1.Enlightenment of Ming-Style Furniture Decoration Patterns on Modern Chinese Style Furniture Design;明式家具装饰图案对现代中式家具设计的启示
2.Classification of cultural symbols in African batik patterns;非洲蜡染图案中的文化符号分类
3.Designs of Patterns and Characters on Food Packaging;食品包装的图案与文字设计

1.decal:a picture or design transferred by decalcomania.贴花图案:贴花转印的图画或图案.
2.brick wall design砖墙组织图案《印》
3.diagonal pattern斜纹图案,斜纹花型,斜交式图案
4.having patterns especially colorful patterns.有图案,特别是色彩鲜艳的图案
5.stencil a pattern on cloth/stencil cloth with a pattern把图案印在布上[给布印上图案
6.Such a pattern.菱形图案这样的一种图案
7.To decorate or weave with rich patterns.用丰富的图案装饰,织出丰富的图案
8.A pattern of checks or squares.方格图案格子或方框的图案
9.Find a pattern that can be harmonized with the one on the curtain.找一种能与窗帘上的图案和谐的图案
10.A pattern, a design, or an image impressed or stamped onto the face of a coin.图案印在硬币面上的模式、设计或图案
11.Use simple shapes and lines to create pictures or patterns.使用简单图形和线条创建图片与图案
12.In the fashion of or formed as an arabesque.阿拉伯图案的阿拉伯图案风格的或形成阿拉伯图案
13.Having a decorative pattern worked or woven in织有图案的,镶有图案的带有织入或镶入的装饰性图案
14.colour contrast banding色彩分明的带状图案
15.Tessellated pavement带有镶嵌图案的人行道
16.The next problem was the design.下一个的问题是图案
17.A mark or pattern produced by imprinting.压印产生的痕迹或图案
18.horizontal repeat横向循环(图案重复)

1.CAD system of woolen knitting dress'pattern designing;毛针织服装花型与图案CAD系统设计
2.The article mainly introduces Aidelaisi silk—— the typical representation of multicultural on silk road,Also the paper introduces the legends and histories of Aidelaisi silk,the craft of firming warp and dying,the characteristics of all types of Aidelaisi silk and the design of typical Aidelaisi silk.文章重点介绍了艾德莱斯绸的历史和传说,扎经染色工艺,各类艾德莱斯绸的特点及典型的艾德莱斯绸图案
3.Due to the differences in habitation, customs and habits, the fashions of Zhuang people in Guangxi vary greatly in terms of style, design and color decoration.广西的壮族由于地域和生活习惯的不同,服装的款式造型、色彩装饰、图案也有较大的差异。
1.The Design Methods of Chinese Traditional Wood Carve Patterns;我国传统木雕图案的创作思路
2.On Decoration Characteristics of Patterns in Dress Designing;论图案在服装设计中的装饰性特征
3.Modern dress design in addition to the aesthetic elements include clothing style,structure,processes,ma terials and colors,and other major elements and include an important design elements——dress patterns.现代服饰设计的审美要素除了包含服饰的款式、结构、工艺、材料及色彩等主要元素之外,还包含着一个重要的设计元素——服饰的图案
4)pattern & totem图腾图案
1.The Types & Characteristics of Rattan Furniture Patterns;藤家具图案纹样类型及特征
