核电工程,nuclear power project
1)nuclear power project核电工程
1.Application of three dimensional design in nuclear power project;三维设计在核电工程中的应用
2.Study on investment control in the design phase of nuclear power project;浅谈核电工程设计阶段的投资控制
3.This paper presents the characteristics of nuclear power projects and the concept of nuclear safety culture.本文介绍了核电项目工程的特点和核安全文化的概念,阐述了在核电工程项目中,建立以核安全文化为纽带维系项目管理团队和保证项目管理的必要性,并以岭澳核电工程项目为例进行了分析。

1.The engineering properties of the weathering cystid on the field of Tianwan Nuclear Power project田湾核电工程场地风化囊体工程特性研究
2.Exploration and Discussion with Development of AE Company in the Nuclear Power Project;核电工程项目中AE公司的发展探讨
3.Study of nuchlear power management system information planning;核电工程管理信息资源规划问题研究
4.Study of Nuclear Power Project Management by EPC Mode“EPC”模式下核电工程项目管理研究
5.Study on the Problems in Nuclear Power Project General Contracting Management浅谈核电工程总承包管理存在的问题
6.Organization and Efficiency in Takeover Management of Large--scale Project --case study of Daya Bay nuclear power plant and Ling Ao nuclear power plant;大型工程移交管理中的组织与效率——对大亚湾核电工程和岭澳核电工程的案例研究
7.Study on Whole Course Cost Management for Nuclear Power Construction Project;核电站工程项目全过程成本管理研究
8.We now have, for example, nuclear, petroleum, aerospace, and electronic engineering.例如,我们现有核工程、石化工程、航空航天工程以及电子工程等。
9.Reserch on the Check of Design Ground Motion Parameters for Extension of a Nuclear Power Plant核电厂扩建工程设计地震动参数校核研究(英文)
10.Qinshan Phase Ⅲ (CANDU) Nuclear Power Porject Quality Assurance秦山三期(重水堆)核电站工程质量保证
11.Design of Neutron Source Assembly for Qinshan Phase II NPP Project秦山核电二期工程反应堆中子源设计
12.A Progress Survey of Qinshan Phase Ⅲ (CANDU) Nuclear Power Plant Project秦山三期(重水堆)核电站工程进展概况
13.The Research of Process Control for NPQJVC Phase II Extension Project;秦山核电二期扩建工程进度控制研究
14.The Research of the Supervision on the Nuclear Project Construction;核电站建设项目工程建造监理的研究
15.The Cost Accounting of Projects Perfectly;如何做好电力勘测工程项目成本核算
16.Discussing of Project Management Model in Lingao Nuclear Power Station;岭澳核电站工程项目管理模式的探讨
17.Circuit IP Core Network Domain Elements of the Transformation Project核心网电路域IP化改造工程实施要点
18.Experimental study on scouring and silting for water intake and drainage project of Sanmen Nuclear Power Plant三门核电厂取排水工程冲淤试验研究

nuclear power projects核电工程
1.Cash flow forecasting model for nuclear power projects;核电工程现金流预测模型
2.Management information system for cost schedule integration control for nuclear power projects;核电工程投资与进度集成控制管理信息系统
3)Nuclear power engineering核电工程
1.Based on the general project management maturity model,this paper discussed the establishment of nuclear power engineering project management maturity model in China,and proposed a basic framework in order to provide a way for improving and evaluating the ability of nuclear power project management in China.借鉴国际上通用的项目管理成熟度模型,对我国核电工程项目管理成熟度模型的建立进行了探讨,并提出了一种基本框架,以期为适应核电项目及其环境特点的核电工程项目管理能力的评价与持续改进,提供一种途径与方法。
4)NPP engineering核电厂工程
5)Nuclear Power Plant Project核电站工程
1.Based on field surveys,laboratory analysis and analysis of the main factors influencing sediment concentration and its distribution,evaluation on the data reliability and some proposals on physical model test for Lianyungang Nuclear Power Plant Project are given and reasonable value of sediment concentration in construction design is pressented.在原型勘测、室内分析方法调查 ,以及影响含沙量的主要因素、含沙量基本分布状况分析的基础上 ,对资料的可信度进行了评价 ,同时提出了连云港核电站工程物理模型试验及工程设计中含沙量合理取值的建议。
6)Chashma nuclear power plant project恰希玛核电工程

坦克维修工程车(见坦克保养工程车、坦克修理工程车)坦克维修工程车(见坦克保养工程车、坦克修理工程车)tank maintenance %26 repair vehicle 一““、、’v‘丈人1以gUflgCnengChe坦克维修工程车(:artk Inaintenane。%26repair vehicle)装有坦克维修设备、仪器、工具的技术保障车辆。见坦克保养工程车、坦克修理工程车。