辐照肿胀,irradiation swelling
1)irradiation swelling辐照肿胀
2)void swelling辐射肿胀
1.iron content, etc, on the helium release ratio and swelling ratio, which are considered as the factors of life tim.快中子堆在最终解决世界能源问题中占有十分重要的地位,碳化硼是快中子堆国际普遍接受的中子吸收材料,作者综述了快堆对材料的要求以及碳化硼的优点和限制,评述了碳化硼芯块密度、硼碳比、晶粒度、热传导率、杂质铁含量等对作为寿命限制参数的氦释放率和肿胀率的影响,提出了材料设计的观点。
2.Objective:To explore the therapeutic efficacy about Danhong injection on the swelling after long bone fracture operation of limbs.目的:探讨丹红注射液对四肢长骨骨折术后肿胀的临床治疗效果。
3.Three main symptoms should be eliminated: pain,swelling and stiff.在辨证施治时,必须抓住三个环节——治证与治病、扶正与逐邪、通闭与解结,重点解决三大主症——疼痛、肿胀、僵直拘挛,充分发挥中医药多层次、多环节、多途径、多靶点作用于机体的优势。

1.The state of being turgid.膨胀,肿胀,肿大膨胀、肿胀,肿大的状态
2.become bloated or swollen or puff up.变得发胀、肿胀或膨胀。
3.Becoming swollen; swelling.变得肿胀的,肿胀
4.The act of distending or the state of being distended.膨胀,肿胀膨胀的过程或肿胀的状态
5.The condition of being swollen.肿大肿大或肿胀的状况
6.A puffy or swollen part.肿胀鼓起或肿大的部位
7.lance an abscess, a boil, a swelling, etc切开脓肿、 疖子、 肿胀处等.
8.A protruding part;an outward curve or swelling.膨胀、肿胀凸出部分,向外鼓胀的部分
9.oncotic pressure肿胀压力, 胶体渗透压
10.Swelling begins within 3 hours.三小时内,肿胀开始。
11.Doctors said his death was caused by swelling of the brain.医生说他死于脑肿胀
12.A varicose enlargement or swelling.静脉曲张的扩大或肿胀
13.put ice on the swelling ankle.放冰在肿胀的脚踝上。
14.His eyes seem to be Bulging.他的眼睛觉得有点肿胀
15.abnormally swollen or knotty.不正常的肿胀或者长瘤。
16.She was mildly bloated from head to toe.她从头到脚轻微肿胀
17.pneumococcus capsule swelling reaction肺炎球菌荚膜肿胀反应
18.The swelling has gone down a lot.肿胀己消退不少了。

void swelling辐射肿胀
1.iron content, etc, on the helium release ratio and swelling ratio, which are considered as the factors of life tim.快中子堆在最终解决世界能源问题中占有十分重要的地位,碳化硼是快中子堆国际普遍接受的中子吸收材料,作者综述了快堆对材料的要求以及碳化硼的优点和限制,评述了碳化硼芯块密度、硼碳比、晶粒度、热传导率、杂质铁含量等对作为寿命限制参数的氦释放率和肿胀率的影响,提出了材料设计的观点。
2.Objective:To explore the therapeutic efficacy about Danhong injection on the swelling after long bone fracture operation of limbs.目的:探讨丹红注射液对四肢长骨骨折术后肿胀的临床治疗效果。
3.Three main symptoms should be eliminated: pain,swelling and stiff.在辨证施治时,必须抓住三个环节——治证与治病、扶正与逐邪、通闭与解结,重点解决三大主症——疼痛、肿胀、僵直拘挛,充分发挥中医药多层次、多环节、多途径、多靶点作用于机体的优势。
4)swelling expansion肿胀,膨胀
1.Rheological properties of high-melt-strength polypropylene with long-chain-branching structure prepared by ~(60)Co-γ irradiation(Ⅱ) Extensional rheology;辐照改性制备长支链型高熔体强度聚丙烯流变性能(Ⅱ)拉伸流变
2.Research on Sag Resistance of Polypropylene Modified by Gamma Ray Irradiation;辐照改性聚丙烯抗熔垂能力的研究
1.Effect of Electron Beam Irradiation on Composition of Pyrite Surface;电子束辐照对黄铁矿表面组成的影响
2.The characterization of cobalt nanoparticles prepared by electron beam irradiation method;电子束辐照法合成钴纳米粒子的表征
3.Studies on Irradiation Effect of γ Ray on Waste Water;γ辐照对废水中污染物含量影响的研究
