中子通量密度,neutron flux density
1)neutron flux density中子通量密度
1.A predictive control method of the neutron flux density for a nuclear reactor;核电站反应堆中子通量密度的一种预测控制方法
2.A generalized predictive control method for the neutron flux density is developed.将核反应堆中子动力学系统的数学模型变换成一种受控自回归积分滑动平均(CARIMA)模型,在此基础上,提出了中子通量密度的广义预测控制方法。
3.According to the nonlinear dynamic model of a nuclear reactor, a new constant neutron flux density control method based on nonlinear state feedback is presented.针对核反应堆点堆动态非线性模型 ,提出了一种非线性状态反馈的中子通量密度恒值控制的新方法。

1.neutron flux density scanning assembly中子通量密度扫描装置
2.neutron flux density monitor中子通量密度监测器
3.neutron flux density indicator中子通量密度指示器
4.diffusion coefficient for neutron flux density中子通量密度扩散系数
5.power measuring assembly based on neutron flux density中子通量密度法功率测量装置
6.low intensity test reactor低中子通量密度试验性反应堆
7.logarithmic power measuring assembly based on the neutron flux density根据中子通量密度的对数功率测量装置
8.Development and Research of Neutron Flux Data Acquisition Technique with Multiple Space-Time Channels Based on a Microcomputer;微机化多时空通道中子通量密度数据采集技术开发与研究
9.The thermal neutron flux density is measured with Soild State Nuclear Track Detector (SSNTD),and the γ radiation dose rate is detected with Thermoluminescence Dosimeter (TLD).中子通量密度采用固体核径迹探测器测量,γ辐射剂量率用热释光探测器测定。
10.Research of Effective Neutron Multiplication Factor and Neutron Flux Distribution for Accelerator Driven Sub-Critical System on DF-3 Facility;在东风3号上开展加速器驱动次临界系统有效增殖系数和中子通量密度分布研究
11.particle flux density monitor粒子通量密度监测器
12.electron flux density indicator电子通量密度指示器
13.gas flow neutron density measuring assembly柳型中子密度测量装置
14.dielectric (flux) density电通(量)密度,电移位密度
15.actual flux density有效(磁)通量密度
16.Research on Theory of Quantum Error Correction Codes in Quantum Secure Communications量子保密通信中的量子纠错码理论研究
17.minimum acquisition flux density探测目标最小通量密度
18.Negative Energy Densities and Quantum Inequalities in the Dirac Field狄拉克场中的负能量密度与量子不等式

neutron flux中子通量密度
1.This paper introduced a neutron flux data acquisition system with multiple space-time channels based on a microcomputer used in the verification facility of accelerator driven sub-critical system (ADS).在加速器驱动核能系统(ADS)次临界原理验证装置上,为了测量中子通量密度时空分布,研究中子学特性,进行微机化多时空通道中子通量密度数据采集系统的研制,已经成功开发系统单通道样机。
2.The paper introduce development of a kind of multi-scaler system with multiple channels,neutron flux data acquisition system with multiple space-time channels based on the timer/counter board PCI-TM12A.采用PCI-TM12A定时/计数卡实现一个多通道的多路定标系统(多时空通道中子通量密度数据采集系统),在8~16空间位置点上同时测量记录中子通量密度水平随时间变化的情况。
3)thermal neutron flux density热中子通量密度
4)neutron flux density中子通量密度<能>
5)neutron flux density meter中子通量密度计
6)slow (-neutron)flux density慢中子通量密度
