事件序列图,event sequence diagram
1)event sequence diagram事件序列图
1.Event Sequence Diagram (ESD) method is usually used to analyze the accident\'s development and consequences.ESD(事件序列图)方法常用于对事故发展进程及其后果进行分析,但在模型控制及图形建模能力方面存在不足。
2.The event sequence diagram (ESD) method is extended and perfected based on the Cassini mission PRA.在Cassini任务PRA的基础上,对事件序列图方法进行拓展和完善,采用事件序列图方法进行反应堆动态概率风险评价,研究反应堆事故中动态因素对系统和事故发展进程及其后果的影响。
3.Safety modeling and implementation of dynamic system based on event sequence diagram;事件序列图(ESD)是系统安全性分析时采用的一种较新的手段,能有效地解决传统的安全性建模与分析在动态方面的不足。

1.Research on Event Sequence Diagram Analysis Technology Oriented for Maintenance Support Process;面向维修保障过程的事件序列图分析技术研究
2.Supply Chain Modeling and Analysis Based on Event Sequence Diagram Method;基于事件序列图方法的供应链建模与分析
3.Study of the Event Sequence Diagram for Reactor Dynamic Probabilistic Risk Assessment用于反应堆动态概率风险评价的事件序列图研究
4.The sequence of events needed to generate a display image from its representation in storage.从存储器中的图象表示程序里产生一个显示图象所需的事件序列。
5.a record of events in the order of their occurrence.将事件按照发生顺序排列的记录。
6.sequences, or detecting events linked over time;序列,即探测随时间相关连的事件;
7.A place or time in a sequence of events.一个事件序列中的空间点或时间点。
8.The events were listed in chronological order.这些事件是依发生时间顺序排列的。
9.Improved formula for event sequence similarity calculation一种改进的事件序列相似性计算公式
10.Necessary and Sufficient Conditions of Degree Sequences either for Strongly Connected Graphs or Primitive Graphs强连通图和本原图的度序列的充要条件
11."Event provider attempted to register an intrinsic event query"事件提供程序试图注册一个内在事件查询
12.Enter the event number obtained from the Event column of the Event Viewer.请输入从“事件查看程序”的“事件列”中获得的事件编号。
13.List of events that can be generated by this provider. The list should only contain the names of the event classes.此提供程序可生成的事件列表。此列表应只包含事件类别的名称。
14.The above sequence of events is illustrated in Fig. 2.2 a-d.上述事件的先后顺序由图 2.2 a-d 说明。
15.A Semi-automatic Method and SoftWare for Tooth Segmentation in CT Images;CT图像序列中牙的半自动分割方法及软件实现
16.the sequence of events involved in the evolutionary development of a species or taxonomic group of organisms.一种或一类生物体逐步向前发展的事件序列。
17.An orderly succession of related events or thoughts; a sequence.一连串有联系的事件或思想的有序连续;一系列
18.Research and Implement of Multicast Source Authentication Based on Events Sequence;基于事件序列组播源认证方案的研究与实现

Event sequence diagram (ESD)事件序列图(ESD)
3)event sequence事件序列
1.Mining algorithm of frequent episodes in an event sequence based on generalized suffix-tree;基于广义后缀树的事件序列频繁情节挖掘算法
2.Improved formula for event sequence similarity calculation一种改进的事件序列相似性计算公式
3.One of important steps in mining event sequences is to find frequent episodes.在事件序列的数据挖掘中,一个重要的步骤就是发现频繁情节。
4)sequence of events事件序列
1.A sequence of events (SOE) based data mining (DM) model and method for fault diagnosis in power system is presented in part 1.基于事件序列(SOE)数据挖掘(DM)原理的高压输电线系统故障诊断的研究分两部分,该文是第一部分:模型与算法;第二部分是仿真和容错性能分析。
2.Based on the sequence of events (SOE) based data mining (DM) fault diagnosis model for the fault diagnosis of high-voltage transmission line system (HVTLS), the model and the functions are described in this part.在基于事件序列(SOE)数据挖掘原理的故障诊断模型与方法的基础上,提出了将基于事件序列的数据挖掘原理故障诊断模型用于高压输电线系统(HVTLS)故障诊断领域。
5)Converse Event sequence diagram (CESD)逆向事件序列图(逆向ESD)
6)ecological events sequence生态事件序列

图的减缩图(或称图子式)图的减缩图(或称图子式)minor of a graph 图的减缩图(或称图子式)【.皿以ofa脚户;MHHoPrpa中a」【补注】设G是一个图(graph)(可以有环及多重边).G的一个减缩图(nullor)是从G中接连进行下述运算而得的任何一个图: i)删去一条边; 五)收缩一条边; 说)去掉一个孤立顶点. NRobe由on与P.D.Se脚aour的图减缩定理(脚Ph nl的。r theon习11)如下所述:已知有限图的无穷序列G,,GZ,…,则存在指标i