1.Influential factors analysis on incidence of dysentery in Beijing;北京市痢疾发病率影响因素分析
2.Epidemiological study on the incidence of large intestine cancer in Wenzhou City from 2001 to 2005;2001~2005年温州市大肠癌发病率分析
3.Study on the Feasibility for ARIMA Model Application to Predict Malaria Incidence in an Unstable Malaria Area;非稳定性疟区用时间序列模型预测疟疾发病率的可行性研究

1.The rate of incidence of a disease.发病率发生疾病的概率
2.perinatal morbidity and mortality围产期发病率和死亡率
3.decrease the incidence of a disease减少某疾病的发病率
4.The morbidity and mortality of the whole city also appeared a decreasing tendency.全市的发病率及死亡率也有明显下降。
5.This area have a high incidence of crime, disease, unemployment, etc.这个地区的犯罪率、发病率、失业率等很高。
6.This area has a high incidence of crime, disease, unemployment, etc.这个地区的犯罪率、 发病率、 失业率等很高.
7.The incidence of this disease has dropped considerably in the past few years.近几年这种病的发病率大大降低了。
8.The local incidence of infectious diseases dropped by 11.53 percent from that of the previous year.传染病发病率在过去一年里下降了11.53%。
9.The disease is infrequent, and this makes it impossible to determine its true incidence.本病较为罕见,故无法确定其发病率
10.The incidence of various contagious diseases has markedly dropped.各种传染病的发病率大幅度下降。
11.There's a high incidence of heart disease there.那个地方心脏病的发病率很高。
12.Incidence of Type Ⅰ Diabetes Mellitus in Children in Shijiazhuang石家庄市儿童Ⅰ型糖尿病发病率调查
13.Obesity also increases the risk factor for strokes and heart disease as well as a diabetes.肥胖还会增加中风、心脏疾病和糖尿病的发病率
14.It has a 1:8~10 F:M ratio and high rate of occurrence in women of childbearing.本病好发于育龄女性,男女发病率之比为1:8~10。
15.The results revealed that the HALE incidence rate in the Chinese genealogical trees was 33.3%,lower than the 50% theoretical incidence probability because qf such factors as unfully penetrance and delayed heredity.结果显示:中国人HALE家系内实际发病率为33.3%,低于50%的理论发病概率;
16.3. incidence ofserious nerve and mental sequelae is lower.二低:严重神经精神后续症发病率低和死亡率低。
17.Meta-analysis of Morbidity and Mortality Endpoints in Clinical Studies临床研究中发病率与死亡率的荟萃分析
18.The Analysis of the Correlation between C-peptide Level and Morbidity of DN in Diabetes Type Ⅱ;2型糖尿病患者C肽水平与糖尿病肾病发病率相关性分析

Incidence rate发病率
1.Analysis on HIV incidence rate among injection drug users in Xichang City;西昌市静脉吸毒人群HIV发病率分析
2.Objective:To study the correlation to the incidence rate of patients with prostate cancer (PCa) long-term after vasectomy.方法:收集宜昌市城区6家医疗机构自1996年至2005年10年间收治的3186例60岁以上前列腺疾病(前列腺增生症、前列腺癌)住院患者,按是否接受输精管结扎分为结扎组(979例)与未结扎组(2207例)进行了回顾性研究,按年龄分层分析统计两组中经病理学检查确诊的前列腺癌患者的发病率并比较其差异。
3.Results The incidence rate of influenza-like attacks and acute upper respiratory tract infections was 0.结果流感样病例发病率为0。
1.Effect of Vitamin A Supplementation on Morbidity and Mortality in Children with Infectious Diseases;补充维生素A对儿童感染性疾病发病率与死亡率的影响
2.Study on Morbidity of Acute Flaccid Paralysis(AFP) Cases in 1991~1999 in Shanghai;上海市1991~1999年急性弛缓性麻痹病例发病率调查分析
3.The influences of Xuebijing on the morbidity of ventilator-associated pneumonia with severe sepsis;血必净对严重脓毒症并发呼吸机相关性肺炎发病率的影响
1.The prevalence and associated risk factors of renal artery stenosis in suspected coronary artery disease patients;可疑冠心病患者肾动脉狭窄发病率及其危险因素的观察
2.Investigation of Prevalence of Clinical and Sub-clinical Mastitis in Private Dairy Farms in China我国部分地区个体奶牛场乳房炎发病率的调查研究
3.AIM:To assess the prevalence of refractive errors in middle school students in Lanzhou city and explore the risk factors for myopia.目的:调查兰州市中学生屈光不正的发病率并探讨近视发病的危险因素。
5)Disease incidence发病率
1.During four months, 3 ml group monthly average disease incidence of clinical mastitis was 11.6 % (10 /15 ) ,自然保护率为 2 0 % (1/5 ) ;用多联苗 (B)臀部肌肉注射免疫泌乳牛 ,试验期间 4个月内 ,3ml剂量组临床型乳房炎月平均发病率为 11。
2.Objective:To investigate the differences in disease incidence of lung cancer between Han and Mongolian nationalities in Inner Mongolia,provide evidence to research genetic difference between them,and provide methods for early diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer.目的:探讨内蒙古地区汉族和蒙古族肺癌的发病率,为进一步研究汉族和蒙古族之间基因差异提供依据,进而为肺癌的早期诊断及早期治疗提供方法。
6)incidence of disease发病率
