中子发生器,neutron generator
1)neutron generator中子发生器
1.The neutron generator of sharp-cut and broadband;宽频带、锐截止中子发生器
2.A type of cell logging neutron generator;小型石油测井中子发生器

1.accelerator-type neutron generator加速器型中子发生器
2.Study on the Power Supplying System of the 1MeV Intense Neutron Generator;1MeV强流中子发生器供电系统研究
3.The MCNP Simulation of D-D Neutron Generator Fence;D-D中子发生器防护的MCNP模拟
4.Study on the Measurement of the Fast Neutron Yield of D-T/D-D Neutron GeneratorD-T/D-D中子发生器快中子产额测量研究
5.Simulation for Suppressing of Secondary Electrons in Neutron Generator中子发生器中二次电子抑制的数值模拟
6.M-C simulation on n-γ field for D-T intense neutron generator强流D-T中子发生器n-γ辐射场的MC模拟研究
7.Beam optical transfer system of neutron generator and its simulation calculation中子发生器束流传输光学系统研究及模拟计算
8.The Study on Fast Measure the Content of Plumbum in Soil by D-T Generator用D-T中子发生器快速检测土壤中铅含量的方法研究
9.Study on the Neutron Yield, Energy Spectrum, Angular Distribution and Neutron/gamma Mixed Field of D-T Neutron Generator Using Monte Carlo Method;D-T中子发生器中子产额、能谱、角分布及中子伽玛混合场的模拟研究
10.blue deflectinggenerator蓝电子束扫描发生器
11.electron beam mask generator电子束掩模图象发生器
12.PIGMI (Pion Generator for Medical Irradiation)医疗照射π介子发生器
13.spark discharge particle generator火花放电粒子发生器
14.electronically controlled spark generator电子控制火花发生器
15.three-phase AC plasma generator三相交流等离子发生器
16.ultrasonic negative-ion generator超声波负离子发生器
17.technology of manufacturing anion generator负离子发生器制造技术
18.One example of a motor output system is a central pattern generator (CPG) .运动输出系统的一个例子是中枢模式发生器。

pulse neutron generator脉冲中子发生器
1.The measurement of C content in coal by using pulse neutron generator;利用脉冲中子发生器对煤中碳元素的测量
3)pulsed neutron generator脉冲中子发生器
1.It is difficult to produce multiple anode controlling time sequences under different logging mode for the high-voltage control system of the conventional pulsed neutron generator.针对传统脉冲中子发生器高压控制系统难以根据不同测井模式产生多种阳极控制时序,难以实现阳极高压、灯丝供电、靶压3者有序控制,使中子产额稳定等问题,设计了脉冲中子发生器的自动高压控制系统。
4)intense neutron generator强中子发生器
1.The design installation and adjustment of a cooling system on the intense neutron generator;强中子发生器冷却系统的安装设计与调试运行
5)neutron generator for logging井下中子发生器
6)intense neutron generator强流中子发生器
1.The data were applied to simulate the neutron energy spectrum and angular distribution of Lanzhou University 3×1012 s-1 intense neutron generator with 260 keV deuteron beam using MCNP.以分割法计算得到的能谱和角分布数据为基础,建立了D-T中子源Monte-Carlo模拟抽样模型,在考虑中子发生器各元件材料及实验大厅墙壁对快中子的慢化、散射和吸收的条件下,采用MCNP程序对兰州大学3×1012s-1强流中子发生器260 keV氘束流能量下的中子能谱和角分布进行了模拟,给出了模拟结果。
