地浸,in-situ leaching
1)in-situ leaching地浸
1.Alikaline in-situ leaching test of a uranium deposit in Xinjiang;新疆某矿床碱法地浸采铀试验
2.3D groundwater flow simulation in a sandstone type uranium deposit in-situ leaching field;某可地浸砂岩型铀矿区地下水水流三维数值模拟
3.The existing problems on in-situ leaching of uranium in China;地浸采铀技术在我国应用中存在的问题

1.The rain permeate the grind swiftly.雨水很快地浸湿了地面。
2.be or become thoroughly soaked or saturated with a liquid.用液体彻底地浸透或者浸湿。
3.Uranium recovery from leach solution in in-situ leaching of uranium with ion-exchange absorption离子交换吸附回收地浸采铀浸出液中的铀
4.Exploration orientation of leachable sandstone type uranium deposit in Erlian basin二连盆地可地浸砂岩型铀矿找矿方向
5.To plunge briefly into a liquid, as in order to wet, coat, or saturate.浸短暂地插入液体,以弄湿、涂层或浸透
6.Perhaps the most important quality is commitment, but other factors, such as immersion are also significant.比如“沉浸法”,沉浸是指深深地陷入某事。
7.foamed adhesive for impregnating carpet地毯泡沫浸渍粘合剂
8.flood-prone area易受水浸影响的地区
9.The rain permeated the ground swiftly.雨水很快浸没了地面。
10.The sea is gradually encroaching (on the land), ie washing the land away.海水渐渐浸蚀了陆地.
11.Technological Process: Wax painting, dyeing: dyed 5-9 times in plant indigo, there are many kinds of dyestuffs in different places.工艺流程:画蜡、浸染:用植物靛蓝浸染5-9次,各地有几十种浸染配方。
12.An Investigation of Uranium Leaching and Hydrometallurgy Process in In-Situ Blast-Leaching;原地爆破浸出采铀中浸出和水冶工艺的研究
13.The Ways to Increase the Recovery Rate of Gold Leaching From Heap Leaching of the Earth's Surface Oxidation Ore in Jinshan Gold Mine提高金山地表氧化矿堆浸金浸出回收率的措施
14.They walked through the rain soaked field with directly他们费力地走过浸透雨水的田地。
15.The immersion for reservoirs is a geological problem of reservoir environment.水库浸没是一个水库环境地质问题。
16.They are in their own world .他们沉浸在自己的天地里。
17.He sobbed bitterly and his tears washed her feet.他悲痛地哭着,泪水浸湿了他母亲的脚。
18.engross (oneself) fully.使某人完全地沉浸于某事物当中。

In situ leaching地浸
1.Analysis of main influence factors of uranium in situ leaching of Shihongtan deposit;十红滩矿床地浸采铀主要影响因素分析
2.In this paper briefly discusses the kinetic characteristics of in situ leaching and expounds the variation of uranium concentration in the leaching out liquor and rational wellfield layout.阐述了地浸采铀的溶浸动力学特征 ,论述了浸出液铀质量浓度变化及井场的合理布
3.Now, it is in the end stage of in situ leaching.新疆伊宁铀矿 5 12矿床 1#采区 1992年开始地浸生产 ,现已处于溶浸完成阶段。
3)in-situ leaching原地浸出
1.In-situ leaching of uranium, which the mining, sorting and processing are integrated, is a noveltechnique for extracting uranium mineral.原地浸出采铀是集采、选、冶于一体的新型铀矿开采方法,本文分析探讨了疏松砂岩型铀矿床特征及适于地浸法开采的矿床地质、水文地质条件,总结介绍了原地浸出采铀原理和工艺技术。
4)in-situ leaching of uranium地浸采铀
1.Discussion on technological problems of in-situ leaching of uranium;地浸采铀技术中的几个问题
2.Discussion on thickness of borehole casing for in-situ leaching of uranium;地浸采铀钻孔套管壁厚的讨论
3.Environment pollution problems in in-situ leaching of uranium and protection measures to be taken;地浸采铀中的环境污染及保护
5)in-situ leaching地浸工艺
1.Application of PHREEQC to in-situ leaching of uranium;地球化学模式PHREEQC在地浸工艺中的应用
6)in-situ leaching uranium地浸采铀
1.Predicting the migration of uranium in groundwater of a in-situ leaching uranium mine;某地浸采铀矿山采区井场地下水中铀迁移预测
2.Hydrogeological conditions for in-situ leaching in Shihongtan sandstone-type uranium deposit are analyzed,the favorable and unfavorable factors for in-situ leaching uranium are evaluated.分析了十红滩砂岩型铀矿床地浸采铀水文地质条件,对浸铀的有利和不利因素进行了评价,并运用地球化学模式证明传统的酸法和碱法浸铀试验不适合十红滩铀矿床,并对浸铀的方法提出了一些建议和设想。
