工业CT,Industrial CT
1)Industrial CT工业CT
1.Accurate Determination of the Profile of the Sphere Samples by industrial CT;球形样件轮廓度工业CT精确测量方法研究
2.Precise positioning of X-ray source in industrial CT system;工业CT系统中射线源的精确定位
3.Workpiece defect recognition methods based on industrial CT;基于工业CT的工件缺陷识别方法

1.Virtual endoscope show of internal pipeline with industrial computed tomography工件内部管道的工业CT虚拟内窥显示
2.Nondestructive Test for Assembly Relationship of Initiating Explosive Device火工品装配关系的工业CT检测方法
3.Study on Defect Detection Algorithm of Industrial CT Image Based on Ridgelet;工业CT图像缺陷检测的脊波算法研究
4.Research and Development of Vectorization Technology on Industrial CT Images;工业CT图像矢量化技术的研究与开发
5.The CAD Model Reconstruction Based on Industrial CT Slicing Data;基于工业CT切片数据的CAD模型重构
6.Image Reconstruction from Incomplete Projection Data in ICT;工业CT不完全投影数据图像重建研究
7.Research on High Acceleration Moving Control on Scanning Table of ICT;工业CT扫描台高加速运动控制研究
8.Study on Defect Detection Algorithm for Industrial CT Image and DR Image工业CT/DR图像缺陷检测算法研究
9.Analysis of Damaging Crack in Industrial CT Image of Energetic Material含能材料损伤裂纹的工业CT图像分析
10.Realization of high speed transmission system of ICT based on USB 2.0USB2.0工业CT高速数据传输系统实现
11.Image Reconstruction Design of Industrial CT Instrument for Teaching工业CT教学实验仪图像重建的设计
12.Affect of Different ICT Processing Parameters to the Quality of Tomograms工业CT工艺参数选择对图像质量的影响
13.Study and Achievement on Method of Generation STL Files from Industrial CT Slicing Image;基于工业CT切片数据的STL建模方法研究与实现
14.Study on the Method of Regenerating NC Codes from Industrial CT Images;由工业CT切片图像生成NC代码的方法研究
15.Method of Generation STL Files from Industrial CT Slicing Image;基于工业CT切片图像的STL文件生成方法
16.Study on Industrial Computerized Tomography Configuration Control Software Based on Component Technology;基于组件技术的工业CT组态控制软件研究
17.Research on Rapid Reverse Engineering Technology Based on Industrial CT;基于工业CT断层扫描快速反求技术的研究
18.Research on Control System of ICT Machine Based on Windows 2000;基于Windows 2000的工业CT机控制系统开发研究

Industrial computed tomography工业CT
1.Space distance measurement of industrial computed tomography based on ridgelet transform;基于脊波变换的三维工业CT图像空间距离测量
2.Research on system of multi-channels data acquisition of industrial computed tomography;工业CT多通道数据采集系统研究
3.Research on Parallel Image Reconstruction for Industrial Computed Tomography by Convolution Back Projection with Narrow Fan-beam;工业CT窄角扇束卷积反投影并行图像重建研究
1.Three-dimensional visualization based on ICT slice images;基于工业CT断层图像的三维可视化
2.Application of ridgelet in crack edge detection of ICT image;脊波在工业CT图像裂纹边缘检测中的应用
3.New Developments of Fatigue Damage Monitoring with Industrial Computerized Tomography(ICT);基于工业CT的疲劳损伤监测新进展
4)Industry CT工业CT
1.Scatter influence on industry CT image quality;散射对工业CT图像质量的影响
2.Fatigue Life of Material Prediction Based on Industry CT Image基于工业CT的材料疲劳寿命预测
3.Therefore,adopting the latest achievements of recent study on industry CT and fatigue fracture,this paper presented a new supervision method for short fatigue cracks propagation based on density field analysis.本文采用近年来在工业CT和疲劳断裂研究方面取得的最新成果,提出一种基于图像密度场的疲劳短裂纹扩展监测新方法。
5)Industrial Computerized Tomography工业CT
1.To avoid the interference of high density material for the quality assay of beryllium welding line, a slice by slice scanning method was proposed based upon our research results of the Industrial Computerized Tomography (ICT) diagnostics for weld penetration, weld width, off-centered deviation and weld defects of beryllium-ring welding seam with high density material inside.研究了单层和内衬高密度材料铍环焊缝的熔池深度、表面焊宽、焊缝中心偏离量及缺陷的工业CT诊断技术。
2.Industrial Computerized Tomography (ICT) is a new non-destructive testing technology, which can get 2D grey-scale images of cross sections of detected object.工业CT作为一种实用的无损检测技术,可以在无损伤状态下得到被检测断层的二维灰度图像,以图像的灰度来分辨被检测断面的内部的结构组成、装配情况、材质状况、缺陷的大小和性质等,已广泛应用于航天、航空、军事、石油、钢铁、机械、汽车、采矿等领域。
3.Industrial Computerized Tomography (ICT) is a kind of imaging technology integrating computer technology with radiology.工业CT(Computerized Tomography)是计算机技术与放射学相结合产生的一种的成像技术。
6)Industrial X-CT工业X-CT

技术参数:行业标准型号型号规格每次干燥量(kg)配用功率(kw)耗用蒸汽(kg/h)散热面积(m2)风量(m3/h)上下温差(℃)配用烘盘外形尺寸 宽×深×高(mm)配套烘车RXH-4-BCT-Ⅰ1001.120203400±2482430×1200×23752RXH-27-BCT-Ⅱ2001.140405200±2962430×2200×24334RXH-41-BCT-Ⅲ3002.260809800±21443430×2200×26206RXH-54-BCT-Ⅳ4002.2801209800±21924380×2200×26208RXH-5-CCT-C-O250.455534000161480×1100×17500RXH-14-CCT-C-ⅠA500.4510103400±2241400×1200×20001RXH-14-CCT-C-Ⅰ1000.4518203450±2482300×1200×20002RXH-27-CCT-C-Ⅱ2000.936406900±2962300×2200×20004RXH-41-CCT-C-Ⅲ3001.35548010350±21442300×3220×20006RXH-54-CCT-C-Ⅳ4001.87212013800±21924460×2200×20008RXH-18-CCT-C-ⅠB1200.92025690±2481460×2160×22502RXH-41-CCT-C-ⅠS专用烘瓶2.2601006900±2 1140×6160×32406RXH-25-A高效高温远红外减菌烘箱1200×1000×16001