1.With passive methods of CR-39 and TE/C ion chamber, the photoneutron dose at the isocenter was 0.加速器采用了铜复合靶和钨加含硼聚乙烯的屏蔽结构,能够有效地减少光中子的产生,中子产额在 1/1000n/γ以下。
2.We described the basic principle of photoneutron reaction.简要阐述了光中子产生的反应机理。
2)Photonic Chinese medicine光子中医
1.In order to prevent and cure ischemia through the application of photonic Chinese medicine technologies,a new therapecutic instrument is introduced in this paper.本文介绍了一种应用光子中医学技术防治缺血性疾病的多光束弱激光中医信息治疗仪。

1.Photonic Chinese medicine information therapeutic apparatus characterized by Laser medicine combined traditional Chinese medicine激光医学与传统中医相结合的光子中医信息治疗仪器
2.Application of Polarized Reflectance Spectroscopy in Biomedical Photonics偏振反射光谱在生物医学光子学中的应用
3.Where the sun enter, the doctor do not.阳光入室中,不须请医生。
4.Photonic Crystal Fiber and the Applications on Fiber Grating;光子晶体光纤及在光纤光栅中的应用
5.Applications of photonic crystal fiber in fiber laser光子晶体光纤在光纤激光器中的应用
6.proton-electron spectrometer质子电子分光仪;质子电子谱仪; 质子中子分光仪
7.The hospital of traditional Chinese medicine installed a computer to fill prescriptions.中医医院装上了电子计算机来抓药。
8.The light photons, or bundle of light energy, knock electrons in the chromium atoms.光子,即光能束,冲击铬原子中的电子。
9.Study on photochemical immobilization of biomoleculars on medical polymer surfaces;医用高分子材料表面光固定生物分子的研究
10.An Exploration of the Construction of Undergraduate Teaching Program on Biomedical Photonics;生物医学光子学特色方向本科教学体系建设初探——以华中科技大学为个案
11.Comparison and Analysis of Camera Flash Illumination in Forensic Photography;法医照相中闪光灯配光方法的比较和分析
12.Application of The Multifunction Trial Frame in Medical Optometry多功能验光试镜装置在医学验光中的应用
13.Analysis of Retinal Light Injury and the Theory of Light Poison视网膜光损伤与中医“光毒”邪说理论探析
14.Transmission of Solitons in Gaussion-apodized Fiber Bragg Gratings;光孤子在高斯变迹光纤光栅中的演化
15.Applications of FOG in Photonic Microwave Filter光纤光栅在微波光子滤波器中的应用
16.Traditional Chinese Medicinal Symptom and Curative Analysis of Primary Glaucoma原发性青光眼的中医证候与治疗分析
17.Tongue Manifestation Based on Spectral Method基于光谱的中医舌色客观化方法初探
18.Biomedical Photonics Study on Pigmented Skin Diseases of Yellow Race黄种人皮肤色素性疾病的生物医学光子学研究

Photonic Chinese medicine光子中医
1.In order to prevent and cure ischemia through the application of photonic Chinese medicine technologies,a new therapecutic instrument is introduced in this paper.本文介绍了一种应用光子中医学技术防治缺血性疾病的多光束弱激光中医信息治疗仪。
1.Five BF 3 long counters are arranged in all around the HL-1M tokamak to measure the flux and dose of neutron radiation under the situations: the emission of D-D fusion neutron being in deuterium plasma or the emission of photo-neutron being in hydrogen plasma.4台置于HL_1M装置的四周 ,分别测量了在氘等离子体条件下 ,因欧姆加热和波加热产生的热核聚变中子产额、中子通量和剂量 ,以及氢等离子体条件下因高能x射线引起的光致核反应而产生的光致中子 。
4)photon-induced neutron source光中子源
6)neutron optics中子光学
