1.Study on Transfer of the Male Sterile Line in Chinese Cabbage by Using Hybrid Seed;利用杂交种转育大白菜核基因雄性不育系的研究
2.Research of Synchronous Transfermation Clubroot Disease Resistance Gene and Sterile Genes to A1,A2 Chinese Cabbage;向大白菜A1,A2同步转育抗根肿病基因和显性核不育基因的研究
3.Transfer of Male Sterile Genes to Flowering Chinese Cabbage Variety Chixin 4 by Back-crossing;迟心4号晚熟菜心核基因雄性不育系回交转育研究
2)Educational transformation教育转型
1.It is a must for military colleges of qualification education to accelerate the educational transformation so as to implement the spirit of the 17th national congress of the Communist Party of China and meet the requirements of personnel training from the Central Military Committee and the headquarters.军队学历教育院校深入贯彻十七大精神,落实军委、总部人才培养要求的一个重要方面,就是要加速推进教育转型。
2.The main reason lies in the process of the corresponding educational transformation for the perfection and popularization of the knowledge system produced by the technology innovation.其重要原因是技术创新所产生的知识体系的完善与普及需要相应的教育转型。

1.On Reform of Teacher Education Under the Vision of Transformation of Higher Education;高等教育转型视野下的教师教育改革
2.Education Suburbanization:Education Transition in the Process of Urbanization;教育郊区化——城市化进程中的教育转型
3.Relying on the National Education and Realizing the Educational Transition;依托国民教育 实现军校教育转型
4.Reforming the Teacher Training Model and Promoting the Transformation of Teacher Education;变革教师培训模式 推进教师教育转型
5.Teacher s Quality: the Key Factor in Teacher Education Reform;教师教育转型改制重在提高教师素质
6.Reform of the Training Mode of Teachers Education and the Construction of the Course System;试论师范教育转型与教师教育课程体系的构建
7.Views on Transition from Normal Education to Teacher Education;关于师范教育向教师教育转型的几点思考
8.Education Transformation as the Important Content andNecessary Condition in the Social Transformation;教育转型:社会转型的重要内容和必要条件
9.Transformation of higher engineering education through general education;以通识教育为媒介 实施高等工程教育转型
10.On the Change From "Pedagogical Training" to "Teacher Training;试论我国师范教育向教师教育的转型
11.On the Transition of "Teacher Training" to "Teacher Education;关于"师范教育"向"教师教育"转型的思考
12.Social Transformation and the Changing Function of Teacher Education;试论社会转型与师范教育功能的转变
13.Essential Capabilities of College Physical Education Teachers during the Period of Transformation;高校体育转型对体育教师的能力要求
14.The Transformation of Teacher Education into Higher Education Level and its Universitization in Turkey土耳其教师教育的高等教育化与大学化转型
15.Contribution of Teacher Education to Life Education in Social Transition Period社会转型时期教师教育对生命化教育的召唤
16.The Transformation of Normal Educaton Requires the Renewability of teachers Role;师范教育的转型呼唤教师角色的更新
17.On the Renewal of College Teachers Roles Based on the Education Transformation;从教育的转型谈高校教师角色的更新
18.It is still a long way for Chinese photography education to go--On the transition of Chinese photography education in its transition period;中国摄影教育任重而道远——转型时期的中国摄影教育的转型诌议

Educational transformation教育转型
1.It is a must for military colleges of qualification education to accelerate the educational transformation so as to implement the spirit of the 17th national congress of the Communist Party of China and meet the requirements of personnel training from the Central Military Committee and the headquarters.军队学历教育院校深入贯彻十七大精神,落实军委、总部人才培养要求的一个重要方面,就是要加速推进教育转型。
2.The main reason lies in the process of the corresponding educational transformation for the perfection and popularization of the knowledge system produced by the technology innovation.其重要原因是技术创新所产生的知识体系的完善与普及需要相应的教育转型。
3)education to change转化教育
4)trans-breeding technique转育技术
1.Performance of High Oil Content of Youyan Series Varieties and Its Breeding Techniques of High Oil and Protein Content Ⅲ.High oil and protein trans-breeding techniques;油研系列杂交油菜高含油量的表现及高油分高蛋白选育技术研究 Ⅲ.高油分高蛋白的转育技术
5)fertility alteration育性转换
1.Relationship between fertility alteration of fertility-changing sterile plant of nucleus male sterile line Kang A_1 and temperature in cotton;棉花核不育系抗A_1育性转换不育株育性变化与温度的关系
2.7 ℃ during their sensitive stage to temperature for fertility alteration.)核不育系YW-2S、广占63S、1103S、培矮64S的育性转换特性进行了系统研究。
3.This paper reports the study of fertility alteration character of Pingxiang Dominant Genic Male Sterile Rice under na- ture condition and in phytotron.利用人工控温条件和自然光温条件,研究了萍乡显性核不育水稻育性转换的特性。
6)Fertility conversion育性转换
1.The mechanism of fertility conversion of temperature sensitive genic male sterile line in maize was studied by the methods of sowing with stages and investigating leafage.利用分期播种和田间跟踪调查叶龄的方法 ,以琼 6Qms为材料研究了玉米温敏型核雄性不育的育性转换机制 ,结果表明 ,日最高温度是育性转换的主要因子 ,表现出低温可育 ,高温不育 ,育性转换的温度区间为 2 7~ 31℃ ;同时日照长度对育性转换也有一定的影响 ,表现为长日照不育 ,短日照可育 。
2.Temian S-1 was used as studying material, this paper studied rules of growth and development of the male sterility in natural environment, the effects of average diurnal temperature, and different sunlight on fertility conversion, mechanism of fertility conversion at different temperature.以新育种材料特棉S-1为供试材料,研究了特棉S-1在自然生态条件下的生长发育规律、日平均气温对特棉S-1育性转换影响、不同气温条件下特棉S-1育性转换规律、光照长短对特棉S-1育性转换影响、不同授粉时间对特棉S-1成铃率影响等方面的内容。

世间转法转智转无尽【世间转法转智转无尽】  世间转者,谓展转摄前众生界、世界、虚空界也。法转者,谓展转摄前法界、涅槃界、佛出现界也。智转者,谓展转摄前如来智界,心所缘佛智所入境界也。盖此三转,皆言无尽者,以世法智之三种,展转含摄,无有穷尽,是名世间转、法转、智转无尽。