1.Experimental study on the ultimate load-bearing capacity of a new dome formed by means of post-tensioning;后张拉整体成形穹顶的极限承载力试验研究
2.Initially assembled on the ground level,the test space truss can be deformed into saddle shape by post-tensioning diagonal bottom layer strand.本文介绍了一种新型预应力网壳——后张拉预应力成形网壳,其基本结构形式是单弦杆网架,由单层弦杆和平面外腹杆组成。
3.This novel post-tensioning method eliminates the need to use scaffolding or heavy cranes for construction,so it reduces the.利用此特点 ,在网架局部下弦节点间设置带预留缝隙的张拉下弦杆 ,通过后张拉下弦杆内的张拉钢丝 ,平板网架可以较容易地张拉变形为具有多种外观形状的空间曲面结构 ,如 :桶拱、穹顶、马鞍拱。

1.Research on Shape Forming Process and Load Behaviors of Post-tensioned and Shaped Barrel-vault后张拉整体成形筒拱的成形和承载力性能研究
2.The 35 m span post stretching prestressed concrete box beam prefabricated construction35m跨后张拉预应力混凝土箱梁预制施工
3.Experimental Study on Shape Formation and Vertical Ultimate Load Capacity of Post-tensioned and Shaped Hypar Space Truss;后张拉预应力成形鞍形网壳的成形和竖向极限承载力试验研究
4.Research on Shape Forming Process and Load Behaviours of a New Post-Tensioned and Shaped Dome;一种新型后张拉整体成形穹顶的成形和承载力性能研究
5.Formed Process and Load Behaviors Research on Partion Double-Layer Barell-Vault Rebiculated Shell Shaped by Posttensioning后张拉整体成型局部双层柱面网壳成型和承载力研究
7.Calculation of Extension Value about Post-tensioning Prestress Steel Wire Strand后张法预应力板钢丝束张拉伸长值的计算
8.Tension Effect Test of Bonded Post-tensioned Prestressed Concrete Beam后张有粘结预应力混凝土梁张拉效果检测
9.Batch Prestress Loss of Concrete Pipe Pile by Post-Tensioning Method后张预应力混凝土管桩分批张拉预应力损失
10.Iterative Method of Structural Analysis about Removal of Cable in Cable-stayed Structures with Pretension预张力斜拉结构拉索卸除后结构分析的迭代法
11.The cable is then tensioned and anchored at the ends.然后将钢索张拉并锚固于端头处。
12.After closure, final tensioning of stay 4 is accomplished.合拢以后,拉索4的最终张力即告完成。
13.3×40 Meter Consecution Beam Empress Piece the Method Double Prepare to Curve in Response to the Dint Reinforcing Bar the Piece Pull to Control the Technique Measure3×40米连续梁后张法双向曲线筋张拉控制技术措施
14.Research of Enhancing an Approval Qualified Rate of the Tensioning Procedure for Post-tensioned Pre-forced Concrete;提高后张法预应力混凝土张拉工序一次验收合格率的研究
15.Finite element analysis of post tensioning prestressed concrete box girder后张法预应力混凝土箱梁张拉次序的有限元分析
16.Analysis of Abnormal Condition of Stretching Extension Value of Prestressed Strand Wire by Post-tensioning Method后张法预应力钢绞线张拉伸长值异常情况的分析
17.Analyse and Control of Cracks of Prestressed Concrete Box Girder Web悬浇箱梁节段张拉后腹板裂纹成因分析与防治
18.The nerves of the landowner, who said that business went slowly in this country and that was why they were backward snapped when the trial stretched on.地主的精神很紧张,他说这个地方办事拖拉,这就是他们落后的原因。

pre post tensioning先张 后张拉
1.Subsequently,concepts of lag-tension and two-times tension,stretch-torque constructing technique,further the technological process of combination utilization of three of them,are presented in order to alleviate or a.基于理论分析与试验研究,针对竖向预应力分段张拉、现行的施工工艺缺陷造成竖向正应力分布不均和预应力损失过大的问题,提出滞后张拉、二次张拉概念、拉伸-扭矩法张拉工艺,以及三者结合的悬臂箱梁桥竖向预应力施工流程,并在实桥应用中取得良好的效果。
4)post tension unit后张拉单元
5)post tensioned construction后张拉结构
6)post tensioned steel后张拉钢筋

预应力钢筋张拉设备  使预应力混凝土结构里的钢筋产生并保持预应力的设备。分手动、电动和液压传动张拉机等。液压张拉机拉力大、重量轻,使用灵活方便。按钢筋张拉工艺有先张法和后张法两种。先张法用的夹具可以重复使用;后张法用的锚具将成为构件的一部分,不能取下再用。常采用不同的夹具来锚固各种钢筋,圆锥形夹具用于锚固直径12~16毫米的钢筋,镦头梳筋板夹具适用于板类构件中张拉低碳冷拔钢丝,波形夹具可成批张拉和锚固钢丝,螺杆锥形夹具则用于钢筋束的后张自锚。作业时,钢筋的一端锚固,另一端由张拉机通过夹具把钢筋夹紧张拉。穿心式张拉机作业时将钢筋穿入,打开前油嘴,由液压泵把高压油送入后油嘴,使张拉缸后退,利用尾部锚具将钢筋锚固并张拉。张拉到所需应力值后,关闭后油嘴。前油嘴进油,活塞向前推出,顶压锚塞,使钢筋锚固。回程时,活塞靠弹簧复位,完成张拉。    管类构件可采用环向预应力缠筋机,在管坯上缠绕预应力螺旋钢筋(见图)。作业时,管坯由卡盘夹持,通过调直张紧滚轮在管坯上绕4~5圈应力不大的螺旋钢筋,此后液压缸使两侧的张紧轮分开,钢筋便张拉到预定的应力值。此时管坯旋转,并开动小车,管体上就连续绕上预应力螺旋筋。螺距的大小由小车的行走速度来控制。      随着预应力构件生产批量的增加,一些专用的连续张拉设备得到发展,其特点是成组张拉效率高,需要的张拉力较小,可双向交叉配筋,张拉均匀,易于实现自动化生产。