PUREX流程,PUREX process
1)PUREX processPUREX流程
1.It is generally accepted that the interfacial crud formation is related to the complex formation of Zr with degradation products of TBP, such as DBP and MBP,in PUREX process,especially in the first cycle.在PUREX流程萃取过程中,高产额裂变产物元素Zr与TBP降解产物HDBP,H2MBP等生成配合物是导致产生界面污物的主要因素。
2.According to the requirements of Purex process, the tasks such as hardware adjustment, software improvement, and conditional experiment were accomplished.利用现有混合式K边界 /X荧光测量装置在Purex流程中进行了应用研究。
3.The crud occurred in Purex process is caused by the degradations of extractant and solvent and the existence of insoluble solid particle in the nuclear fuel reprocessing.目前 ,普遍认为 ,在Purex流程萃取过程中 ,尤其是在一循环中 ,界面污物的产生与Zr和TBP降解产物HDBP、H2 MBP、H3 PO4 形成的沉淀以及料液中存在的不溶性RuO2 、Pd等微粒的表面化学现象有关。
2)High-acid Purex process高酸Purex流程
3)Improvement of PurexPurex流程改进
1.Safe operation process for 500 kV substations of East China Power Grid;华东电网500kV变电站安全作业流程
2.Research on clothing outsourcing decision process;服装业外包决策流程的研究
3.New Process of Compressed Air Dryer which Use Residual Heat to Reprocess Adsorbent;余热再生空气干燥装置的一种新流程

1.fabric flow diagram织物流程图,工艺流程
2.Process Entropy is a measurement for the incertitude degree of process.“流程熵”是反应流程不确定程度的量度。
3.manufacturing flow chart制造过程表,工艺流程
4.3: Controlling Program Flow第3章 控制程序流程
5.Solid arrows indicate program flow.实矢线指明程序流程
6.In the past, the flow of vein transfuse belonged to pure technology flow.过去的静脉输液流程是纯技术流程
7.On Process,Bank Reengineering and Construction of Process Bank;浅议流程和银行再造与流程银行建设
8.Two Kinds of Processes in Medical Treatment Service Institution;医疗服务机构的核心流程和关键流程
9.Build the Process Index to Measure the Processes;量化的流程评价方法——流程评价指标
10.Business Processes and Core Processes Identify Studying;企业业务流程及核心业务流程的识别
12.Based on the Gassmann Equation Fluid Substitution Flow基于Gassmann方程的流体替换流程
13.Introduction of "the Stream of Consciousness" into the New Period;“意识流”流入新时期文坛流程述略
14.Activity-attribute flow chart and process algebra based approach for business process expression;基于流程图及过程代数的流程表达方法
15.A thread is an encapsulation of the flow of control in a program.线程是程序中的控制流程的封装。
16.The restructuration flow is that combines warm vein transfuse flow with using vein indwelling needle.温馨静脉输液流程与使用静脉留置针输液流程流程再造。
17.Solution for creating Business Process diagrams, including flowcharts, and work flow diagrams.创建业务流程图的解决方案,包括流程图和工作流程图。
18.Solution for creating flowcharts, including cross-functional, and data flow diagrams.用于创建流程图(包括跨职能流程图和数据流程图)的解决方案。

High-acid Purex process高酸Purex流程
3)Improvement of PurexPurex流程改进
1.Safe operation process for 500 kV substations of East China Power Grid;华东电网500kV变电站安全作业流程
2.Research on clothing outsourcing decision process;服装业外包决策流程的研究
3.New Process of Compressed Air Dryer which Use Residual Heat to Reprocess Adsorbent;余热再生空气干燥装置的一种新流程
1.Analysis of Digital and Modularization in Flow of Pre-press;印前处理的数字模块化流程分析
2.The management of the nursing flow of injection room;注射室护理工作流程的管理
3.Research on working flow of reverse engineering and example applying on Geomagic;逆向工程的流程研究和基于Geomagic的实例应用
1.The procedure of making location prognosis of regional gold mineral resources based on geographical information system(GIS) techniques——taking the middle section of Bangong Lake-Nujiang River metallogenic belt in north Tibet as example;基于GIS技术的区域金矿资源定位预测流程——以藏北班公湖—怒江成矿带中段为例
2.Application and effect of Six Sigma model in procedure optimization in outpatient department;六西格玛法在优化门诊患者就诊流程中的应用及效果
3.On the analysis of the procedure for performance management of public service;公共服务绩效管理的流程分析

3D拆模流程简介一﹐产品的检查1.检查倒勾a. 客户有意做的倒勾﹐需要用斜销﹐滑块等机构来成型的(见PRT-0001)。b. 客户建模时无意而形成的倒勾﹐常见的有斜销头部成型的倒勾﹐我们可以改变斜销的运动方向或更改产品﹐将头部倒勾以减胶方式偷平。此外﹐对于其它形式的倒勾可建议客户更改产品(如PRT-0002).2.产品是否存在无法成型之处(见PRT-0003). 3.肉厚检查(检查肉厚是否均匀﹐当肉厚从厚到薄急剧变化时﹐我们知道会在成品表面形成缩水)。可用以下两种方法﹕a. 做剖面检查b. 在Analysis---Thickness中检查  4.有无拔模二,成品处理1.主要是处理倒勾及拔模。拔模的角度以0.5° 1° 1.5° 2° 2.5° 3°……为佳。对于咬花面参照咬花拔模角度对应表如下﹕ 咬花型号 最低脱模角度 MT11010    2°    MT11020 3° MT11030 3.5° MT11040 4.5°   MT11050 6.5°2.需注意斜销及滑块运动方向的拔模三﹐放缩水  一般用by scaling﹐可设定三个方向不同的缩水率。四﹐建立模具中心﹐将原来的坐标均隐藏。五﹐新开一个Asembly档案及母模仁和公模仁档案﹐将成品和模仁档案组立起来。六﹐COPY母模面﹕  MODIFY---MOD PART---F01---FEATER---CREAT--SURFACE---NEW---COPY DONE。  修补母模面﹐拆出母模。七﹐处理母模仁八﹐CUT OUT公模仁九﹐作入子﹐斜销﹐滑块﹐套筒等零部件。十﹐回头点检﹕1.有无干涉2.有无倒勾3.拔模角度4.其它特征上否已作齐全﹕基准角﹐倒角(C角和R角)﹐逃料﹐逃气﹐入子沉头﹐模仁上的逃孔﹐火山口﹐浇道﹐水路等等。