1.A Resume of Germination and Mericlone of Paphiopedilum;兜兰无菌播种和组织培养研究进展
2.Amazing Paphiopedilum and Its Research Status;兜兰属植物及其研究现状
3.Seed Germination in Vitro of Paphiopedilum armeniacum and P. micranthum;杏黄兜兰和硬叶兜兰的种子试管培养

1.a plant or flower of the genus Cypripedium.兜兰属植物的一种植物或花。
2.Morphological Variation Pattern of Seven Species of Paphiopedilum Pfitzer;七种兜兰属植物的形态变异式样研究
3.A study on microhabitat parameters of the endangered species Paphiopedilum barbigerum濒危植物小叶兜兰(Paphiopedilum barbigerum)微环境特点
4.Study on Cytology and the Relationship in Plants of Paphiopedilum (Cypripedioideae: Orchidaceae);兜兰属(Paphiopedilum)植物细胞学及其亲缘关系的研究
5.Distribution Pattern of Paphiopedilum appletonianum in Bawangling Mountain in Hainan,China海南霸王岭卷萼兜兰种群分布格局研究
6.Study of Introduction and Domestication Cultivation of Paphiopedilum Plant in Xingyi City of Guizhou Province贵州省兴义市兜兰属植物引种驯化研究
7.Study on the Ecological Adaptation of the Endangered Species Paphiopedilum barbigerum in Maolan National Nature Reserve茂兰国家级自然保护区濒危植物小叶兜兰生态适应性研究
8.Bio-ecological Characters and ex Situ Convervation of Paphiopedilum Armeniacum S.C. Chen et F.Y.Liu;杏黄兜兰的生物生态学特性及迁地栽培试验研究
9.Frank jerked a dirty blue handkerchief from his trousers pocket.富兰克慌乱地从裤兜里拉出一条肮脏的蓝手帕。
10.With the questions in Parliament. All the old names were thrown up-Vassall, the Protland affair, Philby.国会的指责,把老问题全都兜露出来了——瓦塞尔呀,波特兰事件呀,菲尔比呀。
11.orchid having dense clusters of gently spiraling creamy white flowers with 2 upper petals forming a hood; western North America.一种兰花,花浓密、花序略呈螺旋状、乳白色,花顶部的两片花瓣形成拱形兜帽;产自北美洲西部。
12.The sails are torn; they won't catch the wind.帆破了,兜不住风。
13.A child's bib or pinafore.小孩围兜儿童围嘴或围兜
14.It'll do Grandma good to be taken for a drive in the country.让祖母乘车去乡村兜兜风对她有益处。
15.type genus of the Pandanaceae (as screw pines).露兜树科模式属(如露兜树)。
16.Stuart, could we go for a drive?@ I say.“斯图亚特,我们去开车兜兜风好吗?”我说。
17.Come for a spin in my car.来乘我的汽车去兜风吧。
18.Let's go for a drive.我们驾车兜风去吧。

Paphiopedilum villosum紫毛兜兰
1.The Relationship of Paphiopedilum Species in China by RAPD and Isozyme;利用RAPD和同工酶研究中国兜兰属种间亲缘关系
2.The wild flower resources of Chinese Paphiopedilum;中国兜兰属野生花卉资源
4)Paphiopedilum armeniacum杏黄兜兰
1.Factors Affecting the Germination of Paphiopedilum armeniacum;影响杏黄兜兰种子萌发的因素
2.Studies and applications on mycorrhiza of Paphiopedilum armeniacum;杏黄兜兰菌根研究与应用
3.Flower Development and Cultivation of Paphiopedilum armeniacum(Orchidaceae)杏黄兜兰的花发育过程及引种栽培
5)P. micranthum硬叶兜兰
1.Seed Germination in Vitro of Paphiopedilum armeniacum and P. micranthum;杏黄兜兰和硬叶兜兰的种子试管培养
6)Paphiopedilum macranthum大花兜兰
1.Paphiopedilum macranthum ,a NewS pecies of Orchidaceae from Cambodia;大花兜兰,柬埔寨兰科一新种

同色兜兰同色兜兰介绍 同色兜兰 (Paphiopedilum concolor (Batem.) Pfitz.)科属: 兰科 兜兰属别名: 国色光兰形态特征: 地生或半附生植物。花色紫色,被白色短柔毛花期6-8月分布与习性:产云南勐腊县;分布于广西、贵州。缅甸、泰国、老挝、柬埔寨和越南。海拔下限300海拔上限1000生于荫蔽石灰岩山坡多湿土壤上或腐殖质丰富的岩石上。繁殖与栽培:暂无应用:国家一级保护植物图片: