1.Effects of some processing treatments on the browning of fresh-cut Chinese water chestnut;几种加工处理对鲜切荸荠褐变的影响
2.Effect of Edible Complex Film on Respiration Intensity and Quality of Fresh-cut Red-globe Grape;可食涂膜对鲜切红地球葡萄粒呼吸强度和品质的影响
3.Effects of mild heat treatments on the shelf quality of fresh-cut dangshan pear;加工前轻微热处理对鲜切砀山梨品质的影响

1.Studies on the Storage Physiology and Techniques of Fresh-cut Green Asparagus;鲜切绿芦笋贮藏生理及保鲜技术研究
2.Research on Soilless Culture of White Calla and Decline and Preservation of White Calla s Cut Flower;白色马蹄莲鲜切花无土栽培及衰败保鲜的研究
3.Studies on Physiological Characteristic and Preservation Techniques of Fresh-cut Sugarcane;鲜切果蔗生理生化特性及贮藏保鲜技术研究
4.Common Fresh-keeping Agents of Dianthus carryophyllus Cut Flowers for Household香石竹鲜切花家庭常用保鲜液配方的筛选
5.Effects of Different Packaging Materials on Fresh-keeping of Fresh-cut Potatoes不同包装材料对鲜切马铃薯的保鲜效果
6.Effect of nanocomposites on preservation of fresh-cut potatoes纳米抗菌包装对鲜切马铃薯丝保鲜品质的影响
7.Use of electrolyzed water for preserving cut rose flowers电生功能水对鲜切月季的保鲜效果研究
8.Study on Different Preservation and Packaging Material of Fresh-cut Celery不同保鲜剂和包装材料对鲜切西芹保鲜效果研究
9.Studies on the Quality and Enzymatic Browning Mechanism of Freshcut Artemisia Selengensis;鲜切芦蒿的品质和酶促褐变机理研究
10.Studies on the Rinsing, Browning Controlling and Packaging Techniques of Fresh-cut Vegetables;鲜切蔬菜清洗、护色和包装技术的研究
11.Study on the Technic and the N_2 Package of the Fresh-Cut Kiwifruit;猕猴桃鲜切工艺及充N_2包装研究
12.Study on HACCP Management and Quality Control in Fresh Cut Lettuce Production;鲜切生菜HACCP管理及质量控制研究
14.Studies on the Fresh-keeping Effects of Different Preservatives on the Cut Lily Longiflorum Flowers;保鲜液对麝香百合切花保鲜效应研究
15.Study on the Effects of Several Fresh-keeping Solutions to Peach Cut Flowers几种保鲜液对切花桃保鲜效果的研究
16.Effect of Environmental Friendly Fresh-keeping Agents on Rose Cut Flower环保型保鲜剂对月季切花的保鲜效应
17.The Effects of Different Preservative Formulas on Cut Flower Gerbera Jamesonii;不同保鲜剂对非洲菊切花保鲜效果的研究
18.Study on Cut Flower Preservation by Different Treatments of Low Molecular Weight Chitosan Extractions;低分子量壳聚糖保鲜液对切花保鲜效果的研究

fresh cut鲜切
1.And the effect of different pH,sodium benzoate,chlorine dioxide and ultraviolet on inhibition of bacteria of fresh cut potato were studied by counting method of colony form unit.以鲜切大西洋马铃薯为试验材料,研究pH值、苯甲酸钠、二氧化氯和紫外线4种对鲜切马铃薯保藏中微生物的控制效果,试验结果表明,降低pH能使鲜切产品的菌落总数降低,当pH降至4时,菌落总数显著低于对照;0。
2.In this paper,HACCP system was applied to produce fresh cut asparagus.本文探讨了HACCP系统在鲜切莴笋生产中的应用。
3.【Objective】 Effects of ozonated water treatments on storage quality and physiology of whole and fresh cut Huanghua pear fruits were investigated.【目的】研究不同浓度臭氧水处理对黄花梨整果和鲜切片贮藏品质和生理的影响。
3)keep cut flower fresh鲜切花保鲜
4)Fresh-cut vegetables鲜切蔬菜
1.Processing-preserving and cold storage chain of fresh-cut vegetables;鲜切蔬菜加工保鲜与冷藏链
2.Various methods to test the total number of colonies in the fresh-cut vegetables products are compared in the paper.对鲜切蔬菜制品中总菌落数的测定方法进行了比较研究,总结出在制备鲜切蔬菜总菌数提取液时采用菜样研磨取样、可调移液器代替玻璃移液管对提取液进行倍比稀释,稀释液涂板法37℃恒温培养48h,可较为简便和准确地检出鲜切蔬菜产品携带微生物总菌数。
3.Fresh-cut vegetables industry is a rapidly developing segment in China;however,less attention was put on quality management of fresh-cut vegetables in previous studies.国内鲜切蔬菜产业增长迅速,而对鲜切蔬菜质量管理研究刚刚起步。
5)fresh-cut apples鲜切苹果
1.Effects of coating preservation technology on fresh-cut apples;涂膜处理对鲜切苹果的保鲜效应
2.The effects of different inhibitors on PPO activity,browning degree and quality of appearance of fresh-cut apples were studied.文研究了不同褐变抑制剂对鲜切苹果PPO活性、褐变度、感官品质的影响。
6)fresh-cut lotus root鲜切莲藕
1.Enzyme browning is one of the most reactions impacting quality of fresh-cut lotus root.酶促褐变是影响鲜切莲藕加工贮藏的主要问题,多酚氧化酶(PPO)是引起酶促褐变的重要酶类。
2.The change of polyphenoxidase(PPO),browning degree and sensory quality of fresh-cut lotus root treated with chlorine dioxide(ClO2) were investigated.以莲藕为试材,研究了二氧化氯(ClO2)对鲜切莲藕在低温贮藏期间多酚氧化酶(PPO)、褐变及感官品质影响的动态变化。

鸡丁鲜贝【菜名】 鸡丁鲜贝【所属菜系】 韩国【特点】 色泽鲜艳,味道清香,贝肉嫩美【原料】鲜贝125克,玉兰片15克,鸡肉125克,芝麻油60克,蘑菇15克,料酒15克,味精1.5克,鸡蛋清半个,淀粉50克,鸡汤50毫升,精盐10克,大葱15克,生姜10克,大蒜10克,芝麻10克(焙好)【制作过程】1、将鲜贝切好,切开,去掉内鳃;鸡肉去筋膜,洗净,切1厘米见方的丁;玉兰片、蘑菇均切成与鲜贝同样大小的方丁;大葱、生姜和大蒜,去皮,洗净,剁末 2、再将干贝放入开水锅中氽一下,捞出,捞干 3、鸡丁放入瓷碗内,加蛋清、淀粉抓均匀 4、 炒锅烧热,放25克芝麻油,烧至五成热时,放入鸡丁,至八成熟时,捞出。再倒入35克芝麻油,烧热,投入大葱末、生姜末、大蒜末煸炒出香味,投入玉兰片、蘑菇、青豆和鲜贝。翻炒几下,加入料酒、味精、鸡汤和盐等,调好口味,放入鸡丁,翻炒均匀,放少许湿淀粉勾芡,入盘,撒匀焙好的芝麻,即可