1.Chinese American women writers have a natural affinity for the identity-seeking process of Chinese American women, who must deal daily with several cross-cultural sets of expectations and experiences.本论文以“文化批评”为理论先导,旨在解读美国华裔女性作家的作品,着重探讨身份寻求这一主题以及为此主题服务的艺术手段。
2.This paper aims at a penetrating study on the theme of identity-seeking by integr.本文旨在整合这三部作品所包含的思想内容,深入探讨其中蕴涵的身份寻求主题。

1.Diaspora and Identity-Quest: Viewing Chinese American Women s Identity-Quest in Eating Chinese Food Naked;离散与身份寻求:论《裸体吃中餐》中华裔美国女性的身份寻求主题
2.Cultural Conflict and Identity Seeking-Identity Seeking in Invisible Man;文化的冲突 身份的认定——论《看不见的人》中的身份寻求
3.Who is Ellelou--The Identity Establishment in Updike s Novel The Coup;Ellelou是谁?——厄普代克长篇小说《政变》中的身份寻求
4.The Vein of the Changing Culture Identity in Chinese American Literature华裔美国文学中文化身份寻求脉络初探
5.Seeking Identities Across the Worlds-A Critical Analysis of Ang Lee s Film the Wedding Banquet;东西方文化碰撞中的身份寻求:李安电影《喜宴》的文化探索
6.On the Identity Seek of Diaspora in Gaudiness Literature论华美文学中散居者的身份寻求——以任璧莲《典型的美国佬》为例
7.Monster s Quest for Identity in Frankenstein;《弗兰肯斯坦》中怪物对身份的寻求
8.A Search for Identity of Public Administration:On Dwight Waldo s Administrative Thoughts and Ideas;寻求公共行政的“身份”认同──沃尔多行政思想述评
9.Pursuit and Beyond:Pursuit of Identity Politics and Exploration of Pure Art in American Chinese Woman Literature追寻与超越:华美女性文学身份政治的诉求与纯粹艺术的探寻
10.Naipaul s Constant Pursuit of Self-Identity in the Enigma of Arrival;从《抵达之谜》看奈保尔对自我身份认同的不懈寻求
11.A Quest for Cultural Identity: A Postcolonial Study of Tripmaster Monkey: His Fake Book;从后殖民批评视角解读《孙行者》中文化身份的寻求
12.Searching for Identity--An Analysis of Female Freedom in Tess of the d Urbervilles and The French Lieutenant s Woman;身份的寻求——《德伯家的苔丝》与《法国中尉的女人》中的女性自由分析
13.Quebec:"To Be" or "Not To Be"--On Annie Brisset s The Search For A Native Language:Translation And Cultural Identity;魁北克的“存”与“亡”——关于安妮·布里赛特的《寻求母语:翻译与文化身份》
14.The Loss of Identity : Viewing Naipaul s A Bend in the River;寻找 求证 迷失——解析《河湾》主人公萨林姆的身份意识
15.The Search of Irish Identity ── Joyce and Yeats in the Ireland’s Literary Revival Movement;爱尔兰身份的寻求——爱尔兰文学复兴运动中的乔伊斯和叶芝
16.Interpretation of Bai Jiaxuan s Cultural Identity as a Confucian;断垣残壁间的寻求与建构——对白嘉轩儒家文化身份的解读
17.A Diffcult Fuse--Look the process of american Chinese seek the culture identity from the literature books;艰难的啮合——从文学作品看美国华人寻求文化身份的进程
18.The Loss of Self and Seeking--On the Cultural Introspection of ZHANG Ai-ling and LU Xun;身份的迷失与寻求——试论张爱玲与鲁迅小说中的文化反思

The Search for National Identity民族身份的寻求
4)identity searching身份寻找
5)pursuit of identity身份追求
6)Identity Seeking身份诉求
