核燃料循环,nuclear fuel cycle
1)nuclear fuel cycle核燃料循环
1.Preliminary study on nuclear fuel cycle scenarios of China before 2020;2020年前我国核燃料循环情景初步研究
2.The nuclear energy program has been restarted in US,and the advanced nuclear fuel cycle initiative is the program core among others.美国已重启核能计划,其中先进的核燃料循环计划是核能计划的核心。
3.In this paper, nuclear fuel cycle issues, including the amount of natural uranium resource, separative work and nuclear fuel for PWR power plant, together with spent fuels, separated.为了保障我国核电的可持续发展,必须建设配套的核燃料循环设施。

1.Nuclear Fuel Cycle Information System核燃料循环信息系统
2.International Fuel Cycle Evaluatio国际核燃料循环评价
3.multinational nuclear fuel cycle centre多国核燃料循环中心
4.Glossary of terms:nuclear science and technology--Nuclear fuel and Nuclear fuel cycleGB/T4960.3-1996核科学技术术语核燃料与核燃料循环
5.The flow of materials in the nuclear fuel cycle, from uranium mining through fuel reprocessing and waste disposal, is shown on the following page.核燃料循环流程图,从开铀矿到燃料加工到废品处理,都显示在下图。
6.Some Strategic Considerations on the Development of Advance Nuclear Fuel Cycle Technologies in China我国先进核燃料循环技术发展战略的一些思考
7.Coming challenge and opportunity to the nuclear fuel cycle industry of China;我国核燃料循环产业面临的挑战和机遇
8.Progress in Radiation Chemistry of Extractants for Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing核燃料循环中萃取剂的辐射化学研究进展
9.Authorized limits for normalized releases of radioactive effluents from nuclear fuel cycleGB/T13695-1992核燃料循环放射性流出物归一化排放量管理限值
10.International Conference on Nuclear Power and its Fuel Cycle国际核动力及其燃料循环会议
11.once through reactor燃料一次循环反应堆
12.full fuel cycle safeguards全燃料循环保障制度
13.PRTR (Plutonium Recycle Test Reactor)钚燃料再循环研究用反应堆
14.Circular Economy Developing Mode for Pachyrhizus-based Fuel Ethanol Industry;甘薯燃料乙醇循环经济发展模式研究
16.Influence of FBC Boiler Fuel Partical Degree to Fluidity Burning循环流化床锅炉燃料颗粒度对流化燃烧的影响
17.Experimental Study on Biomass Briquette Fuels Combustion in Circulating Fluidized Bed生物质成型燃料循环流化床燃烧试验研究
18.Manufacturing of Nuclear Fuel Assembly for PWR and Study for the Fuel Pellets with Central Hole;压水堆核燃料制造及中孔环形燃料芯块的研制

advanced nuclear fuel cycle先进核燃料循环
3)nuclear fuel cycle engineering核燃料循环工程
4)closed nuclear fuel cycle闭合核燃料循环
5)nuclear fuel cycle核燃料循环<能>
6)nuclear fuel cycle cost核燃料循环成本
