1.Study on countermeasures to upgrade international competitiveness in Chinese fiberboard industry;提升我国纤维板产业国际竞争力的对策探讨
2.The environment problem and countermeasure analyse of Benxi;本溪市环境问题与对策分析
3.Problem and Countermeasure Research on Rural Drinking Water Security in Guizhou Province;解决贵州省农村饮水安全问题的对策及建议

1.Those above have policies while those Below have their own ways of getting around them.上有政策,下有对策
2.There are people who say, "You have your policies, and I have my ways of getting around them."“你有政策,我有对策。”
3.You have your policies and I have my ways of getting around them你有政策,我有对策
4.dual program in game theory对策论中的对偶规划
5.Yes. What can you do about it?那对此你们有何对策呢?
6.Crisis decision-making, the challenge and countermeasure to the decision-making system of Chinese government;危机决策,对我国政府决策系统的挑战及对策
7.On the Strategy of the Safety of Policy-carrying-out in the Process of Protecting Economic Security;经济安全保障对策中的政策实施安全对策研究
8.Fuzzy Multiobjective Lattice-order Decision Making and Symmetric Matrix Game;模糊多目标格序决策及对称矩阵对策
9.Analysis of the Obstacles to the Spread of Agricultural Policies and Countermeasures;试析对农政策传播的障碍因素及对策
10.Fuzzy Constrained Matrix Games and Fuzzy Bimatrix Games模糊约束矩阵对策和模糊双矩阵对策
11.The Choice of Policy Instruments in Policy Networks: Problems Countermeasures and Enlightenment;政策网络中政策工具的选择:问题、对策及启示
12.On the Measures for Improving the Effectiveness of Combining Financial Policies With Monetary Policies in China;提高我国财政政策与货币政策配合效果的对策
13.Conflicts and Countermeasures on Benefit Agriculture Policy and the Encouragement and Assistance Rural Family Planning Policy惠农政策与计划生育奖扶政策的冲突与对策
14.There shouldn't be any counterpolicies.不能搞违背中央政策的“对策”,
15.Indeed, they have plenty of ways of violating the law and discipline.违反法纪和政策的种种“对策”,可多了。
16.Public Policy Analysis and Method Research in Development of Green Building;绿色建筑的政策环境分析与对策研究
17.Assessment and Improving Suggestions on the Policy of Energy Efficiency Fund in China;我国节能基金政策的分析与完善对策
18.Ethics Examine and Governance Way of Policy Execution Obstruction;政策执行梗阻的伦理审视及治理对策

1.Failure analysis of hammered forging die and countermeasures;锤锻模的失效分析与对策
2.On reclamation of land demolished in mining in china and countermeasures;我国矿业破坏土地复垦问题及对策
3.The present situation,question and countermeasures of rice packaging;大米包装的现状及发展对策
1.The Exploratory Strategy for the Development of Green Food Industry in hunan;湖南绿色食品产业发展对策的探讨
2.Analysis of influencing factors and strategy on food safety;影响食品安全的因素及对策分析
3.Conservation Strategy of Wetland Resources in Heihe River Basin;黑河流域湿地资源保护对策
1.The investigation for monitoring water quality of Maliao River and the thought on the measures of controlling the pollution of the rivers into Dianchi Lake;马料河水质监测调研与主要入滇河流污染治理对策思考
2.Analysis and Countermeasures of Road Safety in Urban-rural Binding Regions in China;我国城乡结合部道路交通安全分析与对策
3.Henan land desertification dynamic change and discussion of control measures;河南荒漠化土地动态变化及治理对策探讨
1.Formation mechanism and solutions of residual gum for surface protective film;表面保护膜形成残胶的机理和对策
2.Formation rule of high blank value in determining aqueous TN level and its solution;水质总氮测试中高空白值形成规律与对策
3.Understandings and solutions of increasing drilling speed in Tarim basin;提高塔里木盆地钻井速度的认识与对策
1.Making an all-round analysis of its manifestations,causes and perfect cure from different angles will be conducive to the establishment of university students living world and to their sound development in body and mind.对大学生郁闷心态的意义表征、形成原因及克服对策进行全方位、多角度的理性分析,有利于大学生生活世界的建构和身心的健康发展。

对策  汉代出现的察举制度的一种考试方法,又称"策试"。汉文帝二年(前178)下诏举贤良方正能直言极谏者,十五年再诏举贤良能直谏者,并亲自加以策试,其时参加对策者百余人。察举对策制度自此而成立。所谓对策,就是把策题书于简册之上,使应举者作文答问。策问有君主"求言于吏民"之意,策题一般以政事、经义等设问;答策则相当于"应诏陈政",发表政见。王朝往往因灾异、动乱而下诏特举,使应举者对策进言。君主常常亲自主持策问并阅读策文。所以,对策兼有征询政见与考核才识的双重意义。    在汉代,对策之法一般用于特科察举。贤良方正、有道、敦朴、明阴阳灾异等科一般都属于特科,实行对策。晁错、董仲舒、公孙弘,都是通过对策显示了才识而得到君主的赏识。董仲舒的"天人三策",对汉代政治曾产生重大影响。答策出色者,可以评为"第一"或"高第"。参加对策者一般都能得到任用,拜为中大夫、谏大夫、议郎、郎中、县令等。    西晋时期,岁举的秀才科也采用了对策之法。根据《晋令》,秀才对策必须五策皆通,才能授官。南朝刘宋时定秀才考格,五问全部合格为上第,四、三为中第,二为下第,仅一问合格为不及第。北朝之秀才亦对五策。南北朝时期,对策的"求言""陈政"的含义在实际上日益淡漠,人们的关注主要已不在于应试者的政见高下,而是其文辞的优劣了。策题与答策,一般都骈四俪六,典雅工巧。所以梁时沈约批评秀才对策已成"雕虫小技",与政治见解毫不相干。隋代设进士科(见科举制),亦采用对策之法。唐代进士考试有时务策五道以考察对策者的政见和文辞,制举诸科常常也要对策。