重点工作,key work
1)key work重点工作

1.Key tasks of Shanxi coal industry in 2001;2001年山西省煤炭工业的重点工作
2.Reflection on Main Part of Science & Technology Work of Shenhua Ningxia Coal Group;关于神华宁煤集团科技重点工作探讨
3.Give Prominence to Main Points and Pay Attention to Real Efficiency and Deepen the Work of Making Public the Affairs of Bureaus;突出重点 注重实效 深化局务公开工作
4.The key works of Shansi coal industry in 20002000年山西煤炭工业的工作重点
5.The government put the revival of economy as the focus of its work.政府把振兴经济作为它的工作重点。
6.Periodical results have been achieved in the pollution-control work of key river valleys, key regions and key cities.重点流域、重点区域和重点城市污染防治工作取得阶段性成果。
7.Some Keypoints in Controlling Construction Cost at the Bidding Stage of Quantity List Evaluation;工程量清单招投标阶段工程造价控制工作重点
8.This firm concentrates on the European market.这公司把工作重点集中在欧洲市场.
9.Improving the Work in Six Key Aspects“十五”期间将重点抓好六方面工作
10.I. The main responsibilities and working priorities of the Office of west development一、西部开发办的主要职责和工作重点
11.At this forum we shall mainly discuss economic work.这次座谈会,重点谈经济工作。
12.The focal point of current economic work is to put the market in gear.当前经济工作的重点是启动市场。
13.We'll stop now and resume working at 2 o'clock.我们现在停止工作,2点钟重新开始。
14.The Government gave priority to reforming the legal system.政府将改革法制列为工作的重点.
15.Keep it simple and focused.工作应该目标明确、重点突出。
16.3.Keep it simple and focused.3.工作应该目标明确、重点突出。
17.The emphasis of current economic work is on getting the market in gear.当前经济工作的重点是启动市
18.The focal point of our work is to increase economic efficiency.我们工作的重点是提高经济效益。

main work重点工作
1.The development goals of Shandong textile economy are set,and the main work measures are assigned.回顾了山东省纺织工业 2 0 0 4年所取得的工作成绩 ,分析了 2 0 0 5年纺织经济形势 ,制定了2 0 0 5年山东省纺织经济发展目标 ,并布署了重点工作及措
2.The development goals of shandong textile economy are set,and the main work measures are assigned.回顾了山东省纺织工业 2 0 0 3年所取得的工作成绩 ,分析了 2 0 0 4年纺织经济形势 ,制定了2 0 0 4年山东省纺织经济发展目标 ,并布署了重点工作措施。
3)important work重点工作
1.The leading idea for Shanxi coal industry in 2003 was expounded,the expected goals and ten aspects of important work were put foreward.阐述了 2 0 0 3年全省煤炭工业指导思想 ,制定了预期目标 ,并提出了达到预期目标要着重抓好的 10个方面的重点工作
2.The influence of present economic situation is analysed,the working abjects in 2002 and the most important works on eight aspects are expounded.论述了加入WTO山西省煤炭工业面临的发展机遇及挑战 ,同时讲了国际、国内经济形势对山西省煤炭工业发展的深远影响 ;最后展望了 2 0 0 2年的预期目标 ,并提出了为达到目标必须着力抓好 8个方面的重点工
4)key work工作重点
5)important job of Communist Youth League团工作重点
6)focused on face重点工作面
