验收规范,acceptance code
1)acceptance code验收规范
1.In this article, the author comprehensively introduces some aspects of the series of acceptance codes such as background, formation course, direction principles and features.综述系列规范的出台背景、形成过程、指导原则以及验收规范的特点。

1.The analysis of the combination between the architectural energy-saving acceptance code and relative regulation code建筑节能验收规范与相关验收规范融合的分析
2.Code for acceptance of fiber optic submarine cable transmission system engineering海底光缆数字传输系统工程验收规范
3.Code for construction and acceptance of industrial boiler installation engineering工业锅炉安装工程施工及验收规范
4.Code for construction and acceptance of heat-exchange equipment in petrochemical engineering石油化工换热设备施工及验收规范
5.Code for construction and acceptance of high pressure chemical equipment高压化工设备施工及验收规范
6.Code for construction and acceptance of low and medium pressure chemical equipment中低压化工设备施工及验收规范
7.Code for construction and acceptance of spherical tank球形储罐施工及验收规范
8.Code for acceptance of public packet switched data network engineering公用分组交换数据网工程验收规范
9.Code for construction and acceptance of masonry structure engineering砌体工程施工及验收规范
10.Code for Design, construction and acceptance of water-supply pipes and pits供水管井设计、施工及验收规范
11.Code for construction and acceptance of railway track engineering铁路轨道施工及验收规范
12.Code for construction and acceptance of brick works for industrial furnaces工业炉砌筑工程施工及验收规范
13.Code for construction and acceptance of chemical industrial furnaces化工用炉砌筑工程及验收规范
14.Code for construction and acceptance of cement concrete pavement水泥混凝土路面施工及验收规范
15.Code for construction and acceptance of mining pit engineering矿山井巷工程施工及验收规范
16.Code for construction and acceptance of oil pump set输油泵组施工及验收规范
17.Code for construction and acceptance of earthwork and blasting engineering土方与爆破工程施工及验收规范
18.Code for construction and acceptance of welding aluminium-bus-bar铝母线焊接施工及验收规范

acceptance specification验收规范
3)acceptance test specification验收试验规范
4)construction and acceptance code施工验收规范
1.By comparing the different construction and acceptance codes of welding quality control of GB pressure pipes, this paper focuses on the analysis of their differences and rationality.本文通过对比GB类压力管道不同施工验收规范的焊接质量控制条款,分析其差异性和合理性,提出当设计图纸同时根据几个施工验收规范时,施工单位应注意的问题。
5)check and accept technical standard验收技术规范
6)new-version Code for Building Construction Quality Acceptance新版验收规范

电缆线路施工及验收规范GB50168-92《电缆线路施工及验收规范GB50168-92》详细内容 点击下载,解压密码:machine365.com下载声明:· 本站提供的所有资料 均来自互联网,资料的版权属于作者本人 。 · 本站提供的所有资料 只供个人学习用,不得非法出版、销售。