散点图,scatter diagram
1)scatter diagram散点图

1.The Application of Scatter Plot in Management of Industrial Enterprise;散点图在工业企业生产管理中的应用
2.The contrasting research between Lorenz plot and traditional analytical method of HRVLorenz散点图与心率变异传统分析方法的对比研究
3.Bubble. Compares sets of 3 values. Like a scatter chart with the third value displayed as the size of the bubble marker.气泡图。比较成组的三个数值。类似于散点图,且第三个值显示为气泡数据点的大小
4.An Investigation of the Clinical Diagnostic Value of Heart Rate Variability and Poincare Plot for Coronary Heart Disease;心率变异性及Poincare散点图对冠心病诊断价值的研究
5.A Study of Clinical Usefulness of Heart Rate Variability and Poincare Plot for Diagnosing Heart Diseases;心率变异性及Poincare plot散点图判断心脏病变的临床应用研究
6.Research on Analyzing Approach of Mapping Plots of Heart Rate Variability Based on the First Order Difference Sequence.基于一阶差分序列相关HRV散点图分析方法的研究
7.Bubble. Compares sets of 3 values. Like a scatter chart with a third value displayed as the size of the bubble marker.气泡图。比较3个数据集。与散点图相似,但多一个数据集。这个数据集用气泡大小来表示。
8.Poincare plot analysis of heart rate variability in patients with diabetes and chronic heart failurePoincare散点图在分析糖尿病合并慢性充血性心力衰竭心率变异中的应用
9.Digital Image Discovery by Laser Scattering Rate of Settling of Particle;沉降颗粒激光散射像点运动图像研究
10.Research of Generation Techniques to Predetermined Terrain Shape Based on Meshing Algorithm of Scattered Data Points;基于散乱点网格化的可控地形图的技术研究
11.A realistic images generating algorithm based on discrete points;一种基于离散点的真实感图形绘制算法
12.The Research on Crust-based Surface Reconstruction Algorithm;基于Crust图的散乱数据点集的曲面网格重建的算法研究
13.Changes and significance of the QT dispersion in acute brain injuries急性颅脑损伤患者心电图QT离散度的特点与意义
14.Finally, we use a iterative method to interpolated reconstruct the high resolution images.在图象配准的基础上,我们利用一个迭代的散乱点插值方法来重构高分辨率图象。
15.The fog dispersed at ten o'clock.雾在10点钟散开。
16.For mapping purposes all scattered heights fixed by instrument may be grouped under this heading.为了测图的需要,所有由仪器测定的散列高程点,均可列入高程点这一名称。
17.Consisting or characteristic of prose.散文的组成散文的或有散文特点的
18.be dotted in(星星点点)散布在...上

scatter plot散点图
1.The application of scatter plot in industrial enterprise is introduced,and puts up suggestion to generalize it in data analysis for equipment management.本文从实例出发,介绍了散点图散点图在工业企业中的数据分析的方法,并建议对其在设备管理领域进行推广。
1.A method of creating Coulter STKS DF scatterplot with Powerbuilder is introduced in this paper.介绍一种在Powerbuilder环境下,利用VC++编写的转换程序来生成COULTER公司STKS血球计数仪DF散点图的方法。
5)Poincare plotPoincare散点图
1.Poincare plot analysis of heart rate variability in patients with diabetes and chronic heart failurePoincare散点图在分析糖尿病合并慢性充血性心力衰竭心率变异中的应用
2.A new approach of plot by first order difference based on RR intervals,which is related to the Poincare plot analysis is proposed.在Poincare散点图的基础上,提出了基于RR间期的一阶差分散点图的新型分析方法。
3.Objective To investigate the changes of HRVand Poincare plot among cases with different degree of CHD.目的 探讨不同程度冠心病患者心率变异性 (HRV)及Poincare散点图的变化特征。
6)Lorenz plotLorenz散点图
1.The contrast analysis on diagnosis of 1153 arrhythmic patients between Lorenz plot and ambulatory electrocardiogram;1153例Lorenz散点图与动态心电图诊断的对比研究
2.The contrasting research between Lorenz plot and traditional analytical method of HRVLorenz散点图与心率变异传统分析方法的对比研究
3.Objective To determine the value between Lorenz plot and time domain index of heart rate variability(HRV) in patients with organic heart disease.目的探讨心率变异(HRV)分析中Lorenz散点图与时域指标的诊断价值。
