科技伦理,ethics of science and technology
1)ethics of science and technology科技伦理
1.Both Einstein as a famous scientist and Marcuse as a famous philosophor in western society in 20th century had a lot of abundant thought of ethics of science and technology.爱因斯坦与马尔库塞,作为20世纪西方社会著名的科学家和哲学家,都具有丰富的科技伦理思想。
2.In modern times,Chinese scholars of modern Western thinking of the ethics of science and technology research,a certain results.近代以来,国内学者对近代西方科技伦理思想进行研究,形成一定成果。
3.We should make use of various means to cultivate the students\' ethics of science and technology in culture,system and education.有必要从文化、制度、教育等各个层面,运用多种途径培育和提升理工科大学生的科技伦理素养。

1.Educatinoal Study about Scientific Ethics of Students of Science and Engineering;试述增强理工科学生科技伦理的教育
2.Critique of Technology Reason and Reconstruction of Scien-tech Ethics--A Review of William Leiss Theory on Scien-tech Ethics;技术理性批判与科技伦理的重建——评威廉·莱斯的科技伦理价值观
3.The Construction of Bioethics of Life Science from the Perspective of Confucianism儒家伦理视野下生命科技伦理观之构建
4.Form and Perfect the Noble Ethical Spirit in Research;建立和完善高尚的科技伦理——略论科技应用伦理问题
5.A Discussion on Ecological Logic of Ethics,Environmental Ethics and Scientific-technological Ethics from Perspective of Process Philosophy;伦理、环境伦理及科技伦理的生态逻辑——过程哲学的视角
6.The Sci-tech Ethics of the Times;时代的科技伦理——学习江泽民《论科学技术》
7.Talking about Science Ph D Candidate of Ethic of Science and Technology Diathesis and Improving Its Means;论理工科博士生科技伦理素养及提升路径
8.Research on the Scientifically Ethics Education and Its Method to Science and Engineering Students理工科大学生科技伦理教育及其实现路径研究
9.The Study on the Relation between Man and Nature from the Angle of Sci-tech;科技伦理视野下的人与自然关系探析
10.A Study on the Origin and Formation of Ancient Chinese Scientific and Technological Ethics;中国古代科技伦理的起源与形成研究
11.Technological Ethic in Risk Society: Problem and Solution;风险社会中的科技伦理:问题与出路
12.On the Concept of Value in Science Ethic of Western Marxism;略论西方马克思主义科技伦理价值观
13.The Sustainable Development and the Establishment of Modern Science and Technology Ethic in China;我国可持续发展与现代科技伦理构建
14.Domestic Science and Technology in Modern Western Ethics Review国内近代西方科技伦理思想研究综述
15.Thoughts of "Needham's Puzzle" from the Perspective of Confucian Science and Technological Ethics从儒家科技伦理视角看“李约瑟难题”
16.As regards science and technology, ethic foresight has the priority over ethic appraisal.对科学技术而言,伦理预见优先于伦理评价。
17.The Ethical Risks and the Attributive Differences between Subject and Object of Science & Technology and Ethic;科技与伦理的主客体属性差别及伦理风险
18.Ethics Committee [Council on Human Reproductive Technology]伦理委员会〔人类生殖科技管理局〕

sci-tech ethics科技伦理
1.The credit of academic journals under the vision of sci-tech ethics;从科技伦理看学术期刊信用
2.Ancient Greek sci-tech ethics;古希腊科技伦理思想探析
3.Adopting the component that the sci-tech ethics of scientific normal form becomes scientific and technical cybernetics.采用科学范式的科技伦理学就成为科学技术控制论的组成部分。
3)science and technology ethics科技伦理
1.Reflection on the exceeding study of science and technology ethics;关于科技伦理超前研究的思考
2.Regarding science and technology ethics,there are on-going researches from all perspectives nationally and internationally.本文以马克思主义科学技术哲学为指导,将“科技伦理”作为一个整体来看待,围绕“科技与人的自由全面发展”这一核心,探讨了科技伦理的相关理论问题。
4)ethic of science and technology科技伦理
1.This article presents the importance of ethic of science and technology diathesis for science Ph D candidate,and distinguishes the two ethics between inside ethic and outside ethic.提出了提升理工科博士生科技伦理素养的重要性和必要性。
2.The "crew" viewpoint of ethic of science and technology, putting aside the rigid social material living conditions and the given historical social models, is defined as all the crew of science and technology serving all the human.撇开具体的社会物质生活条件,撇开特定的社会历史形态,一些论者把科技伦理定义为全体科技当事人服务于全体人类。
3.This paper begins with the concept of science and technology,discusses the negative effect of the use of technology, which resulted from the risk of science and technology, analyzes the origin and its inevitability of the risk of science and technology, and then brings forward the importance and urgency of constructing the ethic of science and technology本文从科学、技术的概念入手,探讨了由于科技风险造成的科技应用的负面效应,进而分析了科技风险的起因及其不可避免性,提出了加强科技伦理建设的重要性与紧迫性。
5)scientific and technological ethics科技伦理
1.And the scientific and technological ethics has become the topic that people are concerned about.科学技术在生产、生活中正反两个方面的作用越来越大, 科技伦理日益成为人们关注的话题。
2.People think about the use of the science and technology, and put up the Scientific and Technological Ethics.人们反思科技的社会作用,提出了科技伦理
3.The idea of ancient Chinese scientific and technological ethics was originated and formed in the era of primitive society to the Spring-Autumn and Warring States (403-221 B.原始社会至春秋战国是中国古代科技伦理思想从萌芽到形成的时期。
6)science technology and ethics科技与伦理
