1.Current status and advances in orchids breeding research;兰花育种研究现状及进展
2.Initial Research of Irradiation Breeding on Orchid;四种兰花辐射育种研究初报
3.The Application of Biotechnology in Orchid Industries;兰花产业中生物技术的应用

1.any of various orchids of the genus Epidendrum.树兰属的任何一种兰花
2.European orchid whose flowers resemble flies.欧洲的一种兰花,花蝇状。
3.The little cymbidium, my little cymbidium has been broken.那株小小的兰花,我的小兰花,被踩断了。
4.Any of various orchids of the genus Cypripedium, such as the lady's slipper.杓兰属植物一种杓兰属的兰花,如杓兰属植物
5.Wilfullower such as orchid and primrose is becoming rare兰花和报春花之类的野花越来越少了
6.Wild flower such as orchid and primrose is becoming rare.兰花和报春花之类的野花越来越少了。
7.Wild flowers such as orchids and primroses are becoming rare.兰花和报春花之类的野花越来越少了.
8.any of several green orchids of the genus Habenaria.玉凤花属开绿花的兰花的任何一种。
9.I grow orchids,chrysanthemums, lilies and cactuses.我种兰花,菊花,百合花和仙人掌。
10.any of numerous and diverse orchids of the genus Odontoglossum having racemes of few to many showy usually large flowers in many colors.齿舌兰属的任何一种兰花,花朵大而艳丽、花色繁多,总状花序。
11.any of various orchids of the genus Miltonia having solitary or loosely racemose showy broadly spreading flowers.密尔顿兰属的任何一种兰花,花单生,总状花序疏松,花舒展而艳丽。
12.genus of tropical American orchids.美洲热带一个兰花属。
13.terrestrial orchids of North America.北美陆生兰花的一个属。
14.Orchid House [Ecological Park]兰花屋〔自然生态公园〕
15.Violets peeped among the leaves.紫罗兰花微露在叶丛间。
16.He nursed his delicate orchids.他悉心照料精致的兰花
17.Study on the Propagation of Nobile-Type Dendrobium and Flower Induction of the Orchids in Vitro;春石斛兰组培增殖及兰花试管开花研究
18.any of various orchids of the genus Epipactis.火烧兰属的任何一种兰花

1.Research and Application on the Biotechnique Engineers in Orchids;兰花生物技术的研究及应用
2.A review of application of transgenic techniques on orchids;转基因技术在兰花上的应用(综述)
3.The results showed: building orchids resource conservation was the basis of the crossbreeding,the crossbreeding between species was easier while the crossbreeding between genera was more difficult,the seed germination techniques were the key to the crossbreeding,selecting appropriate mediums was the available way of the seed germination.选择了兰科六个属的兰花为试材,并以兰属的六个种为重点进行远缘杂交育种技术研究,培育出了四个杂交种试管苗。
1.Collection,conservation,evaluation and utilization of Orchidaceae germplasm in Guangdong;广东省兰花种质资源的收集保存与评价利用
2., Orchidaceae, Bombyxmori Linnaeus and hon- eybee in Qiongzhong, Hainan on July 27~29, 2008.中国热带农业科学院的组织调研组于2008年7月27~29日对海南琼中黎苗族自治县绿橙、灵芝、兰花、桑蚕、蜜蜂、山鸡等生态型高新农业发展情况进行调查,通过实地考察,了解了琼中县的生态型高效农业的生产现状及存在的问题,及政府对琼中县农业发展的举措,为相关部门制订产业政策提供参考。
1.Textual Research on "Lianqiao" whose Other Name be "Lanhua" (Cymbidium) in Shen Nong s Herbal;《神农本草经》中连翘一名兰花考证
2.Countermeasure in Protection and Industrial Development for Resource of Cymbidium in Suizhou City;随州市兰花资源保护与产业发展对策
3.The Multiphication and Morphologic life of Cymbidium;兰花的形态、生活和繁殖
5)Lan Hua-hua《兰花花》
1.The Aesthetic Reflection of the Newly Adapted Folk Song "Lan Hua-hua ;关于新编民歌《兰花花》演唱技巧的思考
6)orchid;orchis兰花; 胡姬花
