掌握更深层、更丰富的词汇知识。

1.A Model of the Cognitive Process of SLA Based on Connectionism一个基于连通主义的二语习得认知过程模型
2.Study of Influence of Incommunicative Vocabulary Teaching Strategy on English;连通主义词汇教学策略对英语水平影响的实证研究
3.Moreover, the "one doctrine" theory is an absurdity.“一个主义”也不通。
4.Social solidarist school of law社会连带主义法学派
5.Joint and Several Liability: from Absolutism to Relativism;论连带责任制度从绝对主义向相对主义的转变
6.Kommunistische Korrespondenz-Komittee共产主义通讯委员会
7.Research on Connected Domination in Generalized Petersen Graph and Circle Graph;广义Petersen图和循环图的连通支配研究
8.Not bother to vote is a sure sign of defeatism.连投票都不投, 纯粹是失败主义。
9.Not bother to vote be a sure sign of defeatism连投票都不投, 纯粹是失败主义
10.Not bothering to vote is a sure sign of defeatism.连投票都不投, 纯粹是失败主义.
11.Aesthetic Art in The Picture of Dorian Gray《道连·格雷的画像》中的唯美主义艺术
12.Introduction of the Naturalistic Coherentism in Western Educational Administration;西方自然连贯主义教育管理理论述评
13.Essay on the Policy of Dalian Centered Theory in the Earlier Stage of Northeast Railway;试论满铁前期的“大连中心主义”政策
14.Existentialism and Yan Lianke "Palou Series" Novels存在主义与阎连科“耙耧系列”小说
15.The Turning and Reflections of CALL from the Perspective of Convectivism连接主义视角下CALL研究的转向与思考
16.A major route of transportation into which local routes flow.干线连接各地道路的主要交通要道
17.Connect the vent hose to the axle shaft tube.向主动轴管上连接通风管。
18.Approximating 2-Connected k-Dominating Fault-Tolerant Virtual Backbone近似2-连通k-支配容错虚拟主干网

connectionist approach连通主义研究
1.Connectivism is the hot issue in the current learning theories with the background of internet context.连接主义是在当前网络语境下,学习理论研究的热点问题。
5)the rule of notice通知主义
1.the establishment of contract,notice and registry,among which the rule of notice should be accepted in Chinese civil law.确定被让与债权之归属的优先规则,包括合同成立主义、通知主义和登记注册主义,我国民法在解释上应当采纳通知主义。
6)Popular doctrine通俗主义
