RPC探测器,RPC detector
1)RPC detectorRPC探测器
1.ARGO-YBJ experiment launched by China and Italy,which adopt "full coverage" carpet of RPC detector to detect extensive air showers.中意合作ARGO-YBJ实验采用全覆盖地毯式RPC探测器阵列来探测广延空气簇射事例。
2.The DCS automatically collects the 4471 operational parameters and environmental parameters for the experiment such as current and voltage of RPC detector, temperature and barometric pressure etc, which will not only monitor the stability and the reliability of long-term operation of the detector, but also perform emergency and recovery procedures in case of anomalous system behavior.这套系统自动采集RPC探测器在运行中的 4471路电流、电压等工作状态参数和温度、气压等环境参数。
3.It describes the design of the ReadOut Module prototype development(ROM-USB) of RPC detector Electronics of Daya Bay reactor anti-neutrino experiment,including the system architecture,the hardware structure and the logic design of the FPGA on the prototype development.介绍了大亚湾(Daya Bay)反应堆中微子振荡实验RPC探测器电子学中基于FPGA的读出插件原型机(ROM-USB)的设计,其中包括该原型机的设计构想、硬件结构以及FPGA内部逻辑的实现。

1.The Design of the ReadOut Module Prototype Development of RPC Electronics of Daya Bay大亚湾RPC探测器电子学读出插件原型机设计
2.Study on the RPC s Current and Atmospheric Electric Field of YBJ-ARGO Experiment;YBJ-ARGO实验RPC控测器电流和羊八井大气电场的研究
3.The RPC server attempted an integer division by zero.RPC 服务器试图以零除整数。
4.The transfer syntax is not supported by the RPC server.RPC 服务器不支持传送语法。
5.Research on RPC Attack Detection in Windows Network;Windows网络下的RPC攻击检测方法研究
6.high speed detector快速探测器高速检测器
7.A floating-point operation at the RPC server caused a division by zero.RPC 服务器上的浮点操作导至以零做除数。
8.The list of RPC servers available for the binding of auto handles has been exhausted.自动句柄绑定的可用 RPC 服务器列表已用完。
9.No authentication package could be registered with the RPC server.不能在 RPC 服务器上注册任何身份验证包。
10.The Design and Implementation of an Augmented RPC Mechanism in IPv6 Distributed Router;IPv6分布式路由器中扩展RPC机制的设计与实现
11.A Study of a Mixed-type Manipulator Based on the Parallel Mechanism 3-RPC+RTPTR基于3-RPC+RTPTR并联平台混合型机器人研究
12.lead shielded nai detector铅屏蔽nai探测器
13.Helios probe“太阳神”号探测器
14.Ranger probe“徘徊者”号探测器
15.Pioneer probe“先驱者”号探测器
16.The Design of USB Optical Transmission Test Board for Daya Bay RPC Electronics大亚湾RPC电子学系统USB光纤传输测试板设计
17.Combination detector复合探测器多种探测原理应用在同一探测器中
18.An implement or a tool used for exploring; a probe.勘探器,探测器一种用于考察或勘探的器具或工具;探测器

resistive plane chamber (RPC)高阻平板探测器(RPC)
3)RPC carpetRPC探测阵列
4)RPC serverRPC服务器
5)RPC counterRPC计数器

核爆炸地震波探测(见核爆炸探测)核爆炸地震波探测(见核爆炸探测)nuclear explosion seismic detection hebaozho dizhenbo tanee核爆炸地震波探测(nuclear explos,onseismie detecuon)见核爆炸探汉,l。