余热排出系统,Residual heat removal system
1)Residual heat removal system余热排出系统
1.Reliability analysis of residual heat removal system of marine nuclear reactor;船用核反应堆余热排出系统的可靠性分析
2.Passive residual heat removal system is the key assurance for the inherent safety of modular high-temperature gas-cooled reactor(MHTR).非能动余热排出系统是模块式高温气冷堆(MHTR)实现固有安全性的重要保证。
3.In this paper,some safety issues and improving methods in French 900MWePWR design are discussed and the importance of the residual heat removal system in accident mitigation are pointed out.针对法国900MW压水堆核电厂余热排出系统的设计,探讨了其存在的一些安全问题及其设计改进方案。

1.Analysis of Differences between Residual Heat Removal Systems in AP1000 and M310AP1000与M310堆型余热排出系统的差异分析
2.Research on Heat Removal Capability for Passive Moderator Residual Heat Removal System of TACR-1000 when Station Black-Out Accident;全厂断电事故时TACR-1000非能动慢化剂余热排出系统排热能力研究
3.Application of GO-FLOW Methodology to RHS Reliability Analysis in PWRGO-FLOW法在压水堆余热排出系统可靠性分析中的应用
4.Modeling and Simulation of Passive Residual Heat Removal System in Nuclear Power Plant核动力装置非能动余热排出系统的数学建模与仿真
5.Preliminary discussion on application of pulsating heat pipes to air conditioning system for heat(cool)recovery from exhaust air脉动热管用于空调系统排风余热(冷)回收初探
6.Heat-tube waste heat boiler applied in improvement of fume exhaust system of electric furnace热管余热锅炉在电炉内排烟系统改造工程中的应用
7.Numerical and Experimental Analysis on Engine Exhaust-powered Solid Adsorption Refrigerating Unit;发动机排气余热吸附制冷系统单元的数学模型及实验分析
8.High heat radiator efficiency let the heat spill out the cabinet quickly.本机内置快速散热系统;可以将本机工作的热量顺利排出。
9.Experiment on Output Characteristics of Scroll Expander in Small Power Generation System with Low-temperature Waste Heat小型低温余热发电系统膨胀机输出特性试验研究
10.Research of New Passive Residual Heat Removal System Projects of Marine Nuclear Power;船用核动力非能动余热排出新方法研究
11.a system of watercourses or drains for carrying off excess water.河道或管道排除多余的水的系统。
13.Use Heat-pump Oil-heating System to Recover Residual Heat from Sewage应用热泵型原油加热系统回收高温污水余热
14.Exhaust air cooling down when passing through the hood,it provides a cold and pleasant working environment to the chefs.排出的油污及热空气,因其经过洒水系统部份,以致排出空气减温,徒而提供一个较清闵工作环境.
15.Turn on water supply and open nearby hot water faucet to purge air from water system.打开水源,打开附近的热水水龙头,排出水系统内的空气。
16.Pure Low-temperature Waste Heat Power Generation System Design and Optimization;纯低温余热发电方案设计及系统优化
17.The Application of Flash Evaporator in Waste Heat Generating System浅谈闪蒸器在余热发电系统中的应用
18.On PLC Control System Used in the Low Temperature Waste-Heat Power GenerationPLC系统在低温余热发电中的应用

residual heat removal (system)heat exchanger余热排出(系统)热交换器
3)RHRS (residual heat removal system)余热排出系统,余热冷却系统
4)Passive residual heat removal system非能动余热排出系统
1.Mathematic model research and operating characteristic analysis of passive residual heat removal system;非能动余热排出系统数学模型研究与运行特性分析
2.Transient analysis of passive residual heat removal system under blackout accident非能动余热排出系统瞬态特性分析
3.The passive residual heat removal system (PRHRS) is an important feature for new generation of advanced reactors.非能动余热排出系统是新一代先进反应堆的重要特色,提出一种利用核岛仿真模块模拟蒸汽发生器二次侧非能动余热排出系统的建模方法,构建适用于非能动余热排出系统仿真的热前沿追踪计算模型,改进了垂直传热管内的蒸汽凝结换热模型,研制了仿真程序;利用原理性试验数据对模型与程序进行了验证;对实际装置的非能动余热排出系统的运行特性进行仿真,与核动力装置最佳估算程序RELAP5/MOD3。
5)Loss of Rcsidual Heat Removal System余热排出系统失效
6)CHRS (Containment Heat Removal System)安全壳余热排出系统
